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The Inner Sun - Bootes Quest Part Tres

Logan Marquis

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[attachment=583:The_Key_...Enigmite.jpg]Bootes travels the path before him as quickly as he can. He keeps his head down, but his eyes forward. The wind is harsh and whips up clouds of dust and dirt to
sting his face. Bootes pauses for a moment to look around Necrovion, a place which lacks the spark of life, a place that is bleak and desolate. He wonders aloud, "Did this place Ever have Life...?" and then continues on.

To distract himself from his surroundings, Bootes thinks on the documents he has discovered and wonders how many more are left to find. His mind works over the
connections he has made, what they mean. Suddenly he stops, hearing a terrifying scream nearby. He imagines someone whose very soul is being torn apart and
doubles his pace, "The Sooner I get This Done..." he thinks to himself.

Bootes is thankful that the journey to the House of Tainted Times is short. Broken and decaying, the House looms in the distance, surrounded by desiccated trees and barren rocks. The wind dies down as Bootes approaches the House and hesitates before entering the darkness inside.

The interior of the House is dark and shadowy, much like the land in which it sits. Light filters through the broken windows and through a thick haze casting shafts of half-light which barely makes its way to the floor. The air is thick and reeks of something pungent and acrid. Bootes covers his nose and mouth at the bitter taste and smell while looking around the entranceway. He is uncomfortable with this House, this land, this place which is mostly silent and entirely dead.

There are several doors here, all closed. Bootes opens a few of them and peers down the darkened hallways but cannot discern anything much further than the length of his arm. Bootes stands there a moment and laughs slightly before mumbling to himself, "No map This time?" He opens one door and is assaulted again
by a pungent stench. Thinking that one way is as good as any other, Bootes heads down this hallway.

His footsteps do not echo here, but seem to be absorbed by the wood, perhaps by the darkness. He has not travelled too far before he thinks he hears a voice. He
stops, holds his breath, and strains to listen. He thinks there is something familiar about the voice but is not certain.

He moves again, heading towards the way he thinks he heard the voice and comes upon a large chamber filled with shelves and books. He looks around the room and sees something glowing. When he gets closer, Bootes sees the remains of a fire, the embers still glowing. Bootes is unsure about what he heard and decides
against calling out. He does, however, take the opportunity to look around the chamber.

At first, nothing seems especially interesting and Bootes walks past the fire again. As he does, he looks up at a book shelf that has been cleared of books, probably to fuel the fire. Bootes looks over the bookshelf again, thinking that it somehow seems out of place. While searching, he and notices some writing on the wall behind the bookshelf. He pushes the bookshelf aside and looks the wall over.

The wall has something written over the top of it with indentations, seemingly at random, taking up a large section at the bottom. On the left side are several + shaped slots. Bootes ponders for a moment and then recalls the object he found back in the Sage's Keep. He fishes the object out of his pack and says, "I guess it
Is a Key."

Now is your chance to help Bootes solve this puzzle!



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The riddle speaks of four constellations, which is what the indentations are: stars. You can find each of the constellations in the indentations.

The four constellations (in order) are:

Orion (the hunter)
Lupus (the wolf)
Aries (the Ram)
Cetus (the Sea Monster)

If you notice the letters on the keys can also spell out these four constellations. I would suggest to bootes turning the key in such a way that each letter corresponds to the correct location, which my guess would be up.

Taking the example of orion.

It needs to be spelt backwords, and so... (note: after each letter, we reset the key to the correct position)

1. Have the key upside down. This gives the letter n
2. Turn the key left. This gives the letter o.
3. Turn the key right. This gives the letter i.
4. Turn the key right. This gives the letter r.
5. Turn the key upside down. This gives the letter o.

The same can be done for all four constellations.


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i agree with awis suggestion, but as there are five locks to be opened, i guess the third lock would open to LIBRA, because between lupus and aries there's the word Balance written with caps, while all other words (except for the four already mentioned) are without caps.
so the correct keys are

Orion (the hunter)
Lupus (the wolf)
Libra (the balance)
Aries (the Ram)
Cetus (the Sea Monster)

and you could also get them by sticking the key in all the way and then drawing it out while turning the correct letters to the position, which is most probalby up, but knowing the system, Bootes can try all four directions on my idea plus four more for awi's suggestion of spelling backwards in no time, so that's no problem xD

btw: congrats awi, great idea^^

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I can't believe you people got it that fast, although the idea of something with stars did looks like a good idea since it is Bootes after all.

Since I'm complicated as usual I want to read more into it though..just following the descriptions seem to be a bit too easy. If I'm wrong correct me.^^

I think it might be the astrological time, which is the order for them, since it should show that way first:
(I started with the 1st of January, and those maps indicate that order:


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Quite good idea, Shadow, but we could also list them alphabetically, or in a timeline starting with Nov 10th, or in the order in which they got named...
i guess we should stick to the riddle because you have thousands of ways to order them (well, not thousands, but 120^^) once you stop sticking to the riddle.
AND, most riddles are solved without knowledge that is outside the riddle itself, and the latin names are just other names for words that are already there in the riddle, so i guess we have to stick to the order these words get mentioned in the riddle...but i can be mistaken here as well as you can... :P

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Yes, you're right there are five. My mistake.

I would agree with Burns.

Also, is it possible that the order in which the constellations come depends on their location in the sky?

Orion is in the bottom left, Aries is at the top, and so on...


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Well, it is hard to tell about the location..the locks are just in a line, don#t forget that.

Ha! those points/dots on the door are constellations, the lower left is orion for example.

Now we have to match then accordingly. The one over seems to be another constellation, perhaps that is the key.

Can't edit the pic now, so standby for a bit..or someone else do it.

I think I got the line we have to use:


Cetus is before Aries if you ask me since I go left before right and the star is a little bit higher.


Would be nice if someone can connect the stars so it shows though :P


So I guess those weird letters have to get the pins pushed in until only the star constellation names are pushed out, putting it into the slot and the turning...but to be honest that idea is only because otherwise you activate too many hooks inside the lock..the key..loks weird, not being able to fit those slots in. Order has been given.

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Page 327 [2008-11-07 00:07:28 - The Inner Sun - Bo.]
Bootes lifts the lid of the box, eager to discover what is inside. He pulls out a strange object and studies it for a moment. It is long and metallic with several sliding pins set at right angles to each other. He also notices there are letters on the pins. Bootes turns it over, [u]slides a few of the pins back and forth[/u], noticing how they lock in place. “Is… is it a Key?”

of course you are right shadow, i forgot all about the key in AL up to now, it obvious, bootes will have to slide all the pins that are not spelling the name he wants in because a lock won't turn if there are too many pins on the key...
then he'll just have to stick the key in and turn over, without turning while sticking it in deeper or while drawing it out^^
and i'm still sticking with the order that the riddles gives, even if your ideas are really eloquent on that point...

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you rearrange the columns that the key is made of into the correct order, (I think someone said this but i am to bored to look back and see who) then with the correct name facing the constellation, the first one is the constellation closest to the top then repeat the procedure for the other names, then because it should be possible to arrange the key into the correct orientation so that the top 4 of the constellations are spelled out but for the 5th one i think that there is also a way of arranging the key so that all of the bottom 4 constellations are spelled out, so you would do the same thing you did for the top 4 (yes that means you have to insert the key again into the 3 that are repeated) then we see what happens.

oh and below is a completed connect the dots of the picture:) enjoy


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