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Creating a FAQ


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I would like everyone to post here just questions that they would like to ask, heard someone else to ask etc.

So that we may create one big FAQ and LHO's job will be even more easier. ;)
And of course that we help newbs :)

So spam this topic with questions :P

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I think this is an excellent idea by Raven and I am sure this thread will soon be flooded by thousands of questions. It is true that new players some times seem completely lost and confused, as it is also true that LHO could easily be overwhelmed by the repeated questions and their heavy duties.

Great thought, dear Raven!

Lady Isolda

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The following are questions that I keep hearing:

"How do I attack people?"
"Where can I find creatures to attack?"
"Where can I find new creatures to recruit?"
"how to creatures gain age?"
"how to upgrade creatures?"
"It says that I need x vitality to upgrade, and I have enough, but I can't upgrade" (confusion between "upgrade costs" and "needed to upgrade")

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i think we should be selective about what information to put....or it will make the world less interesting since it held less mysteries.

frequent question:
- adept?
- MP level?
- Adventure Log?
- RPC?
- Papers?
- Avatar?
- Protector?
- Spell?
- Mur?
- Principles?
- creature age?

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Didn't we already have a FAQ? Don't write it that way again. Make it simple, so that newbs actually bother to read it..and make it obligatory to read somehow, like integrating it in the interface.

Simple tags, then a very short description of it. If there's anyone interested they can go on reading the following stuff, where you put all the questions etc.

Seriously..if you ask me basically everything has been said at least ten times..however a lot of people don't go and bother with reading it.

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One thing I know gets asked alot is, "I finished the Tutorial... Now What do I do?"

I'd suggest addressing that Question, but in a Roudabout way. Rather than saying "Well theres a Puzzle here, and a Quest there..." it should be discussed how the Game works.

Foe Example: The main Object of this Game is NOT beating random NPCs to get Exp for your critters. Nor is the Heart of the Game even the PvP, though PvP is important especially when you are just starting out.

No the Heart of Magic Duel comes from Interactions with other Players and the Quests that you might Embark on with these Players. Also there are the Quests that RPCs give out, though you have to track down and check which RPCs have quests.

Explore the MD world as though it were an Island you just landed on, where you must Learn the Lay of the Land and converse with the People to survive. MD is more than just a Game, it is a whole World which you can Explore with many Inhabitants for you to Interact With.

(Well that's just My Opinion, but you get the Idea)

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