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i had a problem with VP (-4mil) and i have sean others with this problem (i hold the record ), so i m thinking about this:

A GUILD BANK where all the extra vp would go automaticly on every reg counter
-for ex if you have max vp 20k and you have 25k on reg count, the 5 k will go to the guid bank

What to do with this vp?
Whell think about this:
* you can pay "youre debt" when you r having negative vp
* the guild could use them to build somthing like extra chambers (+1/2/... guild members)
* just for showoff, to see wich guild is richer
* to open some shops in the guild (wepon, armor, creature if posible unique for ich guild)
* you can take them on anythime you want
* you can't take them if you have max vp and what you take can't exced youre max vp (so a mp3 would not get the stronger armor)


A interesting idea...but i dont think this is possible? It kind of...changes the whole...meaning of MD. This i think is up to mur really, but i dont think it could pass.

No, you dont beat me with 4mil ve:)

I dont recall...bt i think i had almost -1mil ve...cant recall exact numbers...but atleast past -600k+


i know that and this ideea dose not come in conflict with the game economics (not if you can use it only to pay youre negative vp).
Beside most of the time you dont use youre vp and to change my ideea or to give it a diferent view it can be made a EXTRA FEATURE in MD Shop so that it will be for everybody that want it or nead it

anyway it was just a tghout

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