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As I have wandered the land of Magicduel, I have seen a number of different spells cast by various other people. Being the type of person I am, I want to begin to learn about magic myself. I started by looking through the Archives and found some articles of interest, but nothing of practical use. So I am sending out a message to any mages/wizards/sorcerors out there, and am looking for someone to train me in the magical arts. I don't expect to be cast fireballs on my first day, but I am ready to begin my training. I will do whatever it takes, but I also expect dedication from whoever would be my professor in the magical arts.


Stupid question... what kind of Magical Arts? Spell scrolls that RPC's use? Or Role Play Magical Arts..? :P Sorry, I can be dumb sometimes lol


[quote name='Jazira' post='25640' date='Feb 18 2009, 05:27 PM']Stupid question... what kind of Magical Arts? Spell scrolls that RPC's use? Or Role Play Magical Arts..? :P Sorry, I can be dumb sometimes lol[/quote]

Both I would have to say. I'm fairly new to roleplaying, so it would be good to get a few tips on that, especially considering that I consider my character to not have any magic at the moment and he would need a mentor to train him. I would also like this roleplaying to lead to having "real" magic (ie, actually casting spells) in the world of magicduel.


The real spells will come if you prove yourself to have a good role in the game, or if you become an LHO. As a note, do not ask for spells, if you ask, you wont get, prove yourself worthy and you will recieve.

The three ways to gain spells are to become an RPC/PWR (so create a role for yourself), be an LHO, or get to MP6.

As for roleplaying magic, i find it easy enough to do, but i don't have the time to spare to be your mentor i'm afraid.


[quote name='Grido' post='25647' date='Feb 18 2009, 09:12 PM']The real spells will come if you prove yourself to have a good role in the game, or if you become an LHO. As a note, do not ask for spells, if you ask, you wont get, prove yourself worthy and you will recieve.

The three ways to gain spells are to become an RPC/PWR (so create a role for yourself), be an LHO, or get to MP6.

As for roleplaying magic, i find it easy enough to do, but i don't have the time to spare to be your mentor i'm afraid.[/quote]

That is all good to hear, I have no intention of asking for spells. Though currently having no spells of my own and having no magic ability, I still feel it would make the most sense to have a teacher/mentor to guide me. Alternatively, I could attempt to train myself in the magic arts, but this seems like a recipe for disaster or failure. Surely within the land of magicduel there is a wizard looking to pass on his knowledge.


actually, that sounds like a really interesting role in itself: The Apprentice^^

In a few months, you could be the player with the most spells in here, learning the stuff from all those who can cast spells :-)

But I'm afraid you won't find that many people who are giving their knowledge away freely... those who really know something about magic will hardly give it away, and most mp6 don't know more about magic than you do yourself^^


This topic should be in No mans land, not here.

And if you are really interested start completing my quests and you will find more about magic and how things are working around.

Soon i will upload some content on the topic reserved for magic and principles research.


[quote name='Akasha' post='25653' date='Feb 19 2009, 03:20 AM']This topic should be in No mans land, not here.

And if you are really interested start completing my quests and you will find more about magic and how things are working around.

Soon i will upload some content on the topic reserved for magic and principles research.[/quote]

Thank you for moving the topic, I could not figure out a good place to put it. Quests are interesting and enjoyable to carry out, but that is not what I am looking for. True, the reward for doing quests can sometimes be magic spells, but I am looking specifically for a teacher/master, not just magic. Trying to roleplay my character as best I can, I feel that randomly getting spells for completing quests, while fun, isn't how I want to go about gaining skills. Like Burns said, I am looking to become something like an Apprentice. Maybe this is new to magicduel, I don't know, since I am new here. I have a sharp mind, the will to learn, and the desire for magic. If there is no one out there willing to be my teacher, then I will endevour on my own to learn magic... hopefully with no dire consequences.


no dude :) listen to akasha she told you good thing, some rpcs have quests in which you will learn something :) and rewards arent magic, rewards are wps (highest reward possible) or inner magic spell document, from this ones you can learn about specific magic spell, each spell has more documents, and also nothing works without principals

advice: its always better to ask ingame someone you think knows anything about your interest to teach you :P forums arent best place, coz this looks like some sort of advertising, its much better when you ask someone if they will teach you


Sometimes (Often enough for it to be a bother) the relevant people, or at least people with the right angle or creative idea, or help never browse your topic. It's best to uh.. indeed, create this character, the apprentice. Now, it would probably be better for you to play 'an' apprentice. (I believe a lot of people might want to.. follow your example, should you succeed or even have fun with it) Best it would be to ask around MP5+, PWR aaaand RPC's (although the last category has.. issues with time... I for one, as RPC always keep asking for 26 hours a day, but noooo.. :P, always busy busy busy) Perhaps there is a mage, or even mages who will want to teach you roleplaying magic. I must remind you though, in game magic is quite a different story all together, if you try your best, prove yourself worthy etc, it may still take months before [i]the deity[/i] grants you spells, or you earn them yourself as MP6 (months too, trust me)


I will definitely go about this "in game", but since I am currently stuck in story mode I can not do so at the moment. I was also under the understanding that the forums were an extension of the game, so I figured this would be the logical place to at least ask. Anyways, I would like to thank everyone that has posted so far, you have given me a lot of information to process and consider. :P


buns, there are quite enough ppl who will help regarding this issue, its only question what sort of magic ya want to learn, after you choose that, then you need to know who are right ppl to ask

here we already have two examples, akasha and stormy are already offering help, and you asked on forum, and if you do same thing ingame with right ppl, believe me you will find even more ppl who will help ya


I just tried to tell u what to do and it seems u just want to say out loud what spells are and how to use them. U must learn urself from others and this is what i am doing with my quests. I am spreading what i learned when i wrote the Book on the papers and yes, i am looking for one actually asked someone to be my apprentice but then i just realized that u can't be if u don't have the 'hand' or the gift. That's why i started with my quests and they are and will be very different from what u are used to. I think u also must start to read the adventure log, this way you will understand more about the RPC and choose what you would like to learn.


[quote name='Akasha' post='25673' date='Feb 20 2009, 01:33 AM']I just tried to tell u what to do and it seems u just want to say out loud what spells are and how to use them. U must learn urself from others and this is what i am doing with my quests. I am spreading what i learned when i wrote the Book on the papers and yes, i am looking for one actually asked someone to be my apprentice but then i just realized that u can't be if u don't have the 'hand' or the gift. That's why i started with my quests and they are and will be very different from what u are used to. I think u also must start to read the adventure log, this way you will understand more about the RPC and choose what you would like to learn.[/quote]

Thank you again for the help. Sorry if I misunderstood your previous post. I fully intended and intend to check out your quests, but I am still locked in story mode, so until that finishes all I have is the forum.

And thank you to everyone that has posted so far. I have a better idea of where I am heading now with this idea. I have only been in the world of magicduel for 18 days, so I still have so much to learn. It is very exciting, but it is also a very large and complex world to just "step into". I've been reading everything I can and learning as much as I can, but there is only so much time in the day that I can put into this. :P


I am slowly developing my character's healing skills through RP. I am doing so by linking her abilities to the principles she is strongest in and her past knowledge.

She makes mistakes because she doesn't know what she's doing (Marvolo glows green because of her. Poor guy). But it's helping me develop the character as well as develop relationships in the RP with other characters.

I'm not doing this because I want to gain spells or anything. I'm just doing it because it seemed a logical place for my character to go.

I think you will do ok. It's difficult at first to find your niche. But just keep talking to us all and something will click. *smiles*

We n00bs gotta stick together.

PS. Experimenting with alternates is what I did during story mode to keep myself from dying of boredom. Just remember, you can't delete an account (afaik), so those e-mail addresses are used up once you use them. Save the good addresses for good characters.

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