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Enchanted Poems


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i believe what Gremlin is referring to is the poetry section of the Newspaper, it was his and Garg's idea for this, and this thread got made soon after the one for the Newspaper

the inspiration for this idea could be seen as sprouting from the idea from himself and Gargant

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Oh, no..it has nothing to do with the MDNP poetry :), i am sorry that it can be considered that way.

It is a different continue to an old idea that was deserted a looonnggg time. :blush: . You all know that every spell must be spoken in an enchanted way

Please, let's get back on topic for the enchanted poems and let's make them real ^_^

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Timeless Shot.

Who am I? More importantly, who are you?
Where does the beginning become the end?
With the strength of my desire I name thee.

What is it that makes a man who he is?
When does one decide what the future portends?
In this exact moment, I strike thee.

Why do you fight? I have made your death true.
How do you stop what never began?
At the price of my life, I claim thee.

I tried very hard to make this one fit the context of the spell in form, not only in content. The three stanzas are indicative of the three components listed in the the first level of the spell. Initiation, Contact, as well as Effect. I hope that the poem is effective in it's purpose; this one was much harder than the previous one.

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[b]Timeless Shot[/b]

Set forth, thus starts
Where for this, light parts
And gives way for the imminent blessing or doom.

Undeterred, it goes
When it ends, who knows
Passing through time, this takes my heart.

On my part, should it shatter,
But wait would it matter?
Oh, timeless shot, splendid or vile you shall be.

Fruit of the loom
Scattering, scarred
Evil's jamboree

Timeless shot...

-Impromptu Poem

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  • 3 weeks later...

As an idea of how a poem may look like:

(We need several for each spell, so keep posting!)

Timeless Shot

From one form three, from three form one.
This is the secret of the hit to come.
Create a loop, remove the bond,
and await the the effect beyond.

WillemRed Beard made a nice one as well, for example.

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Hand, grip tight, with all your might
Spirit, hear my soul-fed plight
Wrap around so stealthily
For none could be what we can be
You, an exten-sion of me


Come orange and black, engulf me
May that sound rise, may that ocean become me
One mind, one spirit, the voice of unity
For my eyes are yours, yours to see


Charm of wide eyed child
Stealth of hidden leaf
Animated vision
Pull that beggars belief
Simplistic soft sensations
Induced Hallucinations
From wanted Fascinations
Imbued to your elations
To be more than was thought of
To be more than a wish
When they recall their Autumns
To remember only bliss


Slide in and enter like silence
Your fusion, the passion of violence
A coating, so viscous and sticky in one
Your own mind will make you what you will become


Stalk and have me in your grasp
Such a feeling meant to last
I pull from you the fire you hold
And send it back one hundred fold

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I would like to thank you all again,

The first 5 that where selected and won by wish 1 wp or 1 Drachorn are:

Willem RedBeard

Keep helping us to enchant the spells.

PS: if you wander were the spell are going :nea: you will need to find yourself.


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My enemy's time comes soon,
Imagining the darkness breeds his doom,
Coat his heart with liquid dust,
Remove from him which his life trusts,
Ignore his cries and crush his wards,
Destroy this one, my foe abhorred!
(Black Water)

Surrounded by foes I stand alone
In the flames shall they atone
Cast out the wave, return to me
Drain from them their energy
Use the fuel to start the pyre
Cleanse my enemies with thy fire!
(Circle of Flames)

Impose my will upon this blade
Converted to spirit, the change is made
Ignore the laws that matter binds
Harness the powers of the mind
Cleave through objects without a scratch
The strength of my spirit has no match!
(Sword Slash)

Done in the same format as Air Ward.

Edited by Jester
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here's 3 more, and shady we'll let mur do that ^_^

spirits of sky and earth
start your dance
cut though heaven and earth
roar of the dragon
sword of the gods
slice thoough my foes


shield of shadows
hide me from unfriendy eyes
heart of the moonless night
allow none to see the gleam of my eyes
light of the sun and moon
do not betray me to my enemies


dancer's grace
pull the soul's chains
princess's pouting lips
lower the warrior's guard
dark lord's quiet power
bring this innocent to my shadows
and bind her to me

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  • 3 months later...

It's time to revive this contest.

It will be held once more. Prizes will likely be given out, but they are not revealed or decided on yet.

So here's what the contest is again:

Choose an inner spell (whether you have it or not) and write a poem that encompasses its idea. It doesn't matter how long the poem is, and you can make many poems. In fact, the more poems, the better! The point is that poems seem to have a sense of magic about them, and there is something to writing about a poem about the inner spells.

Without further ado, get to writing!


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Very nice contest, I love being creative. Hopefully you all like it.


Charming scent all over,
Cleanse my mind completely sober;
Softly touch my fingers fell,
Raise my fire, I almost kneel.
The look is see, turns me blind,
A greater beauty will never find.
My addiction to you will grow and grow,
My greatest luck, and worst sorrow.
But your kiss has turned me mad,
Greater satisfaction never had.
Angel you from heaven fine,
Always dreamed, you shall be mine.

[b]Sword slash[/b]

Fear and fury,
Anger and glory;
Running on the battle field,
Wielding a blade, perfect, indeed.
A strong arm will guide your stroke,
Fear you foe, ill never get broke!
Cutting trough the aim I choose,
The sword will find his target close.
One mighty slash and all is done,
The battle over, I have won.


Can you see what I see not?
Shadows moving, at least I thought;
But is there a body, too?
Only a touch can do this proof.
Moving in front but out of sight,
Be aware, don’t abuse that might.
You see trough me, I notice well,
This is but my greatest spell.
Worthless eyes, only hear,
Step behind, cover in fear.
You can’t see but yet I’m here,
Invisible man, yes my dear.


From the sky someone has called,
The might light and thunderbolt!
It strokes the clouds and seeks a path,
Left behind, energetic wrath!
Where it strikes, the ground will shake,
Earth and men, all will forsake.
Splitting trees and burning shrubs,
If you are hit, you will collapse.

Edited by Blackwoodforest
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I thought of making one for the Circle of Flames spell, as it has a sentimental value to me, but never got to doing it. Glad that I finally got to make it now.

Spirit of Air, I summon thee
Swiftly to my enemies, a raging breeze!
Spirit of Water, heed my call
Drain my enemy, let them fall!

Spirit of Fire, lend me thy strength
Purge my enemies with a burning wrath!
Spirit of Earth, grant my will
Bring Three as One, like time stood still!

Ring of Purgatory, harmony of elements
Come forth, Circle of Flames!

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