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Wodin's Traveling Arena

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[b]Wodin Ullr's Travelling Arena[/b]

The Arena is coming to location near you.

Do you think you can be the champ and beat all the others?
Do you think you have what it takes?

This is Wodin's Travelling Area.
We are looking for fighters to prove themselves in a fight to the top.
There are to be 16 challengers per MP level.

For application PM Wodin in game and he will draw up the list of players.
Please put in the subject Arena MPlevel and name
Date for the first area soon to be anounced.

[b]The Judges are a follows
Zelphiner [/b]

The rules of the area will be as follows.

1. There will be 2 Judges at any match.

2. The fighters will be allowed to set only 2 rituals.
(Rituals must be submitted to the judges before the match). 1 ritual for defence and 1 for fighting.

3. You will only be allowed to attack once.

4. You must keep the fight log and send it to the judges in game.

5. The judges will say who the winner is. (This will be decided on amount of damage taken and damage done). If you fail to send in your fight log it will count as a lose.

6. This is your skill only fight (this may not include spells and would be counted as cheating)

7. This is a knock out competition so if you lose that is it you are gone from the competition.

8. No alts will be allowed. If this are discovered you and your alts will be disqualified.

9. No RPC's will be allowed to take part.

10. Alliance player are allowed and armour is allowed

(unable to put the player chart in as the post won’t keep the format)

This will be in a location that most will be able to access.
But we will try and control the area to.
(The main issue s that some people will attack while this is happening).

[i]Just an update

This cometition if it takes off is planned to run every quarter.
so this meens 4 times a year.
1st place prise still to be confirmed (currently thinking of a WP)

Edited by Yrthilian
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