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Flea Market

Kriskah Arcanu

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[b]A Flea Market for MD[/b]

The MCo-Op first flea market event will be squeduled pretty soon.
This post is to inform the community the characteristics of this RP event and also to announce a RP market experiment which will be conducted same day.

The Flea market will allow MD characters to sell or to exchange roll played items, which could be common items or character related. Items sold can (or maybe should) be old and should also tell a story about its former use. It is something a character might not longer use, nevertheless something pretty useful to somebody else.
The main idea is to do something fun and different but also something that can be played as a community. A good example on how a market should be like.

The experiment has to do with RP coinage
During this event traders who whish to take part of the experiment will receive RP coinage: 100 nonameyets will be given to each one.
100 nonameyets will be equivalent to 1 silver coin. (Which I will keep as banks do with gold to back up paper value)
The nonameyets should be take as serious as any of your character belongings, and should be use for RP exchange only.
More details will be given during the Flea market event.

[b]RP coinage name[/b].
I will describe this coinage so the community can help me name it before the Flea market takes place.
These are round copper coins with a square hole in the middle, pretty similar to ancient Chinese coins.
When we decide a name for them I will ask a Md artist to make a picture of it so anyone who is interested can have it in their papers.

Names so far:
[b]Lei[/b] (2 votes)
[b]Cubics[/b] (2 vote)

Please vote or make a suggestion.

Edited by Kriskah Arcanu
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My Zelda background is forcing me to say Rupees XD
But it's also an Indian coin or something so it fits :))
Also could try Rupiya

As for this idea, it sounds verrry interesting! :)

Edited by Yoshi
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I see [b]Lei[/b] an [b]Cubics[/b] are now to be consider. (Im sorry Dst I was hoping more names would appear at the forum). I will termporarilly suspend the voting hoping the drawing will give us a bit more inspiration :rolleyes:

More details about the flea market and the coinage experiment will soon be given.



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