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Choose your favorite character s and tell his story. You can choose characters that existed or exists ( a walking legend)currently in MD and tell the legend of his life in MD.

Note : Ancient Lore is forbidden.NPC should be avoided.

The stories need to be submitted until may 31st and they will be told on June 6th at a special gathering in front of the Gates of Ages. The stories must be real and accurate and tell the real history of that player: how he came to the realm what did he do , what wars did he fight, etc . Stories that never happened won't be taken in consideration.

a few examples : Akasha, Nelya Satesh, BigC,SmartAlekRJ, Simplyzero, Renavoid, dst, Burns , Granos, Phantasm
Alche, Savelfuser, Nihal, peace, Metal Bunny, Tsenn, Grido, Yrth , Firsanthalas, Lifeline, jester.

There will be only one entry for each character so choose wisely and post the legend you wish to speak about here so the others will know

did i forget something ??? A yes!

REWARDS :3 WP up for grabs

oh and please don;t choose Mur..we all know what he did :P

Edited by Indyra
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Back when MD was young, at least reasonably so there was one called Stormrunner, a demon slayer and a demon himself, as the narrator to this tale i cannot speak of that which occurred before my time for by my arrival unto this realm Storm had already established himself here and was a well known figure at the Wind and Rain pub, situated as it was at that time at Wind's Sanctuary. With Storm's career path and high moral fibre it was no surprise that he came to blows with a fledgling necromancer, the two after weeks of on and off fighting which after had to broken up by the owner of the pub the two finally stopped fighting yet retained their dislike of each other.

For a brief time tranquility reined in the pub but it did not last long for another soon came to disrupt it, demon lord dave who is no residing in this realm, if storm had had reason to dislike the necromancer this odious creature was truly a foe for his to hate, such were the problems caused that even the necromancer took arms against him, and so began a campaign which eventually drove dave from the pub for he would soon be attacked upon sight.

Tranquility returned once more and both necromancer and demon hunter were now firm friends and both's volatile tempers had cooled through the months and Storm even began a romance, albeit brief, with Windy. Time passed and another appeared who would spark interest in Storm, a young demon as yet undecided in it's path whom Storm took under his wing, her name was Keida. As time dragged on necromancer and demon hunter parted ways and a i cannot say what happened in that time for i was unfortunately not there however considering Storm's next contact with the necromancer was a request for aid, a call to arms with which to unite against the demon lord once more. The battle lasted hours and was fierce and even with aid Storm nearly lost but yet at the end he was the clear victor.

Months passed and Storm appeared less and less until finally Storm left, none know if he may at some point return.

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Necromancer -the legend is Stormrunner.
when i said submit your entry i meant your name and the legend your were going to speak about not submit the whole story.


Necromancer Mortis - Stormrunner

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dont know will I be able to make it, but if I do, I'll tell about later periods of Marvolo's game... so a bit before he joined the Church up to now.

so... Princ Rhaegar - Marvolo

just clearing up:

I can make a story and submit it to you Indy, then if i dont make it on the gathering, someone else will read it, right?

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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  • 2 weeks later...

The Legends will be spoken on 6th June , 22:00 server time in front of the Gates of Ages.

(Questors send your entries by PM until Friday 4th so we can make the final arrangements and set up the order of the presentations)

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Because of the lack of attendance the quest is over the only competitor that showed won.he was rewarded 5sc for the trouble of actually making on time there. Quest over

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[quote name='Sasha Lilias' date='09 June 2010 - 03:37 PM' timestamp='1276115843' post='61507']
Why are you in jail? Oo

A sad turn of events.


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