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I've been on and off with this game for quite a few years, I make an account, I mess around with it, I forget about, etc.
Not too long ago I got to mp4...

I still have some questions about this game that are kinda noobish.

What is this GGG that everyone is talking about? Where is it on the map, I don't see it.

Can anyone give me a tip on how to beat the loreroot tree guards? I saw a tip in game that their strength is their weakness, but the text for each fight moves too fast to read it and whenever I try reading the combat results I see is a bunch of code, and therefore I can't find out what exactly is their strength.

How does one make a regen rit? A heal rit? A proper defense rit? And how does a person heal another person's crit? I seen some people going around asking if one wants a heal, but I don't know how they can even do that.

How does trade work in this game? I seen people advertising crits for sale, but I don't see a trade option anywhere. Also, where do you get gold and such? I thought valuepoints was the only currency in this game.

I also seen some people with a crit that has color on it. Like for example I seen someone with a red colored dark archer. How do you do that?




What is this GGG that everyone is talking about? Where is it on the map, I don't see it.[/quote]

You will find it, if you explore ;)

[quote]Can anyone give me a tip on how to beat the loreroot tree guards? I saw a tip in game that their strength is their weakness, but the text for each fight moves too fast to read it and whenever I try reading the combat results I see is a bunch of code, and therefore I can't find out what exactly is their strength.[/quote]

After the battle, check for a button which will show you the detailed combat log. There you can read the log of the battle.

How does one make a regen rit? A heal rit? A proper defense rit? And how does a person heal another person's crit? I seen some people going around asking if one wants a heal, but I don't know how they can even do that.[/quote]

Ask around for help with learning the rituals. The Marble Dale Park or Gazebo of Equilibrium are good places to start. As for the heal rituals, those are spells cast by those who have earned mp6 status or the ability via wishpoint purchase.

[quote]How does trade work in this game? I seen people advertising crits for sale, but I don't see a trade option anywhere. Also, where do you get gold and such? I thought valuepoints was the only currency in this game.[/quote]

Once you have item(s), you can trade them with other players. I'm not sure, but I believe one does not see their inventory interface until they have items/coins.

[quote]I also seen some people with a crit that has color on it. Like for example I seen someone with a red colored dark archer. How do you do that?[/quote]

That is a Bloodpact archer which can be purchased (along with other shop critters) in the MD Shop once it is unlocked.


You will find it, if you explore ;)[/quote]

Can you atleast tell me what it stands for then?

[quote]After the battle, check for a button which will show you the detailed combat log. There you can read the log of the battle. [/quote]

I try that, but I keep getting this glitch that shows only a bunch of code, and doesn't tell me much about the fight.

Posted (edited)

GGG = Golden Globe Gazeebo, i would reccomend exploring a while and experimenting before you go off to look for it though ;)

[quote][quote]How does trade work in this game? I seen people advertising crits for sale, but I don't see a trade option anywhere. Also, where do you get gold and such? I thought valuepoints was the only currency in this game.[/quote]Once you have item(s), you can trade them with other players. I'm not sure, but I believe one does not see their inventory interface until they have items/coins.[/quote]The interface is there, you just get told you have no items yet, it's a link above the mood panel titled "Inventory"

Loreroot Guards - "Their strength is their weakness"

Edited by Grido

the button for the log is only there right after you did an offensive fight, you don't get it when you replay a combat, or look at a defensive fight.

You always can let the combat scroll through and highlight all the text (via the rightclick-option, or ctrl a), and copy-paste it into a notepad to read it ;)


[quote name='Burns' date='30 May 2010 - 04:05 PM' timestamp='1275253539' post='60645']
the button for the log is only there right after you did an offensive fight, you don't get it when you replay a combat, or look at a defensive fight.

You always can let the combat scroll through and highlight all the text (via the rightclick-option, or ctrl a), and copy-paste it into a notepad to read it ;)

Ohhh, just what I was looking for. Thanks for the tip!


The Golden Globe Gazebo is found in the MDA, go north west of Winds and when you pass through the MDA Gate check your map.

The detailed combat log is suppossed to look like a bunch of code, that's not a glitch. Highlighting the scrolling code will give you almost exactly the same data as the detailed log (except some bits of data are missing, and it's all more condensed so more confusing)

Gold Coins are available at the end of each shop branch (one per shop branch, per shop reset), and there are 40 silver coins at the end of one of the shop branches.
Items trade by going to your inventory panel (the link is in the red cluster above the mood panel, but if you have no items it will be empty), and typing in the name of the person you want to give it to. They also need to be in the same location as you.

Creatures trade in a different manner entirely. When you go to your bestiary, and click on a creature, at the bottom is a captcha code for you to type in. If you type in the captcha code, it reveals the CTC code for you (the captcha is to prevent people stealing your creatures via scripts, be glad for it). On the Bestiary page, right before the list of creatures and below the graphic showing worshipers and VE%, there is a link saying [Transfer creatures here]. To trade, a person copies the CTC of a creature, gives it to someone else, and the recipient pastes the CTC into the Creature Transfer Page.
Transferring creatures resets their level to basic, removes all experience and wins, and removes 40% of their age (not all). A traded creature also gives no heat when sacrificed.

At the GoE there is a clickable that you can use to verify the CTC is the creature you are after. If you look at your CTC you will notice that all CTC's begin with CTC, then they have random numbers and letters, then hallfway through they say MDC, followed by more random letters. Where a clickable requires you to enter a CTC, you only copy from the CTC to the MDC, the letters and numbers after MDC are not required to use it in a clickable. This is so that people can't steal your creatures.

Avatars are traded in a manner similar to creatures, except instead of a CTC it is an ATC, and the avatar vault is accessed via the Profile page instead of the bestiary.

We are not allowed to tell you how to solve puzzles like the Loreroot guards (we can give tips, but not especially helpful ones. Just rephrasings of the signpost basically), and it is better not to ask because it is possible to get banned for giving away puzzles (some people don't know this, so it's better not to ask in case they give it away and they get banned for being helpful, and that would not be nice).
As far as Rituals, the best place to learn that would be the GoE, followed by the sparring ground. In the Sparring Ground you have a bit of social protection, but the GoE has far more experienced fighters who will be able to help you more.
You need to use special rituals at the GGG, but they are entirely useless everywhere else in the realm, so while you will want to learn how to set those rituals, don't go there to learn combat rituals (there are exceptions, but that's mostly true)

Coloured creatures come from the MD Shop, about half the creatures have coloured versions. There is a special limited edition creature called a NutCracker, only available for a few days in December very deep in the shop, which is a powerful healing creature that targets the opponent. While most of the time if people are advertising healing (almost always, in fact) they are referring to a spell, some people (such as myself) will heal others useing this creature. However, this creature only heals creatures, while the Spell heals your personal VE instead. It is important to recognize the difference when receiving healing.

By the way, until you reach MP5 Regen rituals are BAD. You can use them, but they will not help you. Their function is to reduce the opponents personal experience, BUT this effect only comes into effect when you reach MP5 (and they they are vital for training). Before that stage, all they do is reduce your creature experience and your stats, and they don't effect your personal experience (except in odd occasions to INCREASE it)

If you have any other general questions, please PM either myself (ingame or on forum, I don't check topics often), one of the Legend Speakers, or an LHO. For all questions related to how to play the game, you should always seek an LHO first, but if they aren't able to help you feel free to ask myself or another Legend Speaker.

LHO's are located in all the tutorial areas, there should always be one on duty, and there is a button you can press in the interface to PM whoever is active no matter where you are. This is the big orange button just above your progress indicator in the right side of the main interface (bellow your temporary stats like AP, VP and VE). You can identify an LHO because they will have an asterix at either end of their name, for example *EXAMPLE*.

Posted (edited)

The detailed combat log is suppossed to look like a bunch of code, that's not a glitch. Highlighting the scrolling code will give you almost exactly the same data as the detailed log (except some bits of data are missing, and it's all more condensed so more confusing) [/quote]

Yes I know, but sometimes it does mess up and it does not want to give the entire log.

But otherwise, thanks for all for the other information. It has defintiely answered everything i wanted to know. ;)

Edited by Anilu

Interesting, I almost always read my logs and I have never seen that happen. Might be worth saving a copy of a "Bugged" log and making a report in the bug reporting section of the forum.

Posted (edited)

Maybe thats because he closed it down. Detailed log is only available the first time when you are fighting someone, and you cant see other people's log towards you properly

Edited by Mr Mystery

[quote name='Anilu' date='31 May 2010 - 09:11 AM' timestamp='1275264692' post='60655']
Yes I know, but sometimes it does mess up and it does not want to give the entire log.

But otherwise, thanks for all for the other information. It has defintiely answered everything i wanted to know. ;)

Maybe you're talking about the combat replay? The one you can acces from the battle log when you click 'replay'?
The combat results window there doesn't show the log.
You can get the complete log by waiting for the battle to finish in the 'combat action' window (the one that shows the creat icons), CTRL+A, then copy-paste in a notepad..


[quote name='Mr Mystery' date='31 May 2010 - 12:18 AM' timestamp='1275283100' post='60665']
Maybe thats because he closed it down. Detailed log is only available the first time when you are fighting someone, and you cant see other people's log towards you properly
[quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='30 May 2010 - 07:22 PM' timestamp='1275265347' post='60656']
Interesting, I almost always read my logs and I have never seen that happen. Might be worth saving a copy of a "Bugged" log and making a report in the bug reporting section of the forum.
[quote name='Redd' date='31 May 2010 - 12:24 AM' timestamp='1275283495' post='60667']
Maybe you're talking about the combat replay? The one you can acces from the battle log when you click 'replay'?
The combat results window there doesn't show the log.
You can get the complete log by waiting for the battle to finish in the 'combat action' window (the one that shows the creat icons), CTRL+A, then copy-paste in a notepad..

What I mean is this

[quote]*** Combat details (under construction). 'E' is defender, 'A' is attacker
Your honor reward for this battle: 0
Your loyalty reward for this battle: 0
Enemy honor reward for this battle: 0
Enemy loyalty reward for this battle: 0

Enemy was penalised with 2 honor for loosing this fight

Casualties: Defender:13.06620%, Attacker:75%
heat A: 1525 heat E: 125
usevitality e (you):50
usevitality a:100
E lost: 75vit; A lost: 129vit;

[vars] => Array
[statsVp] => 46.829687
[statsXpl] => 0
[statsAct] => 0

[character] => Array
[regeneration] => 0
[energeticimmun] => 0
[tradesense] => 0
[briskness] => 0
[initiative] => 0
[defence] => 0
[attack] => 0

[something] => 1

Although that had combat from incoming fight from someone, I seen it happen once with one of the loreroot guards. Speaking of which I managed to beat one them. I think I get it now though.


[color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Maybe a mentor would be a good idea. A person that can guide you toward the answers you seek. That way you will have a single line of information. ;)[/font][/color]

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