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A Travelers Soul

Sasha Lilias

How is the quest?  

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[i][color="#0000FF"]In this quest you will be given six riddles. Each riddle is a way of working out the next location.

Once at the location you will have to work out a sum by using the co-ords [/color][color="#FF0000"]i.e. 3_1x3_7[/color]. [color="#0000FF"]To work it out just do this [color="#FF0000"](3+1)x(3+7)= ?[/color]

When you have worked out the sum then send me a message containing the answer, location and co-ords[/color] [color="#FF0000"]i.e Location: West Garden Exit,Co-ords: 3_1x3_7, Answer:40[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]After the correct answer has been sent to me then I shall send you a message containing the next riddle.(Answers can be sent to me via pm in game or forum.)

[color="#0000FF"]For each location you can have 2 hints, though each hint will decrease your score. Your score starts at 100, each hint costs 10 points and each mistake is worth 5 points. If you gain 0 points at ANY stage during the quest then you shall be disqualified, so be careful. :P


[color="#4169E1"]1st: 1 wishpoint[/color]

[color="#48D1CC"]2nd: Tokened imp;[spoiler]
[clawIII][/spoiler] [/color]
[color="#00BFFF"]3rd: Joker(Gold Coin- optional)[/color]

[color="#00FFFF"]4th: 10 sc[/size][/color]

[size="5"]WARNING: No alts are allowed. Anyone caught using alts shall be BANNED from this, and future, quests.[/size]

Starting riddle- [color="#800080"]Above the beginning and below the sky, a boat you shall see if you use your eyes.[/color][/color][/i]

[color="#0000FF"]The first five to finish will gain points depending on order:

1st: +10
2nd: +8
3rd: +6
4th: +4
5th: +2

Another new rule is that once you reach 70 points you gain ONE free hint. Ask your question wisely.[/color][/spoiler]

Edited by Sasha Lilias
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[color="#0000FF"]These are the players that are competing and at what stage:[/color]

[color="#FF8C00"][u]Riddle 1:[/u][spoiler]
Phantom Orchid-100
Assira the Black-100
Poppi Chulloz-80
*Clock Master*-95
Mighty Pirate-95
Aron Stone-95
Sajura Oninay-90
Fateless Gerard-90
[color="#FF0000"][u]Riddle 2:[/u][spoiler]
Phantom Orchid-100
Assira the Black-100
Poppi Chulloz-80
*Clock Master*-95
Mighty Pirate-95

[color="#FF00FF"][u]Riddle 3:[/u][spoiler]
Phantom Orchid-95
Poppi Chulloz-80
Assira the black-100
*Clock Master*-95
Mighty Pirate-95

[color="#00BFFF"][u]Riddle 4:[/u][spoiler]
Phantom Orchid-95
*Clock Master*-95
Poppi Chulloz-65
Assira the Black-100

[color="#A0522D"][u]Riddle 5:[/u][spoiler]
Phantom Orchid-90
*Clock Master*-85
Poppi Chulloz-65
Assira the Black-100


[color="#00FF00"][u]Riddle 6:[/u][spoiler]
*Clock Master*-85
Poppi Chulloz-60
Phantom Orchid-80
Assira the Black-90
Sephirah Caelum-80


1st: Chewett-80(+10)
2nd: MisterE-85(+8)
3rd: *Clock Master*-85(+6)
4th: Poppi Chulloz-60(+4)
5th: Phantom Orchid-85(+2)
6th: Assira the Black-90
7th: Sephirah Caelum- 80
8th: Nimrodel-95
9th: Time-80
10th: Shnappie-80[/color][/spoiler]

[size="4"][color="#0000FF"]A big thankyou to all that participated and bad luck, maybe next time :P[/color][/size]

Edited by Sasha Lilias
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Since you haven't been on all that often, and it is easily possible for the current top 4 scores to be beaten, any chance you would extend this quest a little longer?
Say until the end of the week?

(Just to be clear, I am reading that as day/month/year)

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[quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='08 June 2010 - 09:02 AM' timestamp='1275987731' post='61346']
Since you haven't been on all that often, and it is easily possible for the current top 4 scores to be beaten, any chance you would extend this quest a little longer?
Say until the end of the week?

(Just to be clear, I am reading that as day/month/year)
Seeing as the quest is over so no new players may start the quest I shall say this. There was a stage 2 for all players that finished. If YOU finish then you will be able to do stage 2. In this stage you EARN
Oh and all players that started will be given time to finish ;)

Edited by Sasha Lilias
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[quote name='Sasha Lilias' date='08 June 2010 - 08:09 AM' timestamp='1276002542' post='61358']
the quest is over so no new players may start the quest

Wow, that was fast... I didn't notice the quest until just now. ;)

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[quote name='tankfans' date='09 June 2010 - 11:25 AM' timestamp='1276082738' post='61440']
I had send a PM in-game 1 day and 8 hours ago, awaiting for your reply :P

Im truely sorry about that :D I must have lost it because of all the other messages :)) my mistake.

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[quote name='Sasha Lilias' date='09 June 2010 - 03:06 PM' timestamp='1276096014' post='61468']
Im truely sorry about that :D I must have lost it because of all the other messages :)) my mistake.

hmm..thats not right sash...:P

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seems you are not the only one she "lost" the message of
[quote]*sent 1 day and 21 hours ago [/quote]

it was still in my outbox, but only was answered after sending it again

maybe there should be some option to get better track of the messages you receive, since it seems that if you get to many, to last messages are "lost" from view

Edited by Shnappie
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Im assuming that when you say 'lost' you don't believe me? Then you are saying that I am lying and that I would ignore your messages? If thats the case then perhaps I should not have given you all the other chances that the others did NOT get.

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[color="#9932CC"][size="3"]SO we have our finalists:[/size]
1st: Chewett-80(+10)
2nd: MisterE-85(+8)
3rd: *Clock Master*-85(+6)
4th: Poppi Chulloz-60(+4)
5th: Phantom Orchid-85(+2)
6th: Assira the Black-90
7th: Sephirah Caelum- 80
8th: Nimrodel-95
9th: Time-80
10th: Shnappie-80[/spoiler]

[size="3"]Congratualtions to you all.Please await details of stage 2!Phase 2 shall start TOMORROW.[/size][/color]

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i am saying "lost" since the message was still in my send items box, so i assume your mailbox got overloaded.....

i am not accusing you, just stating that there might be some issues with the mailing system as it is, since it seems you cant find all messages send to you, though the sending end still sees the message as outgoing messages....

and sure i am really greatfull for giving me a chance to finish the quest..

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[color="#0000FF"][size="4"][u][b]Stage 2[/b][/u][/size]

In stage 2 you shall be given a chance to gain more points. To do this you must solve the riddle to find out where I await your arrival.
I will be in the same place until all 10 people have found me, so stage 2 shall take some time.

If you remember in riddle 6 pieces were missing, these pieces you had to try and work out, well this is the same for stage 2, except ALL riddles will be missing pieces. In the very last riddle I shall only give you ONE word.
I assume that because you all seemed to find stage 1 rather easy this should be easy for you also.
So here is the main rule:[/color]

[color="#FF0000"] * NO locate spells- If you do this will result in an instant ban, I will be watching the triggers.[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]Anything else may go. This is a RACE stage. So anything is allowed, send to GoE, Movelock ect.The ones that find me will gain points based on this order:[/color]
[color="#00BFFF"]1st: +20
2nd: +18
3rd: +16
4th: +14
5th: +12
6th: +10
7th: +8
8th: +6
9th: +4
10th: +2[/color][/spoiler]

[color="#0000FF"]There will be 5 riddles, so good luck.

Goodluck and Have fun

~Sasha Lilias~

*Clock Master*-173[/s]
[color="#FF0000"][s]Poppi Chulloz-74[/s]-DNF[/color]
[s]Phantom Orchid-123
Assira the Black-130
Sephirah Caelum- 140[/s]
[s] Time-112

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  • 4 weeks later...

[color="#FF00FF"][size="4"]We have our WINNERS!! :)
So at first we started with 23 contestants which got narrowed down to 10.Now we have only 4 left, these are the winners.

1st- Nimrodel- 211
2nd- Chewett- 198
3rd- *Clock Master*- 173
4th- MisterE- 144

On the final stage Nim,Chewett and Clock found me which ment only 14 points max could be given and 1 min. This ment that no matter what MisterE would always come 4th. Regrets to the rest and I hope you try in future quests. :)
Nim, Chewy, Clock and MisterE please could you all come and find me for your rewards.[/size][/color]

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