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Quest Of Questions?


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Questions you ask, but will they be answered?

This is similiar to a former contest Mur once held, however I reserve judgement of rewards for myself.

Those rewards will include silver, but may or may not include WP, depending on what I get. A maximum of 2 WP will be rewarded.

Questions made public previously in the forums might be accepted, but will earn negative points, according to who asks them, and how.

Now you might wonder what this is about, but I assure you, all I want is a question of something you think is relevant, but you have difficulties answering. Originality and relevance of the answer will count towards judging. (Meaning the stereotypical question what happens after death will earn little, but more specific, and well thought ones will count more.)

Good luck, it will probably only last till the 31st Dec.

Send me the set of questions, no more than 5, but at least one, to me via PM or forum PM. The questions sent in and recognised will be displayed in a topic seperate from this.

Any questions left? Feel free to ask.


Edited by Shadowseeker
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[quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1290782545' post='73312']
Questions made public previously in the forums might be accepted, but will earn negative points, according to who asks them, and how.
Send me the set of questions, no more than 5, but at least one, to me via PM or forum PM. The questions sent in and recognised will be displayed in a topic seperate from this.
Will each question be treated separately or is it the sum that counts?

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  • 1 month later...

Funny how little asked more questions about the general quest idea and such...

Kafuuka and Voldon are the 1st group.

Mithrandil, Mighty Pirate, sasha lilias, Makain Cristof, Yoshi, The great Pashweetie, these 6 are the next group.

To pass one has to gain the permit of the other people to get the WP.

Two WP's possible, one out of each group for one.

Meaning, Kaf and Voldon have to agree on kaf or voldon to get the WP.

For the 2nd group 5 have to do so. For example Mith, Mighty, sasha, Makain, Yoshi could all agree that Mith gets the WP. If so many decide so, Pash's vote would say nothing.

I wish to be informed by each person seperately, and by the winner how he was persuading the others.

Any methods go, don't take too long before I decide I'm not going to award anymore. And this is based upon your submissions.

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[quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1294164278' post='76766']

Mithrandil, Mighty Pirate, sasha lilias, Makain Cristof, Yoshi, The great Pashweetie, these 6 are the next group.

To pass one has to gain the permit of the other people to get the WP.

Obviously, Shadowseeker left it open for us to create our own rules. Lets try this for group 2:
- First, you publish all your questions, e.g. by forum PM to me.
- Once I have all questions, I will publish them among the participants.
- Then we democratically vote an absolutistic leader - who gets most votes, takes the WP, we all will agree.

(No idea if this will work. Of course, this is just my suggestion, participation is completely voluntary.)

Any improvements or other suggestions are welcome, but please keep it simple.


Edited by Mighty Pirate
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[quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1294777208' post='77299']
I can't say I'm happy about the way it turned out, but well, your choice.

Why? What else did you have in mind? It would be nice if you could share your ideas on this ...
(For me it was hard enough to find any agreement at all between the six of us ...)

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[quote name='Kafuuka' timestamp='1294780047' post='77302']
I can't speak for Shadowseeker, but in general it is unlikely for quest creators to comment in public before the end. A date which is partially up to me, but fear not there is some progress.
Sorry, you are right. I'll wait patiently.

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Excuse me?

Well, in the end 5 votes were cast, which is sufficient for me.

Since I have rewarded Voldon, now as to why I found it lame in Group 2:

Mighty Pirate, unless your intention was from the beginning to pass the WP on, then your construct was incredibly lame. It resulted in a 2 vote person to get the necessary 5 votes, without any convincing or whatever needed additionally.

If you had created this construct and managed to bribe someone/talk him to vote for you and won the WP with little votes, a masterpiece of manipulation/persuasion....but, you did not.

As such, you just created a shell which someone else benefited from, and thus, this WP was given by me rather unhappily.

Another question for the questers: If you truly value your own questions this LOW, by not even voting for YOURSELF, why should YOU expect to get a WP anyways? Think about it. That's why I was VERY unhappy. And whoever was not happy that I said so about Makain...well, I dare you, explain to me why I should be happy.

A WP quest means standing in for yourself, working on others, persuading people (especially the WP giver) to get one- neither of you showed enough selfconfidence and wits apparently. Unless Makain did more than I realised, in which case I applaud him for doing it very subtle, yet...I did not see much.

As for the 1st group, this was done well. The conversation between Voldon and Kafuuka was on a simple basis, and Voldon did try properly, and suceeded in persuading Kafuuka. Simple words, which probably would not work with many other people, but well enough. Congrats.

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I didn't realise there was a time limit to this quest and was busy at work, hence why my answer did not come in. :rolleyes: I was going to bribe Pash with a rusty, hence why I tried forcing it to a vote, hoping the votes would spread enough for a majority vote....seems like time wasn't on my side :3
Ah well, Congrats to you both...I have to say. Makains question was very worthy anyway.

Sasha Lilias

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[quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1294164278' post='76766']
Funny how little asked more questions about the general quest idea and such...
I think there is some merit in looking at this quote again.
One part of the quest description refers to another quest, which makes it easy to assume the same approach is valid here as it was there. However, not only is the judge different, the concept is also subtly changed. Whereas I remember the original contest to be questions that cannot be answered (by Manu), now it is questions that cannot (easily) be answered by the player who poses them. This is a much larger set of questions, with all questions being by definition good questions. After all, we know which questions we cannot answer ourselves, while guessing which someone else cannot answer is nothing but 'educated' guessing.
As such, we guess at what criteria make a set of questions really good. We make up our own rules and act accordingly. When reading Voldon's submission, it was clear to me that the approach was very different, and yet also quite similar. We have both a tried to provide a broad variety of questions, a single format for them and some justification for why the questions are selected.

[quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1295127699' post='77467']
Mighty Pirate, unless your intention was from the beginning to pass the WP on, then your construct was incredibly lame. It resulted in a 2 vote person to get the necessary 5 votes, without any convincing or whatever needed additionally.
Another question for the questers: If you truly value your own questions this LOW, by not even voting for YOURSELF, why should YOU expect to get a WP anyways? Think about it. That's why I was VERY unhappy. And whoever was not happy that I said so about Makain...well, I dare you, explain to me why I should be happy.
As for the 1st group, this was done well. The conversation between Voldon and Kafuuka was on a simple basis, and Voldon did try properly, and suceeded in persuading Kafuuka. Simple words, which probably would not work with many other people, but well enough. Congrats.
Obviously, what worked for group 2 would never have worked for group one and vice versa. Voting (and plotting and backstabbing) makes a lot of sense in a group larger than two people. It also makes sense to me that if everybody votes for themselves, you don't get anywhere. Thus it is logical to demand nobody votes for himself. A question remains whether this was explicitly demanded, or most people assumed it to be the case? Did anyone vote for himself regardless or vote blanc? With little information, we make up rules for ourselves. In the past Manu has rewarded selfless behaviour some times (that I am aware of). All of these ideas could have contributed to people not voting for themselves... I'd hope that it was agreed upon instead of Makain winning by accident, but then again winning a WP by pure luck has happened before and there was a higher prerequisite for this quest. And I'm personally very much against bribing for WPs anyways. That would go against my rules.

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[quote name='Kafuuka' timestamp='1295137259' post='77472']

Obviously, what worked for group 2 would never have worked for group one and vice versa. Voting (and plotting and backstabbing) makes a lot of sense in a group larger than two people. It also makes sense to me that if everybody votes for themselves, you don't get anywhere. Thus it is logical to demand nobody votes for himself. A question remains whether this was explicitly demanded, or most people assumed it to be the case? Did anyone vote for himself regardless or vote blanc? With little information, we make up rules for ourselves. In the past Manu has rewarded selfless behaviour some times (that I am aware of). All of these ideas could have contributed to people not voting for themselves... I'd hope that it was agreed upon instead of Makain winning by accident, but then again winning a WP by pure luck has happened before and there was a higher prerequisite for this quest. And I'm personally very much against bribing for WPs anyways. That would go against my rules.

Yes, that's what I thought as well. To me it looked like you don't want to decide which question you liked most and you wanted our majority vote within the large group. Within our group it was just this game: If everybody votes for himself - nobody will get anything. So, we tried a selfless approach (not really selfless, we all had chances to win.) And as for the price: We all liked all other questions and agreed that they are worth a WP.

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