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A New Year Suprise


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I thought, to bring in a new year of MD this year I was thinking of...ohh...maybe selling something. What better way to say Happy New Year with After Christmas Shopping!! SO....I got to thinking I had a few angiens around....

BUT...nothing is ever easy with me, of often I am told. I have told no one of this, so this post is the first to hear. I am selling one of my 3 tokened angiens. The bidding will not begin until AFTER December 31st. There are two of the three to choose from, since there is no way I'm selling St. Peter. A few rules and such to lay down first:

1. Would be nice for he name of the Angien to stay the same all the way through its life to max again, as it did already
2. This is for in game stuff only. Credits might be considered, but in game will be first
3. It is ok to post offers under this post, but please edit your posts do not make a mess of this in here
5. Offers can be made in any form wether pm in forum, in game, yim, whatever......But finalized agreed upon bid will have to be hand written and delivered in game
6. You have to find me.....
7. Keep it in perspective! Coins, items, creatures....not next of kin or souls :D

I'm going to say by the end of the month a good end date for this little experiment. One of the two angiens will be sold to the final 'contestant' *Warning Label: I'm honestly not sure how long something like this would take, it could take a few days, it could take weeks* Now why the all the big boring text I am reading? There are alot of variables in this, since you get to choose one of the two. They have different qualities depending on who you are. I'm interested in seeing how this goes.

[b]Angien 1[/b]
[u]Micheal Age: 472[/u]

Bloop Drop I
Blood Drop II
Onxy Fang
Black Tear
Gold Belt
Emeral Glare
Claw III
Total: 10 tokens

[b]Angien 2[/b]
[u]Gremlin Age: 571[/u]

Claw I
Claw II
Claw III
Blood Drop I
Blood Drop II
Onyx Fangs
Kelleth Fire
Dark Sky
total: 11 Tokens

Edited by phantasm
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Today is the 1st day of the year! The bidding can now start. Think about what was said and bid smart. These are not some angiens that were sitting around on some alt collecting dust. These are my personal best and have fought against many foes.

The winner will get to choose from one of the two Angiens. Since each contain different high end principles some would value one over the other, even though obviously Gremlin is older. I also did not say whoever the 'highest bidder' is, more the final 'contestant'. This is much different then an auction or a sale, if anything sort of a market quest. As always things are often more cryptic. Obviously I am looking for a profit from the sale, but I am also looking for how people approach the sale.

*note for admins* Thanks Chewy

Edited by phantasm
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