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Selling multiple creatures (again and this time all of them)


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So this time i plan to clear out my creature inventory (not completely of course because these aren't all my creatures). Why? Well.. i'm not sure why.
Bidding time will only be a few days on each creature. After the first bid the time starts. I want to sell these creatures as fast as possible.
To be clear last time i simply wanted to sell creatures and profit so i could buy credits.

[s]Bloodpact archer age 17[/s]
[s]Winderwild age 482 (ID 268767)[/s]
[s]Imperial aramor age 264[/s]
[s]Imperial aramor age 62[/s]
[s]Pimped grasan age 11[/s]
[s]Pimped grasan age 11[/s]
[s][u]Unholy priest age 228[/u][/s]
[s]Water being age 124
Tormented soul age 74[/s]

Post or pm offers.

(1 sc on the water being or winderwild is an automatic group) And the winderwild was traded once already :P

Edited by adiomino
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