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Hello MD! Inter-and-Outer-Realm presentation of me, Iluzoriu

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Hello everybody, I would like to present myself. A part of myself that I share both in RL and ingame. Some of my creations you will find over time only in MD, and other only in my blog. But they are only parts of the same illusion.
Therefore I invite all of you to take a look. Most of it is in Romanian, but there are some poems in English also (choose the "english" tag from the right menu). Here is one sample:

[url="http://urca8coboara.blogspot.com/"][color="#0000FF"]My Blog - urca8coboara.blogspot.com[/color][/url]


Poems written on your lovely corps..
Through the bite marks made by the little teeth
of the rats, in your tender rotten meat,
I see the detrivore worms, jolly and awkward...

And I don't understand you!

How can you stay like this while
so many truths rumble inside your skin?

Maybe sometimes when I sleep,
in the stench of death,
dripped from your dry veins,
While I hold you, and kiss
your empty eye sockets,

I will find out.
And then stay,
as you do, unmoved.[/i]

I am sure and looking forward to have many great adventures together with you all in this fantastic world that is MD.

All the best, with respect,

P.S: you could take it as a challenge or a forum quest - i promise a reward for the one who can find out what "urca8coboara" means.
(oh, and no, google translate will not do it for you. I am looking for the deeper meaning of the statement.)

Edited by Iluzoriu
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well this is what i think... Urca = appear, rise, mount, ascend Coboara appears to be an antonym. Iluzoriu, you name appears to mean illusion From Latin illusorius through French illusoire... although your spelling has an extra L?
im not sure about the 8, though 8 fold path... eternity and like detta said infinity are possibilitys...

Taking the opposite nature of the word Urca and Coboara, it lend to an idea of one extreme to an other, and back again maybe.. though i cant shrug the fact your name in game and author name is illusion..

in my eyes therfore Urca8Coboara would mean "to appear and to hide"

i had to write as got distracted by your seemingly perfectly grusome poem, which i must admit to not understanding terribly, but my analytical brain can sometimes find it hard to look beyond words on the surface x

(in english maybe you meant Corpse with an E? i dont even know maybe not x)


Edit : Urca, a verb, entymology wise appears to come from... Latin oricare < orīrī, present active infinitive of orior (“rise, appear”) i must admit my knowledge of romanian 1st conjuntions are limited haha, but it appears to be 3rd person from the source i looked at. I dont really know what that means even in english, we dont study grammar much in schools here

coborî (third-person singular present = coboare) why it is in third person and how it affects the translation/meaning i dont know x

Edited by Asterdai
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