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okay :P ummmm first off : there will be NO prizes here :) the only prize is to know that you are strong :) [EDIT : THERE WILL BE PRIZES, AND THEY WILL BE REVEALED AS SOON AS I HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE]

so here's my idea : we could make a small tournament for MP3s that goes like this :

the defender has to lose less than 40% vit

the attacker has to kill more than 60% of his opponents vit

so technically, it's not two people battling to win, cz one wants to live, the other wants the destroy...

it could be (if a small number like 4) double robin round (everyone plays with everyone twice : once as attacker once as defender)
a battle takes place every 5 - 10 minutes, I dunno...

I just wanted to give out my idea (as a 4 day old player, I'm not sure if it's a good idea, or a horrible one) so comment and rate and tell me how it is :)

@MP3s, what do you say about doing it ? =)

EDIT : many MP3s are interested, and here is the list (will update as soon as new person has entered, also note that I am aware of the fact that the max vitality will change with time, but until the date is specified, I will not be updating them)

Name : max vit

Master Of Magic : 5776
Quas : 7032
Aelion : 3493
Snyc :4501
Tom Lette : unkown
Guillak : 7187

EDIT : (again I know :/) ummm any of you guys willing to actually give some type of prize, it would be appreciated ^^ remember, we're n00bs, so basically, some really strong creature or a silver coin might look great to us :) feel free to post anything you can offer :)

Edited by MoM
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The only reason you wouldn't get people entering this is because of the lack of prizes. While you yourself might not have much to give, if you ask around I think you will find the older players to be surprisingly generous. The other thing to keep in mind is that some players have been at MP3 for years, so it may be a good idea to limit it to those who have less than 365 active days (if you click a person and where there are normally colored arrows below their name there is a little blue/purple/green diamond, they have 365 active days or more)

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I can donate a 500k Heat-infused to first and second place, also PMing the newer players will get more response then posting on forum as more new players read PMs then look for tournaments on the forums. A set time and a few more rules such as no angiens and no tokens might also help.

Edit: What, I can't Join? I have made the account less then a hundred days ago! *whispers* Rip off..

Edit #2: Ve based.. I see this as a personal attack against my alt(s) >_>..

Edited by lone wolf pup
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hmmm that's actually a good idea :)
@ pup, you do know you can't join :)
also I might need that prize, though instead of for first and second, it'd be for first only, and we'll do it twice maybe... and the old winner can't play with the second game... could be :)
as for the PM, I think I'll go start it :)

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The Tournament rules are as follows :
-according to the number of players, we will play Knockout (you lose, you're out), robin round ( everyone vs everyone once), double robin round (everyone vs everyone twice)
-only newbies may join
-if you are on defence, you have to lose LESS than 40% of your vitality to get a point
-if you are on attack, you have to destroy MORE than 60% of your opponenets vitality to win
-the people with the lower maximum vitality will start off against themselves
-Vitality % will be set beforehand, so that both the attacker and defender have approx the same vit, and so that it lasts them the whole tourny
-after all rounds are done, the person with the highest number of points wins the prize :):):)
-players with more than 15K vitality may not join (cz they are obviously not N00Bs)

To enter, just send me a pm (here or in-game) with ur Max Vitality... or you can just post it here :P

NOTE : THERE WILL BE PRIZES, but what depends on how much people actually join...
and for those scared that they could be clobbered, don't worry, whoever will be against you will be around ur strength, and we'll tell you (and him/her) how much to put the slider on, so the win won't be purely cz of vitality

EDIT : a few grammar mistakes

Edited by MoM
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[quote name='lone wolf pup' timestamp='1309216111' post='86839']
Edit: What, I can't Join? I have made the account less then a hundred days ago! *whispers* Rip off..

Edit #2: Ve based.. I see this as a personal attack against my alt(s) >_>..

fine you can join :P!!! but you're going to have to set the vit as we tell you (cz you have onver 100k -_-) and I would never attack ur alts... I'd lose, I'd actually gather some ppl, then mass attack them *evil laugh*

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