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Newbie (1/14)



  1. weeellll omega, you've seen me around before.. and if i get attacks, all i do is just whine and nag a bit here and there.. or say something stupid like "i see dead creatures" ... same ol' same ol' not much to do about it, it's the game i guess.. could hardly kick you for instance, you is a bit too much for me :lol: all things in due time i guess.. and a thnx to all for making me feel welcome.. also to those who allready had to kick my hiney outside willow's shop..
  2. Right well .. first of all.. Hello there to all and everyone and a happy newyear ( better late than never i guess, though do not read this post halfway the year, that makes me look even more like an idiot.. ) anyway, I'm DD, ... no not my cup size.. i'm DeViLDiCe ingame as on the forum so I'm blond, brainless and nuts or bonkers or an idiot, whatever you prefer to use that is.. I'm a happy fellow, 'always' in for a chat or aid and assist etc.. That is aid according to knowledge and capability to help out Furthermore.. well not much just wanted to say hi, like many have done before me, and like many will do so after me .. ( i think )
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