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Posts posted by Repo

  1. I too agree with sand;

    Sand is used make glass
    Sand in your eyes will blind you
    Children make sandcastles on the beach

    The final point has several answers -
    It is true that a sandstorm can raze castles
    You sand materials to make them smooth
    Sandblasting can be used to remove motar between stones

    All in all a very good answer. Another is possible: Water

    Water is used to lubricate the eye making it possible to see.
    Water jetted into the eye or in the form of ice will blind
    One may also contruct castles of ice as in the annual show in Finland
    Water will wear away stone destroying the strongest castle

    A third answer is: Time

    We need time to see what is around us
    Old age is a major cause of blindness
    Rome was not built in a day - It takes time to make castles
    Time too will destroy all of mans works

    I came upon some rubble lying in the dust and upon the base of the broken statue was an inscription "I am Ozemandeus - King of Kings. Look upon my work yea mighty and dispair!"

  2. I believe that we are all headed off on the wrong track with this, Mount Kelle'tha is a construct of Golemus Golarium - a land where magic and science are combined.

    What we do know is that the wizard stated was that the Book of the Principals could be found there. I do not believe the wizard was telling the truth. His motive is described as being to defeat the shades - whatever the cost. Indeed, he gives his own life to forward his cause and summon Wodin Ullr (page 91 Golemus Wizard quest).

    The Book of Principals is hiding in plain sight - You see it ever time you log in as it is on the introduction page. That the inhabitants of Golemus Golarium would construct pyramids and suspend them in fire to protect a book is plainly ludicrous. The construction of the various elements on top of the mountain is suggestive of a parabolic dish with the focal point being the twin floating pyramids. The slow burning fire is a symbol that the system is active.

    No, Mount Kelle'tha is a Golem.

    ( a simple cut and paste from Wikipedia)

    "The most famous golem narrative involves Rabbi Judah Loew the Maharal of Prague, a 16th century rabbi. He is reported to have created a golem to defend the Prague ghetto of Josefov from Anti-Semitic attacks. The story of the Golem first appeared in print in 1847 in a collection of Jewish tales entitled Galerie der Sippurim, published by Wolf Pascheles of Prague. About sixty years later, a fictional account was published by Yudl Rosenberg (1909).

    According to the legend, the Emperor made an edict proclaiming that the Jews in Prague were to be either expelled or killed (depending on the version of the story). A golem could be made of clay from the banks of the Vltava river in Prague. Following the prescribed rituals, the Rabbi built the Golem and made him come to life by reciting special incantations in Hebrew. The Rabbi's intention was to have the Golem protect the Jewish community from harm. As Rabbi Loew's Golem grew bigger, he also became more violent and started killing the Gentiles (non-Jews) and spreading fear. Some versions also add that the Golem turns on his creator and attacks either his creator alone or the creator and the Jews as well."

    Now if we paraphrase this to a modern understanding - it is a super weapon to defend the downtrodden.

    Now - the method of utilising golems is also expained by your trusty Wiki

    "In many tales the Golem is inscribed with magic or religious words that keep it animated. Writing one of the names of God on its forehead, a slip of paper in its mouth, or enscribed on its body, or writing the word Emet (אמת,"truth" in the Hebrew language) on its forehead are examples of such words. By erasing the first letter aleph in Emet to form Met (מת, "dead" in Hebrew) the golem could be deactivated. Another way is by writing a specific incantation in the owner's blood on calfskin parchment, and placing it in the mouth. Removing the parchment will deactivate the golem. It is likely that this is the same incantation that the Rabbi recites in the classic narrative. Golems also need to rest on the Sabbath lest they go berserk."

    Now we have the method for activating the weapon - inscribe (something) on the pieces of paper and put it in the mouths (altars) of the pyramids.

    However - what the result of such an action will be - who can be sure?

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