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Sol Invictus

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  • Playername
    Sol Invictus

Sol Invictus's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Pleasure to meet you. Odd and creepy things are what makes this game so unique for me. I did find out about the dojo, Mur (Founder of MagicDuel, supreme ruler of all MD realms and head of the School of Thought also known as King Manu) --Most impressive!-- and "godmod" sillyness. Thx for pointing that stuff out!
  2. @maggot: I am honoured that his supreem grumpyness has seen fit to grace me wit his response! May your procrastination be uninterrupted and satisfying! @dst & Utgard: Thx. @Vaul: I am sure your friend is a great man with such splendid taste in names! May his glory shine forever! @stormrunner: "There is no such thing as a plea of innocence in my court. A plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time." @Sol: I tried to make it before but it was taken. All good things come to those who wait. At least I hope... So did you also try to chose the same name? @Liberty4life: Well since it is in the forum it makes for a good "first post test". And hey, you can always ingnore it.
  3. Hail and well met! I stumbled acroos this game little while ago and i was intrigued by the story and dark setting of the game world. It disturbes me but I am fascinated by it! Anyway I haven't decided what type of character to play yet but I am picking the Light, Darkness and Balance Principles. Make sense to me... Hope to learn more about this strange new world and it's stories. See ya in game!
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