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Posts posted by Igdra

  1. Greetings all, I'm a returned player.

    My problem is that my memory is VERY bad (I had to search for a list of browser based games to find this, because I forgot what it was called).

    My question would be, in your opinions, would it be better to continue my old character, or create a new one so I have the advantage of hearing the tutorial again, and knowing what I have done so far?

    Thanks for the help!!


  2. Hiya all!

    Hungarian greetings:

    To equals:
    Helló (variations: Halló, Hali, Halihó)
    Szia (variations: Szió, Szasz, Szióka)
    Szervusz/Szerbusz (variations: Szasz)
    Üdvözöllek (Variations: Üdv)
    Jó regelt/napot/estét kívánok (Variations: Jónapot, Szépnapot, Szép jóregelt! Basically a "Good day")

    Among kids:
    Csá (variations to this include Ciao, Csöcs, Csövi, Csuma. There are several more which don't come to mind right now)
    Mizujs (more of a "What's up". Variations: Mizu, Mi ujság, Mi a helyzet, Mi a pálya)
    (Szervusz/Szerbusz and Üdvözöllek might also fit into this catagory as mock formality)

    Isten hozott!
    Csókolom (Variations: Kezit csókolom, Kezeit csókolom. Very formal, only said to teachers and respected elders. Basically means "I kiss (you/your hands)" )
    (Jó regelt/napot/estét kívánok also belongs to this catagory in a way)

    *cough* That's a lot of greetings. Hehe ^^ Sorry, guess I went a bit overboard!

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