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zalabar last won the day on July 3 2020

zalabar had the most liked content!

About zalabar

  • Birthday 09/14/1986

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  • Interests
    Pipes'n'drums, trying to pun, all and any kind of music, minus anything "Gang-bangers" would like, has a sign on his front law that says "screw the dog, beware the owner"

    wonders why people like twittering on twitter with their cellular phones... does that make them twits?

    Deeper I go into my nuttiness, I wonder what is in store for us in the future.... I know, in the future, I'll be typing, but when I finish typing it will be the past...

    so the present is constantly dying as we make forth to the future, which we live in now, as everything falls to the past.

    does this (minus the first paragraph) even fit in 'interests'?
  • Playername
    Zalabar (Zaladbar, Salad Bar)

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  1. haha you cant tickle me no more :P

  2. time to star forfilling a promise before I come to my Crossroads.

  3. Da, still around-ish, checking in once in a while. whenever I'm not running ragged, like right now. :P

  4. Salad-bar! I have missed you!

  5. I got to live in Iraq for a few months, but I do live in AK... Midnight sun, and all that jazz...? Jazz... nope, it's not playing in my head, something's sleeping, in the darkness... no one knows what... broken minds sleep? (it was a song called 'Éminence Grise')
  6. Thanks, and... uh, happy birthday, whenever that is, :D

  7. Hey, happy belated Birthday!

  8. Don't see you around too oftan.... wherever are you hiding, puckering Fruity one?

  9. Heh, I see there are people trying to go down your path.

    Granos, irregardless if you ever see this comment, I want to state that I wish to take up your projects. I'll be on Y.Messenger

  10. too many friends leaving.

    1. keida


      yes very true, its sad

  11. Click click clackitty?

  12. glad you found your password, tin can.

  13. Finally! I found my password for the forum after an hour of digging though old files.

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