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About Riddle

  • Birthday 05/14/1987

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  • Playername
    Adam Riddle

Riddle's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. *pounces* ^_^ First comment!

    Welcome to MagicDuel ^_^

  2. I don't know if I can figure it out, but I believe I can in time. You have my word.
  3. Yes I will, Cryxus. The style of this game is superb and unique, kind of like mindgames and strategies RPG style, unlike the others who only considered player's strength based on the battles won or the number of their alliances. I will understand its game mechanics as well as the principles of the game itself someday. Thank you Masters for all of your supports.
  4. I have enjoyed this game since I signed up. Thank you Masters.
  5. Hello, I am Adam Riddle, just simply call me "Riddle". I started as an MP2 player, and now I just reached MP3 player (still tutorial mode). I will mold my character in this land of fantasy and magic based on what I believe about the world and myself. I am hoping to be an RPC someday and making plenty of interesting logical quests about life using perseverance and intelligence. Until then, this is A. Riddle. Happy Duelling!
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