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Everything posted by empirelove

  1. OK ^^ I will since someone comment on my profile that I'm a question spammer so make sense ^^
  2. oh.... that sux.....well i guess a break from this wonderful game then ^^
  3. I decided to advance to mp4 and do the story all over again except this time i choose to run away instead of taking the cube after that i choose to wait for 24 hrs, but I didn't get to have free roam mode is this a bug?
  4. I reached the xp cap for mp3 and my crits get no more xp that's normal right? But i noticed my personal xp still goes up everytime i win a battle so is this gonna affect me in anyway because im planning to stay in mp3 for a little longer.
  5. So I've been playing around with rituals lately and decided to take on the Loreroot guardian and of course i failed miserably again and again, so can anyone give me a few hints on how to defeat them?, I tried from strong to weak crits, from brute force rit to merely healing with barren, was i doing sth wrong? plzz help me >< here my crits: 2 aramor sin 2 barren soul 1 grasan II 1 elemental II 1 dark archer Are these enough to defeat them? or... Plz i've been trying the whole day ><
  6. I didn't know it was quest related, and I solved them because they were the easiest ^^ well thank you now i know what they're for ^^
  7. So I recently solved 2 puzzles, 1 in the MDA archive battleship thing and another is under the bust near alche alley. It told me to visit "the center" to see something new. So "TITLE" ?
  8. Ok thx guys i guess i'll just find a way to get into loreroot while waiting for the story ^^
  9. exp losing in battle does happen in Mp3 O,o cuz that happen several times to me b4 (how can u lose it that way?) Or if nothing works i'll just wait till i finished the story and advance to mp4?
  10. So what level crit can lose exp by sac? And is there anyway to lose exp by battle?
  11. I'm currently at max xp for mp3 but i don't want to advance to mp4 yet so I was wondering i there anyway for me to lose exp? because i wanna max out my main crits first and do other stuff b4 i advance to mp4 i now have 2 max aramor one grasan 2, 2 barren soul 1 dark archer, 1 elemental egg, 1 level 1 aramor and 5 other heretic archer 2.
  12. i can't get out of GG help!!!!
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