Root Admin Chewett Posted February 16, 2008 Root Admin Report Posted February 16, 2008 (edited) [Redacted] Edited December 18, 2012 by Chewett Redacted
Hanuka Posted February 16, 2008 Report Posted February 16, 2008 Hm... Brutes' Madness: This spell will work only on the enemys Multi attacking creatures. Basically what it'll do is make the enemys multi attacker insane and result in the enemys multi attacker to have a chance to attack his own creatures. To make this spell more effective and balanced the ratio would be like 20% to hit own creatures and when it hits it does x2-x2.5 damege. The princeples used in this spell would be Imagination, Element and... entropy?? aww, btw; Steadfast Steno said: don't forget principals! my guess is darkness and imagination, or maybe another one, but I'm not thinking of its name right now. Time xD
Steadfast Steno Posted February 17, 2008 Report Posted February 17, 2008 Thanks Hanuka, and Hanuka, very good idea, it most definitely has some ideas.
Hanuka Posted February 18, 2008 Report Posted February 18, 2008 lol thanks man xD And guys -- Please start thinking about more possible spells... this thread is getting killed bit-by-bit each day no one`s posting in it... so plz, turn on those boomboxes and start thinking
Bretout Posted February 24, 2008 Report Posted February 24, 2008 Third Eye Time Principle, Principle of Darkness and atleast 3 more XD Reveal the 'Targeted' Persons Monsters. You cannot attack that person for 8 min. you can see the enemys monster, but have to whait atleast 8 min untill you can attack. Conclueds that he/she May have Healed its creatures after that. and even tough you Revealed the enemies Monsters, you still don't know what will happen once you attack. But then you can still see if the Enemy is to hard for you, and if its worth attacking. Curse - Rust Dunno wich Principles, help me with that. All defencive and attack bonuses Gained by Armors and Weapons are lost for the next 10 min, on 'Target' Person. Or till Targeted person been attacked once. Higher level of this skill increases the duration/amount of attacks. Rust Breaks armors and Weapons wich renders them useless. Rust, Is the Warriors Worst Enemy
BigC Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 I want a spell that creates a kitten army, and the only player they can beat is Metal Bunny :)
smartalekrj Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 i want that spell too hehe say bye bye bunny Fear the kitty!!!
Metal Bunny Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 I want a spell that will put those before said kittens in a train, which is on a course towards another train on the same tracks. In a violent passion of huge flameballs and mortified screams, it will explode and glorious fireworks will come from the unholy wreckage. It will say in shiny letters:'*BigC* Stands for BIG assCrack, It's true, biggie has problems with his 'maximus''
Jonn Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 Which principles are required for that Metal Bunny?
Metal Bunny Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 the principles that are needed are the opposite ones of the ones that bigc and smartalekrj need for theirs.
smartalekrj Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 my ideal spell would be to transport me from the Paper Cabin to Liquid Dust to inside the Aramory and Back to the Paper Cabin
Braiton Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 I recognize a teleport spell would be useful Especially one to the hidden shop It's a pain having to walk all that Or a teleport to Willow's shop
smartalekrj Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 i just want one cause when i'm on alot of the times i go from the paper cabin to liquid dust to the inside of the aramory to help people
Hanuka Posted July 30, 2008 Report Posted July 30, 2008 Bump! Dropped all the way to the 7th page, lolz
meiche Posted July 31, 2008 Report Posted July 31, 2008 Little Pitchers (they have big ears...remember) In my spell you could invisibly listen to chat in another area of chat. Required: Imagination, balance, cyclisity - because you have to be able to imagine surroundings, retain balance between current scene and the one you are in, and it seems pretty cyclic to me. This would allow players to do a bit of spying and keep theirs ears out for good gossip and info.
SoulTear Posted July 31, 2008 Report Posted July 31, 2008 Shadowalking - You no longer leave a name trail at any locations when moving for an hour maybe? Not the same as being completely invisible your name still appears at locations you are at. The principles used would be darkness and time I think. Its not that powerful but could still be useful in certain situations like in the heads contest
Robin hood Posted July 31, 2008 Report Posted July 31, 2008 Here is a good spell HinderRPC The Spell will temporary remove all combat advantage powers from an RPC for 1 hour. Costs nothing, nothing at all. Will annoy the hell out of the RPC who can annoy the hell out of other players with there combat advantage powers.
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