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MD Xmas Fest 2011 Summary and Reviews



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[center][center][b][color=#FF0000]MD XMAS FESTIVAL 2011 CONCLUSION[/color][/b][/center][/center]
[center][center][b]Hosted by:[/b][/center][/center]
[center][center]*BFH Lightning*
[center][center][b]Sponsored by:[/b][/center][/center]
[center][center]Muratus del Mur, Treasure Keepers, *BFH Lightning*, and independent sponsors I can't mention.[/center][/center]
[center][center] [/center][/center]
[center][center][b]Quest Ideas:[/b][/center][/center]
[center][center]Rewarded with $5.00 in credits[/center][/center]
[center][center] [/center][/center]
[center][center][b]Quest Creation:[/b][/center][/center]
[center][center]Passant the Weak and Guillak[/center][/center]
[center][center]Rewarded both with $10.00 in credits

QUEST, GAMES, OR CONTEST:[/center][/center]
[left][left][log=Find the Character Quest][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11109-md-xmas-fest/page__view__findpost__p__98037"]Find the Character Quest[/url]
[b]First: *Shadowseeker* (solved it in a very fast way)[/b][/left][/left]
[*]Received a Wish Point
[/list][left][left][b]Second: *Clock Master* (was very close to *Shadowseeker*, also surprising)[/b][/left][/left]
[*]Received: $10.00 in credits + 1 gold coin
[/list][left][left][b]Third: stavaroiu (solved the quest in a decent time :D, managed to pass ignnus who finished like five minutes after him)[/b][/left][/left]
[*]Received: $5.00 in credits + one 646 age grassan[/log]
[/list][left][left][log=Riddles Time #1][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11109-md-xmas-fest/page__view__findpost__p__98042"]Riddles Time #1[/url]


[b]First Place: Aelis (Almost guessed all hehe :D)[/b]

Received: One Spell Stone, One gold Coin, $5.00 in credits

[b]Second Place: AmberRune[/b]

Received: One gold coin

[b]Third Place: Ignnus[/b]

Received: $3.00 in credits[/log]

[log=Seven Differences Quest][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11109-md-xmas-fest/page__view__findpost__p__98071"]Seven Differences Quest[/url]


[b]First Place: Team composed by *Shadowseeker*, Tal, Duke of Malfi[/b]

Winners of one WishPoint each.

Note: Due to WishPoints Limits I can't Reward *Shadowseeker*, Seigheart, leader of the Treasure Keepers will.

[b]Second Place: Darkraptor[/b]

Winner of $10.00 in credits

[b]Third Place: Team composed by: Amber Rune, Sasha Lilias, and Aelis[/b]

Winners of $5.00 in credits[/log]

[log=MD Christmas Carols][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11178-md-xmas-carols-voting/"]MD Christmas Carols[/url]


[b]First Place: Zleiphneir[/b]

Winner of one WishPoint

[b]Second Place: Aelis[/b]

Winner of $10.00 in credits

[b]Third Place: Tie between ZenTao and Majmun[/b]

Winners of $5.00 in credits each[/log]

[log=Dress an avatar contest][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11109-md-xmas-fest/page__view__findpost__p__98086"]Dress an avatar contest[/url]


[b]First Place: Sasha Lilias[/b]

Winner of a WishPoint[/log]

[log=Second Riddle Time][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11109-md-xmas-fest/page__view__findpost__p__98112"]Second Riddle Time[/url]


[b]First Place: *Shadowseeker*[/b]

Winner of $10.00 in credits and 2 spell stones

[b]Second Place: Ignnus[/b]

Winner of $5.00 in credits

[b]Third Place: Tie between Eon and Chewett[/b]

Winners of $3.00 in credits each[/log]

[log=MD Mursy Santa Xmas Contest][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11182-md-xmas-mursy-santa-letters-voting/"]MD Mursy Santa Xmas Contest[/url]


[b]First place: Eon[/b]

Winner of one WishPoint

[b]Second Place: Darkraptor[/b]

Winner of $5.00 in credits[/log]

[log=Modding Contest][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11109-md-xmas-fest/page__view__findpost__p__98281"]Modding Contest[/url]


It was decided that every participation was a winner. So the following received $5.00 credits each.

Rex Umbrae Killer
Child of the Soul
Princess Katt
Sasha Lilias

[log=Bingo Time #1][color=#FF0000][b]Winners:[/b][/color]

Winners of $5.00 credits for each time they won

Child of the Soul
Justice Fang
Justice Fang[/log]
[left][left][log=Bingo Time #2][color=#FF0000][b]Winners:[/b][/color]

Winners of $5.00 credits for each time they won

Eagle Eye
Sasha Lilias

[log=Make your letter to Santa: what do you wish for your land?][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11109-md-xmas-fest/page__view__findpost__p__98173"]Make your letter to Santa: what do you wish for your land?[/url]


[b]First Place: Jolla[/b]

Winner of a WishPoint[/log]

[log=Secret Santa][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11109-md-xmas-fest/page__view__findpost__p__98142"]Secret Santa[/url]

[b]Winners: All who participated[/b]

Note: If for some reason you participated and you don't received anything let me know.

Also if the ctc or itc sent doesn't work, let me know[/log][/left][/left]
[left][left] [/left][/left]
[left][left][log=Xmas Motive Story Night][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11194-xmas-story-night-voting/"]Xmas motive Story Night[/url][/left][/left]
[left][left]First Place: Darkraptor[/left][/left]
[left][left]Winner of one WishPoint[/log][/left][/left]
[left][left] [/left][/left]
[left][left] [/left][/left]
[left][left][log= Facebook Quest][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11174-third-mega-facebook-quest/"]Facebook Quest[/url]
[url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/MagicDuel-Adventure/125224180880844"]Facebook Page[/url][/log][/left][/left]
[left][left] [/left][/left]
[left][left]Hopefully I don't missed any...[/left][/left]
[left][left] [/left][/left]
[center][center]I Hope you all enjoyed![/center][/center]
[center][center] [/center][/center]
[center][center]As you saw, rewards were nice and I did my best, but I think there are things that can get better. For that reason I'm requesting reviews. What can be better? What you don't liked about the event? Well anything you want to say. This is the place for debating a questioning anything.
[center][center][color=#ff0000][b]I hope to hear your Reviews and pls answer the poll.[/b][/color]
[center][center]Notes: If you won any quest, game, or contest and still haven't been rewarded let me know.

Edited by Shadowseeker
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Analyzing the poll results,

I'm not happy with the results I got for:

[b] In General: The Contests, Games, and Quests held for this event were fair?[/b]

[b] In terms of rewarding: How well resources were used? (Resources are: Credits, WishPoints, and others)[/b]

So that means that for next year, if I manage to run another fest, my goal will be to fix those two areas.

For that I need to know specifically what you mean?

As an example:

Games were not fair because there wasn't games available at all times. (A real problem since I ran it myself)

For next year I'll plan quest with clickies for the nights, that should allow everybody to participate an enjoy.

In terms of rewarding well I'm really not sure what was wrong there. Perhaps, you all can enlighten me.

Please reply, I'll take all comments as a constructive way to make better events.


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