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Herbs for sale: 100+ Aromatic herbs, 75+ Tea Leaves

Passant the Weak

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If you feel that it is impossible to get herbs with all depletion around, it's time to change your mind. I have been absent minded in the realm lately due to IRL constraints, but my basket has been fully used.[b] I offer tea Leaves and Aromatic Herbs for sale.[/b]

[b]Please note that I will refuse bids from ressource depletors [/b](and those who support/help them). This is my modest contribution to the effort of those who start taking care of ressources across the realm. I will be sole judge to accept or refuse bids, but I commit on giving my reasoning if I have to do refuse some offers. Of course that [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10608-resource-depletion/page__hl__resource"]thread[/url] to help my judgement.

For those who may be concerned with the origin of those herbs I put up for sale, please note that I harvested them myself (apart a few gifts for glass making) and that 90% of them (or more!) have been harvested in respect of the environment (optimal gathering). I have myself harvested in depleted locations occasionally (trying to beat depletors), in lands where people did not seem concerned with that issue. I am happy to say that most lands now care on that. So do I.

Current number for sale (will be updated if I gather a few more before the auction):
[size=5]- [b]Tea leaves: Qty 75[/b][/size]
[size=5]-[b] Aromatic herbs: Qty 101[/b][/size]
Edit: I accept separate offers for Tea leaves and Aromatic herbs.

Bid away!
Auction ends when I am satisfied with the price . If I consider it too low, I will cancel the auction.


Edited by Passant the Weak
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