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I'd like to set up a structure to record a log of weather events in the realm.

I have a couple ideas and I'd like people to comment with thoughts on these ideas and some ideas of their own.

First, I wonder if a clickie can be coded to automatically record triggers. This would be a simple way to do it. Scripters, can this be done?

Second idea, we need a social structure that gives 24 hour attention to weather logs. This seems like a daunting task. The only group I can think of that has guaranteed 24 hour availability is LHO.

I wonder if LHO could record the weather for us and post a log on a clickie in the Paper Cabin as part of their duties. Community Garden can pay for this service from our treasury. Grido, you asked what garden treasury would be used for. Would LHO be willing to take an additional task? Would you be willing to negotiate a contract on behalf of LHO team outlining services and payment?

Any other ideas? I can record the weather when I change it, but I'm not really online all that much. We need logs of all weather events.


A clicky that does its thing without being activated by somebody is most definitely an abusive code. No matter how good your intentions are, if that worked, it'd need to be fixed (or kept secret in the workshops of Chewie and Ren xD)

And not even LHOs are working 24/7, and much less do we watch the triggers all the time. Most of my working time i spent logged in and with the volume pretty high so i hear when chat or PMs send me a ping, since weather spells don't do that, i would most likely miss out on it. And i'm surely not the only one, because looking at a scree that does nothing for 2 hours gets kind of annoying over the months.

Maybe you could find all the people who have weather spells and ask them to record it when they use it?

  • Root Admin

[quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1342664121' post='117741']
Second idea, we need a social structure that gives 24 hour attention to weather logs. This seems like a daunting task. The only group I can think of that has guaranteed 24 hour availability is LHO.

I wonder if LHO could record the weather for us and post a log on a clickie in the Paper Cabin as part of their duties. Community Garden can pay for this service from our treasury. Grido, you asked what garden treasury would be used for. Would LHO be willing to take an additional task? Would you be willing to negotiate a contract on behalf of LHO team outlining services and payment?

Any other ideas? I can record the weather when I change it, but I'm not really online all that much. We need logs of all weather events.

You are the gardeners, why dont you organise your group to do it yourselves... Its not hard work but all you need is a large group of people to send in weather reports... its not exactly a hard job, so just ask lots of people to do it.

LHO doing it? lol no, i doubt grido will agree to this. They shouldnt have to worry about paying attention to something as minor as the weather.

As for scripting it... possible, will it trigger you to be banned immediately, possibly, i havent tried the trigger box.


If the clickie pulled data from "outside" possibly (cron job, external server? ...load other website as some folks Papers do?), but then we are stretching the bounds of the realm a bit more.
I can't think of a way to get a steady semi-automated feed from -within- MD directly, except for an organized effort of people, as suggested above. But that's less "automatic" and prone to fall into idleness at times. Hmm....

  • Root Admin

[quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1342687741' post='117751']
But that's less "automatic" and prone to fall into idleness at times. Hmm....

See Dojo -> Sparring Grounds

If peolpe dont want it, then it wont be sustained, as is MagicDuel. If it does not have public opinion and voice working for it, it wont live.


Ahh, I also jsut considered you probably meant "weather" as in Sunny spellcasts, and Storms, and such. I'll admit I miss about 80% of those types of actual "weather" since I tend to ignore the triggers except when I first login, or am checking ot see if the gazebo is still glowing. So, Hmm....
I'll sleep on the ida though and see what bubbles up in my head. I doubt anything concrete though.


I definitely wouldn't make that an official LHO duty, I could mention it to them each and direct them to you if they wanted to take you up on it, but the recording would be done as individuals, not on behalf of LHOs, so to speak.

If someone was interested, they could set up an unofficial workers guild though, and do this sort of thing, get paid to do odd jobs etc

The problem with any script that might do something like that, is to distinguish between the triggers already recorded, and the new ones. The ident of them is a user id and the name of the spell (in this case), there's no distinguishing a person casting it twice and it being recorded once, and a person casting once, and it being recorded twice.

Posted (edited)

I've had a go at scripting something at a rock at GoE ("Weather Log"). It's reliant on community support rather than checking the triggers box. Still have yet to log the input, but please tell me what you think; first time I've coded something using MDScript.

Edit: "Weather Log", sorry not "Logs"

Edited by The Warrior
Posted (edited)

I have added administration functions for deleting individual logs and clearing whole array. Rumi, if you or anyone else need to access these functions please send me respective player IDs. And if you still want to involve LHOs, Rumi, then I'd be happy to take the IDs of any LHO.

Edited by The Warrior

nice work... very easy to use. We'll see how well the community uses it when we get some weather.

Posted (edited)

Some bugs (I'm using FF);

*If I'm on the Log page, and click New, it'll take me to the Instructions page instead.
*If I'm on the New page, and select any of the weathers before then returning to the Log page (button at top) it'll register that I've logged that weather. (Please delete the entries I've put in) - this way didn't even check time and date were filled in which the "proper" log button seems to.
*You might want to check the date against the actual timestamp for submission, else there will be a few people putting some that are in the future (like I've just done) or stupidly far in the past.

Edited by Grido

1) This has been occurring to me for quite some time and I'm completely stumped as to why?
2) This should now be sorted.
3) This was by intention, there may be some situation where this is beneficial.

Rumi, your ID has been added.

  • Root Admin

forward dating weather seems rather pointless as then when that time comes and no weather did occur, you cant really tell if it was a real report, or someone forward dated it for a laugh.

being able to add weather for the past 24hrs might be good

  • 4 weeks later...

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