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MD Summer Rewards Ceremony Logs


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[log=Rewards Ceremony]
[28/07/12 18:00] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] [color=#cc00ff]Welcome![/color]
[28/07/12 18:00] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Hello
[28/07/12 18:01] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]In a few moments we will start our rewards ceremony
[28/07/12 18:01] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]for MD Summer Fest 2012
[28/07/12 18:01] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]This time I won't summon anybody. They must find me for their rewards :)
[28/07/12 18:02] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]So I held three Main Quests
[28/07/12 18:03] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]and we are going to start with those for rewards
[28/07/12 18:03] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Main Quest Number One:
[28/07/12 18:03] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]This quest was based on five tasks: 1. Solve a cryptogram 2. Decorate an avatar with Summer 3. Solve ten tag questions 4. Take a picture of a summer related item on their homes
[28/07/12 18:03] [b]darkraptor:[/b]Team BFH :-P
[28/07/12 18:03] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]5. Complete a secret message and do as it said.
[28/07/12 18:04] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]The top three positions to be rewarded are:
[28/07/12 18:04] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]First Place ignnus Received a Chaotic Boost stone and gets Main prize.
[28/07/12 18:04] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]His Main Prize is a GG drach + 10 credits
[28/07/12 18:04] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]congratulations
[28/07/12 18:05] [b]ignnus:[/b]WOW!thank you
[28/07/12 18:05] [b]darkraptor:[/b]WOW! congratz!
[28/07/12 18:05] [b]Plix Plox:[/b]WOAH
[28/07/12 18:05] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Way to go ignnus!
[28/07/12 18:05] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Master Of Mar applauds[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:05] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color] grats.
[28/07/12 18:05] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]not bad:-)
[28/07/12 18:05] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]congr
[28/07/12 18:05] [b]ignnus:[/b]way better than expected
[28/07/12 18:05] [b]ignnus:[/b]thanks people
[28/07/12 18:06] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Second Place is Plix Plox: Received a Chaotic Boost stone and gets a second place prize whatever it is.
[28/07/12 18:06] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]His Main Prize is....
[28/07/12 18:06] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Shemhazaj attacks Ignnus before there is a gg drach on def :P[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:07] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Elucubration creat + 5 credits
[28/07/12 18:07] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Congratulations
[28/07/12 18:07] [b]Plix Plox:[/b]WOW Thanks :D
[28/07/12 18:07] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]smilse[/i]*[/color] grats Plix Plox!
[28/07/12 18:07] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Way to go Plix Plox!
[28/07/12 18:08] [b]Magistra:[/b]Congratz Plix!
[28/07/12 18:08] [b]Plix Plox:[/b]Thanks everyone
[28/07/12 18:08] [b]darkraptor:[/b]Start getting candy for your new pet :-P
[28/07/12 18:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Third Place Phantom Orchid: Received a Chaotic Boost Stone and gets a third place prize whatever it is.
[28/07/12 18:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Her Main Prize is....
[28/07/12 18:09] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Way to go Phantom Orchid!
[28/07/12 18:09] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]A Soulweaver!
[28/07/12 18:09] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Congratulations
[28/07/12 18:09] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color] congrats Poe.
[28/07/12 18:09] [b]darkraptor:[/b]Contratz PO!
[28/07/12 18:10] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Maybe that will bump you up to MP6....
[28/07/12 18:11] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]if any issues transfering creats let me know I spam council on your name[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 18:11] [b]Nimrodel:[/b].
[28/07/12 18:11] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]and Note: I already awarded the Chaotic Stones
[28/07/12 18:11] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color] Thank you
[28/07/12 18:11] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]for this quest as announced
[28/07/12 18:11] [b]Nimrodel:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i] i'l play eon[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 18:12] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]I alredy rewarded Darkraptop with a Gold Coin for his efforts
[28/07/12 18:12] [b]Nimrodel:[/b].
[28/07/12 18:12] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]SHHSHHH!! Nim
[28/07/12 18:12] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]What efficiency! Let's hear it for BFH!
[28/07/12 18:12] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]next
[28/07/12 18:12] [b]darkraptor:[/b]tahnk you BFH, i've failed :-(
[28/07/12 18:13] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Second Main Quest:
[28/07/12 18:13] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Hip hip....
[28/07/12 18:13] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]This quest consisted on a race in which I used the secret tools/items to teleport the participants
[28/07/12 18:14] [b]Nimrodel:[/b].
[28/07/12 18:14] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]this is where everybody is supposed to shoud HURRAY![/i][/color])
[28/07/12 18:14] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]X amount of time through different scenes of MD. They had to find 20 hidden items on 20 different clickies all over MagicDuel. First two teams of two to find the items won.
[28/07/12 18:14] [b]Master Of Mar:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]okay Fyrd, try doing it again[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 18:14] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Hip hip....
[28/07/12 18:14] [b]ignnus:[/b]hurray
[28/07/12 18:14] [b]Master Of Mar:[/b]HURRAY!
[28/07/12 18:14] [b]darkraptor:[/b]HURRAY!!
[28/07/12 18:14] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]X times 400 is more like it!
[28/07/12 18:15] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]I still have a headache [color="#305681"]*[i]winks[/i]*[/color]
[28/07/12 18:15] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Top Two positions to be rewarded are:
[28/07/12 18:15] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]First place with a score of 20/20
[28/07/12 18:15] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Ignnus and Darkraptor
[28/07/12 18:15] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Got a Chaotic Boost stone and gets the first place reward whatever it will be.
[28/07/12 18:16] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Phantom Orchid claps[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:16] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Master Of Mar applauds[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:16] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Their Main Prize is...
[28/07/12 18:16] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]1st place cup & 5 credits for both of them
[28/07/12 18:17] [b]Plix Plox:[/b]Congratsss!!!
[28/07/12 18:17] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]Note council committed a mistake and only sent me one firts/second place trophy I'll send the others during the week[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 18:18] [b]darkraptor:[/b]thank you [color="#305681"]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color]
[28/07/12 18:18] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color] congrats to you two
[28/07/12 18:18] [b]ignnus:[/b]cup?I got a cup?God yes!
[28/07/12 18:18] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]way to go
[28/07/12 18:18] [b]ignnus:[/b]thank you Shem
[28/07/12 18:18] [b]ignnus:[/b]and Fryd
[28/07/12 18:18] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]Well deserved :)
[28/07/12 18:18] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]second place
[28/07/12 18:18] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]you already have got enought cup of tea:-)
[28/07/12 18:19] [b]ignnus:[/b]thanks
[28/07/12 18:19] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Second Place with a score of 17/20: Nimrodel and Phantom Orchid
[28/07/12 18:19] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Got a Chaotic Boost stone and gets the second place reward whatever it will be.
[28/07/12 18:20] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Master Of Mar applauds [/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:20] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Her Main prize is...
[28/07/12 18:20] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]2nd place medal & 5 credits for both of them
[28/07/12 18:21] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color] congrats to you girls!
[28/07/12 18:21] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]way to go.
[28/07/12 18:21] [b]darkraptor:[/b]congratz [color="#305681"]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color]
[28/07/12 18:21] [b]ignnus:[/b]good job
[28/07/12 18:22] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]remember ignnus and PoE will receive their rewards during the week, once I sort out the missing trophies with council[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 18:22] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Next Quest
[28/07/12 18:23] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ohh wait i forgot
[28/07/12 18:23] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]APART OF THEM: There isn't any official reward for the third place however I gave them 5 silver each for their effort They were a tie 12/20 AmberRune, Zyrzae, [color="#305681"]*[i]MRAlyon[/i]*[/color] , and Eon
[28/07/12 18:23] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]gratz
[28/07/12 18:23] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color] grats guys
[28/07/12 18:23] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Third Main Quest:
[28/07/12 18:24] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Consisted on a Serial Killer story Mode. In it the participants had to choose between several options to stay alive and capture the Serial Killer alive. Their actions really Killed them.
[28/07/12 18:24] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]everyone gets a coffin! [color="#305681"]*[i]chuckles[/i]*[/color]
[28/07/12 18:25] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Cereal killer?
[28/07/12 18:25] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Winners NONE. All and everybody choose the wrong options and got killed. This was really fun for all.. I think
[28/07/12 18:25] [b]JadenDew:[/b]Nyu~ hihi people~
[28/07/12 18:25] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Even thou if there wasn't a winner Eon was the one who completed the most of it.
[28/07/12 18:25] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]it was, and the fun continued after the quest [color="#305681"]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color]
[28/07/12 18:25] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]Fyrd Argentus passed Spicy Pickle to Oqaab[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:25] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]And we decided to award him the promised reward
[28/07/12 18:25] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]Fyrd Argentus passed Spicy Pickle to Oqaab[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:26] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]He gets a SHMSH creat redeemable stone
[28/07/12 18:26] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]JadenDew pokes Shemhazaj[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:26] [b]Eon:[/b].
[28/07/12 18:26] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Oqaab thanks Fyrd[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:26] [b]JadenDew:[/b]ooh~ sounds nice
[28/07/12 18:26] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]When the creature get released he can exchange the stone for it.
[28/07/12 18:27] [b]darkraptor:[/b]Congratz!
[28/07/12 18:27] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]or give it to me
[28/07/12 18:27] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]:-)
[28/07/12 18:28] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Almost completely the way to go, Eon!
[28/07/12 18:28] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]however I don't find correct this thing BFH
[28/07/12 18:28] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]he always failed your quest
[28/07/12 18:28] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]and gets the best reward of all
[28/07/12 18:28] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]all failed
[28/07/12 18:29] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]yeah so nothing reward
[28/07/12 18:29] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]he was the one who most completed of it
[28/07/12 18:29] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]I think it's normal thing
[28/07/12 18:29] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]so I rewarded
[28/07/12 18:29] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]yeah but not completed
[28/07/12 18:29] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]no complains
[28/07/12 18:29] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Neither is the SMSH - completed that is.
[28/07/12 18:29] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]It has been already decided
[28/07/12 18:29] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]the give him a reward for efforts but not the man prize
[28/07/12 18:29] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]ok
[28/07/12 18:30] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]next
[28/07/12 18:30] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]however I'm not the only one that think so... I'm sure
[28/07/12 18:30] [b]ignnus:[/b]I was so happy when he failed..bummer
[28/07/12 18:30] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]Fyrd Argentus passed Spicy Pickle to MRAlyon [/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:31] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Non Main Quests: Quest Number one: ([color="#888888"][i]REWARDED ALREADY NO REWARDS TO GIVE[/i][/color]) It was a cryptogram.
[28/07/12 18:31] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]thanks Fyrd:-)
[28/07/12 18:31] [b]Plix Plox:[/b]Ooh Spicy Pickles
[28/07/12 18:32] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]You still have one Plix[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 18:32] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Winners: First: Quianna Won the first ever awarded Chaoticboost stone + 3 silver coins
[28/07/12 18:32] [b]Plix Plox:[/b]I know
[28/07/12 18:32] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Second: Demaclese XIII Won 3 silver coins. He received a Chaotic Stone Boost stone.
[28/07/12 18:32] [b]Plix Plox:[/b]Just saying
[28/07/12 18:32] [b]DARK DEMON:[/b]me? (sighs*
[28/07/12 18:32] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Third: Dragual Monarth Won 3 silver coins. Possibility of winning another stone [Not Chaotic but other] pending.
[28/07/12 18:32] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Apart: I sent 2 silver coins to all who participated and completed this cryptogram Fyrd Argentus, Awiiya, Plix Plox, darkraptor, ehalep, [color="#305681"]*[i]Clock Master[/i]*[/color] , The warrior, Princ Rhaegar
[28/07/12 18:33] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]Fyrd Argentus passed Spicy Pickle to DARK DEMON[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:34] [b]DARK DEMON:[/b]you sent it? thanks!!
[28/07/12 18:34] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Dragual Monarth gets the promised stone
[28/07/12 18:34] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]A teleport to Paper Cabin spell stone
[28/07/12 18:35] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]wtg Dagual!
[28/07/12 18:35] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]anybody knows if he is online?
[28/07/12 18:36] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]He is not
[28/07/12 18:36] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Al least he's black on my friends list
[28/07/12 18:36] [b]JadenDew:[/b]Hes not on..
[28/07/12 18:37] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]so he needs to pm me
[28/07/12 18:37] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]next
[28/07/12 18:37] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Quest Number Two:
[28/07/12 18:38] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Dead of the three Summer Teams leaders. They were killed and still are dead. Their teams must find out who are the 5 players that are playing the role of revivers. For this they must do team work and
[28/07/12 18:38] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Ouch, don't remind me
[28/07/12 18:38] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]they are doing so.
[28/07/12 18:38] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Who are to be rewarded....?
[28/07/12 18:38] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]The five revivers :D
[28/07/12 18:39] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Personally, I'm just glad it's over.
[28/07/12 18:39] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]5 credits for each
[28/07/12 18:39] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]for Maebius no:-)
[28/07/12 18:39] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]if it is[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 18:39] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]it's not ended
[28/07/12 18:39] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Maeb is dead
[28/07/12 18:39] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]I'm waitind demaclese reply from 3 days now
[28/07/12 18:40] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]apparently I might need to complicate the quest a bit :))
[28/07/12 18:40] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]we will see if he will reply on forum
[28/07/12 18:40] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]SHOUTS: Until here were my quests now teams!
[28/07/12 18:41] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]teams were required to do quests
[28/07/12 18:41] [b]Nimrodel:[/b].
[28/07/12 18:42] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]their score was to be averaged so that there wasn't any advantage and this way this I think is the best scoring system possible.
[28/07/12 18:42] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]the Team Scores Can be Found here: [[url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12684-md-summer-team-scores/#entry118131"]Forum link[/url]]
[28/07/12 18:42] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]I'm glad to announce that team two won!
[28/07/12 18:43] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]yeah!!!:-)
[28/07/12 18:43] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]what they will get...
[28/07/12 18:43] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Boo! Boo!
[28/07/12 18:43] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Puppeetteers rule!
[28/07/12 18:44] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Fyrd Argentus drops trousers and moons team 2[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:45] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Master Of Mar laughs[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:45] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]1 rein, 2 sw, 2 rusty , 3 GG, 3 wishpoint codes, 3 x 5 gold notes, 4x 10 silver notes, and 10 chaotic boost stones
[28/07/12 18:45] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]O_________________O
[28/07/12 18:45] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]the team leader will receive the codes
[28/07/12 18:45] [b]Master Of Mar:[/b]Oh My God.
[28/07/12 18:45] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]you guys will split up the rewards
[28/07/12 18:45] [b]JadenDew:[/b]That sounds nice
[28/07/12 18:45] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]!!!!!!! WOW:-)
[28/07/12 18:45] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Master Of Mar dies, here and now[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:46] [b]darkraptor:[/b]LOL.. we split the reward?
[28/07/12 18:46] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Now the game begins - how to you split with barely active members?
[28/07/12 18:46] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]you fight for it
[28/07/12 18:46] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Ha ha - lots of fun
[28/07/12 18:46] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]your team leader decides
[28/07/12 18:46] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]lol
[28/07/12 18:46] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that's your job
[28/07/12 18:46] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]:P
[28/07/12 18:47] [b]darkraptor:[/b]lol..
[28/07/12 18:47] [b]Master Of Mar:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]impersonates team leader[/i]*[/color] you each get a silver note. rest is for me
[28/07/12 18:47] [b]darkraptor:[/b]Thank you BFH
[28/07/12 18:47] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]if Maebius will give me something of interesting or will stay dead:-9
[28/07/12 18:47] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]thanks BFH
[28/07/12 18:47] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]BFH
[28/07/12 18:47] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Congratulations to all
[28/07/12 18:48] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]and complains now if any. Though I won't change anything
[28/07/12 18:48] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]:))
[28/07/12 18:48] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]I have demaclese's riddle
[28/07/12 18:48] [b]Eon:[/b].
[28/07/12 18:48] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]a thing BFH.... wishpoint code can be used or for reward future contest?
[28/07/12 18:48] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]since he is inactive
[28/07/12 18:48] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]JadenDew giggles[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:48] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]y alyon
[28/07/12 18:48] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]can I just give team tow people with their riddle?
[28/07/12 18:48] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]no nim
[28/07/12 18:48] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]-_-
[28/07/12 18:48] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]dema is active on forum
[28/07/12 18:49] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]pm him there
[28/07/12 18:49] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]=_= Baka no aho
[28/07/12 18:49] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]if he doesn't answer in 24 hrs I'll change up the quest a bit
[28/07/12 18:49] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]done... I'm waiting
[28/07/12 18:49] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]btw:
[28/07/12 18:49] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]all of you solved the quest I'll share now the names and five clues
[28/07/12 18:49] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]mmm?
[28/07/12 18:49] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]those were easy...
[28/07/12 18:50] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]JadenDew pokes Shemhazaj with the tip of her umbrella[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:50] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Zleipneir Initial CLUE: Bob , Mya Clue: Guardian, Rhaegar Clue: Savel, Keida Clue: WUNA , Dema Clue: Mediator: ([color="#888888"][i]He will receive Mediator temporary tag[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 18:51] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]he already has got it
[28/07/12 18:51] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]spam me if you can't transfer any rewards
[28/07/12 18:51] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]:-)
[28/07/12 18:51] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]i put it
[28/07/12 18:51] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ofc he have it
[28/07/12 18:52] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]*BFH Lightning* passed Chaoticboost stone to Maebius[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:52] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]*BFH Lightning* passed Chaoticboost stone to Maebius[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:52] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]*BFH Lightning* passed Chaoticboost stone to Maebius[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:53] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]*BFH Lightning* passed Chaoticboost stone to Maebius[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:53] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]*BFH Lightning* passed Chaoticboost stone to Maebius[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:53] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]*BFH Lightning* passed Chaoticboost stone to Maebius[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:53] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]*BFH Lightning* passed Chaoticboost stone to Maebius[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:53] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]*BFH Lightning* passed Chaoticboost stone to Maebius[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:53] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]*BFH Lightning* passed Chaoticboost stone to Maebius[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:53] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]*BFH Lightning* passed Chaoticboost stone to Maebius[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:54] [b]:[/b][color="#999999"][i]*BFH Lightning* failed to cast a spell[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:54] [b]:[/b][color="#FF9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]KBOOM!![/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:54] [b]:[/b][color="#FF9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]KBOOM!![/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:55] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Who exploded?
[28/07/12 18:56] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]*BFH Lightning* points to ignnus[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:56] [b]ignnus:[/b]yep
[28/07/12 18:56] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Master Of Mar doesn't get it[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 18:56] [b]ignnus:[/b]double time!
[28/07/12 18:59] [b]ignnus:[/b]it happens,thank god I'm alive
[28/07/12 18:59] [b]Etluc:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]leans on his walking stick[/i]*[/color] Why are there no MagicDuel Olympics?
[28/07/12 19:00] [b]darkraptor:[/b]Did i miss something? BFH did you already gave the prize for the other teams?
[28/07/12 19:01] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]you haven't missed anything
[28/07/12 19:02] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]all prizes have been delivered
[28/07/12 19:02] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]is the ceremony over?
[28/07/12 19:02] [b]ignnus:[/b]you don't appear to have any sort of legs Etluc
[28/07/12 19:02] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]can we throw our hats up and shout YAY!?
[28/07/12 19:02] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]if anyone has a hat ofc...
[28/07/12 19:03] [b]Etluc:[/b]Indeed, I'd be in the sac race
[28/07/12 19:03] [b]Etluc:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]sack*[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 19:03] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Master Of Mar likes the idea of an MD olympics[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:04] [b]ignnus:[/b]that's not an olympic branch you know
[28/07/12 19:04] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]Etluc passed Cup of Aromatic Tea to BFH Lightning[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:04] [b]Etluc:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]nods[/i]*[/color] We'd MD-ify it
[28/07/12 19:04] [b]Etluc:[/b]Thanks for the event, BFH
[28/07/12 19:04] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Yay
[28/07/12 19:05] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Yes BFH
[28/07/12 19:05] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Fyrd Argentus throws up his hat, bells jingling[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:05] [b]Master Of Mar:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]tosses up shem's hat[/i]*[/color] horray!
[28/07/12 19:05] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Thank you
[28/07/12 19:05] [b]Master Of Mar:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]sorry shem, I don't have my own hat :S[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 19:05] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Lets throw BFH in the air!
[28/07/12 19:05] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]I don't have a hat MoM...
[28/07/12 19:05] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Etluc tosses his hat in the air as well[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:06] [b]Master Of Mar:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]looks around, snatches Fyrd's hat from the air, and rethrows it[/i]*[/color] horray!
[28/07/12 19:06] [b]ignnus:[/b]Thanks BFH!! ([color="#888888"][i]Babe from heaven[/i][/color]) ,great event
[28/07/12 19:06] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Etluc takes his hat back before it's stolen[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:06] [b]Nimrodel:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]grabs hold of BFH's leg[/i]*[/color] Anyone wanna help me? :3
[28/07/12 19:06] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Master Of Mar holds his other leg[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:07] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Also Eon san.. I'm 456k neg vp already :( pretty please dont attack me?
[28/07/12 19:07] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Fyrd Argentus wagggles his fingers suggestively in BFH's direction.[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:07] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]people!! Hold the hands and the back as well ><
[28/07/12 19:07] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Fyrd Argentus mummbles incoherently.[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:07] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]are you aksing for a miracle nim???
[28/07/12 19:07] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]:-)
[28/07/12 19:07] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Want BFh to end up with a head injury?
[28/07/12 19:08] [b]Master Of Mar:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]laughs[/i]*[/color] I love not being MP5... :D I don't like to be killed by Eon :S... it'd be odd, considering I really like him :S
[28/07/12 19:08] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]or worse...
[28/07/12 19:08] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]#spine
[28/07/12 19:08] [b]Master Of Mar:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]smiles and runs around the Gazebo[/i]*[/color] not MP5... not MP5... not Mp5...
[28/07/12 19:08] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]SHOUTS: People! hold his back shoulders and head ><!
[28/07/12 19:09] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Etluc reminds MoM of Kz[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:09] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]are we tearing BFH to pieces?
[28/07/12 19:09] [b]Etluc:[/b]Why are you abusing BFH?
[28/07/12 19:09] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]-.-
[28/07/12 19:09] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Nimrodel gives up[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:09] [b]Master Of Mar:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]stops in his tracks[/i]*[/color] meh, I beat him once
[28/07/12 19:10] [b]Master Of Mar:[/b]but then again, only once
[28/07/12 19:10] [b]Master Of Mar:[/b]is there any person like Eon at MP4?
[28/07/12 19:10] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]I thought we were levitating BFH
[28/07/12 19:11] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]there was a certain feb at MP3 when angiens were usable at mp3
[28/07/12 19:11] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]A lot of folks freeze at MP4
[28/07/12 19:11] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]They tend to be the ones who do NOT want to grind forever...
[28/07/12 19:11] [b]Master Of Mar:[/b]febs a good guy
[28/07/12 19:12] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Roleplayers...
[28/07/12 19:12] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]i want a pickle >>
[28/07/12 19:12] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]and a pickle point
[28/07/12 19:12] [b]:[/b][color="#1D6D94"][i]Fyrd Argentus passed Spicy Pickle to Nimrodel [/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:12] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Feb was a demon when the angiens were usable.
[28/07/12 19:12] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]What would the point be for?
[28/07/12 19:13] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]for... being nimrodel? ;3
[28/07/12 19:13] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]looks his pieces[/i]*[/color] so this is how we make a puzzle
[28/07/12 19:13] [b]darkraptor:[/b]BFH can you post the ceremony on the forum? please?
[28/07/12 19:13] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]I would think that was it's own reward
[28/07/12 19:13] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Far greater than anything I could award you
[28/07/12 19:13] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]eh?
[28/07/12 19:13] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]^_^
[28/07/12 19:13] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]I like that. thank you :)
[28/07/12 19:13] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Etluc steals a chaoticboost stone[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:14] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Thank you for being you.
[28/07/12 19:14] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]and thanks for th epickle too..
[28/07/12 19:14] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Etluc seems to be having psychotic delusions
[28/07/12 19:14] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Etluc decides he's against stealing and returns it[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:14] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color] I need to go for now
[28/07/12 19:14] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]I hope that wasnt sarcasm Fyrd >>
[28/07/12 19:14] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]I was kinda mean to tom.. -.-
[28/07/12 19:14] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]No nim, it was not sarcasm
[28/07/12 19:15] [b]Etluc:[/b]Must all delusions be psychotic?
[28/07/12 19:15] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]We all have our less than kind days.
[28/07/12 19:15] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Etluc tips his hat to Shem in farewell[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:15] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Didnt intend for it to sound that harsh. -.-
[28/07/12 19:15] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Turn it into a friendship if you're worried
[28/07/12 19:15] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]thanks for the Fest, BFH even tho I observed it rather than competed
[28/07/12 19:15] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]I'll do that :)
[28/07/12 19:15] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]it was a blast [color="#305681"]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color]
[28/07/12 19:16] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]nods to everyone present[/i]*[/color] be well.
[28/07/12 19:16] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]OHHH
[28/07/12 19:16] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Damn. I dun have a levitate spell >>
[28/07/12 19:16] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]Well this has been way too much for an old man like me.
[28/07/12 19:16] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]btw
[28/07/12 19:16] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]I think I'll be....
[28/07/12 19:16] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]independets
[28/07/12 19:16] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]what?
[28/07/12 19:16] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]best independent will get something
[28/07/12 19:16] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Fyrd Argentus looks back[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:16] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]YAY SHEM
[28/07/12 19:16] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]but he/she will be picked by the 3 leaders
[28/07/12 19:16] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]:D
[28/07/12 19:17] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]I don't know who was him/her.
[28/07/12 19:17] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Shem for our team ^_^
[28/07/12 19:17] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]I think :P
[28/07/12 19:17] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]I'm sure val wont have issues :P
[28/07/12 19:18] [b]darkraptor:[/b]I think the independents scores can be calculated...
[28/07/12 19:19] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]mmm...
[28/07/12 19:19] [b]darkraptor:[/b]by the leaders ofc :-P
[28/07/12 19:19] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]were are those?[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 19:19] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]team 1 already announced their best independant.
[28/07/12 19:19] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]leaders have them[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 19:19] [b]ignnus:[/b]by score?
[28/07/12 19:19] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]they should[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 19:19] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]yes..
[28/07/12 19:20] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]From our team perspective, Shem shined
[28/07/12 19:20] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]all three teams leaders were pmed for that
[28/07/12 19:20] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]We posted
[28/07/12 19:21] [b]ignnus:[/b]oh right the baloon thing
[28/07/12 19:21] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]I say we - it was Amber, bless her heart[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 19:21] [b]Nimrodel:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]yeah. your team kinda survived coz of her :P[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 19:21] [b]Etluc:[/b]Amber seemed to be doing all of the work [color="#305681"]*[i]chuckles[/i]*[/color]
[28/07/12 19:22] [b]Nimrodel:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]she was brilliant. did all the rallying too.. for the quests and stuff in the forum[/i][/color])
[28/07/12 19:22] [b]Fyrd Argentus:[/b]How about an award for Amber for coding two quests, and leading the solving for our team?
[28/07/12 19:22] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Time to say bye bye to spammers
[28/07/12 19:22] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]I have work to do byw
[28/07/12 19:22] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]bye
[28/07/12 19:23] [b]Etluc:[/b]We'll have to reward her ourselves, then
[28/07/12 19:24] [b]darkraptor:[/b]Please post log on forum
[28/07/12 19:24] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]arrgg...
[28/07/12 19:24] [b]:[/b][color="#999999"][i]*BFH Lightning* failed to cast a spell[/i][/color]
[28/07/12 19:24] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]no heat
[28/07/12 19:24] [b]:[/b][color="#FF9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]KBOOM!![/i][/color]


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