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Full Moon - January 2013


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There is a fun new contest coming to MagicDuel. I will leave the details for the Mid-Winter Festival on February 2. I want to give you the basic idea, so you can all begin to prepare as you enjoy the light of the full moon tonight.

This contest will in some ways be very similar to a contest hosted by Akasha in Spring 2010.


One thing that will differ from the original contest is that this contest will muddy the line between the realms, if you take my meaning. Your gardens around the world will impact the MagicDuel Community Garden at the Meeting of the Roads. I won't say much more about about it now, but I want you to be well aware that there will be substantial and valuable rewards for those who join up and follow through.

The theme of today's Esbat (a full or new moon celebration) is contemplation and planning. What do you want to grow? Why? Can you grow it where you live? Does it support your character role? It's it tasty? Beautiful? MOST IMPORTANT: Where can you get some seeds? And how soon?

I will be online today sometime between 20:00 and 23:59 (sorry, I can't commit to a specific time - check mood panel) to discuss gardening and answer gardening questions (NOT contest questions).

See you in the garden under the moon.

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