omegaweapon Posted May 19, 2008 Report Posted May 19, 2008 the problem is new player must face all the rules in first time play if in any mp there was different rules (better to say more complete or fair rules) i think it would be better i mean there must a way a toturial step by step to show u how this rules work i personaly dont like to see all the complicated rules in 1 side specialy the new system is a little strange in most of game win is win so if u want to break the rules of the world first introduce it to them well i know its alpha so this things dont matter but we can just have different rules for different mp so people dont scared from this rules i think i got your point about a game that have complicated rules but simple and i hope u can do it beacuse u want to be god (creating something like real life) i personaly try to find everything in a game to control it so i wont see upredictable results and it mean i try to find its weakness and we all know if u have lots of rules u have lots of mistake i just say i hope it work
Evening Posted May 19, 2008 Report Posted May 19, 2008 There will be too many looses on the server really soon ... I think it will be impossible to have wins since EVERYBODY will need them Edit : the overall idea of the new system is very good to me, it just needs some arrangements, or mathematics will screw the balance of everyone.
omegaweapon Posted May 19, 2008 Report Posted May 19, 2008 well if the loss rate goes too much it make things interesting maybe people defend with their real ritual one again but we must see this later
Evening Posted May 19, 2008 Report Posted May 19, 2008 Yeah this may change a bit some player comportement indeed, but it won't change the maths, with the actual system, it will undoubtably have a loss of "wins", then people will gather even more in sanctuaries. i bet that Manu does'nt want that to happen, nor a race to wins like normal games around the net...
Akasha Posted May 20, 2008 Report Posted May 20, 2008 He..then it won't be any sanctuary . I think it's time to make REAL rituals. if u make them and fight good shouldn't be a problem.
Constantine Posted May 20, 2008 Report Posted May 20, 2008 Akasha said: He..then it won't be any sanctuary .I think it's time to make REAL rituals. if u make them and fight good shouldn't be a problem. I agree, in order to make wins, one needs REAL rituals. But I must say, it's really hard now to get Wins. Losses accumulated much faster, and hard to get exp bonus for creatures.
Evening Posted May 22, 2008 Report Posted May 22, 2008 Yeah well ... my balance is perfect, 173/173 and there is already almost nobody that gives me positive honor, and even worse, they do usually give me more than -30 honnor, some people gives even more than -100 ! It's getting sick, imagine in a week or two
phlegmtheorem Posted May 22, 2008 Report Posted May 22, 2008 Ditto Evening. i'm a few wins below balanced right now, and very few people give me honor for beating them. It also seems like many fewer people are hanging out in the open now, they're all in hiding (myself included). Change the honor system, and ditch the sanctuaries if you're keeping this fight system.
Sacosphilz Posted May 22, 2008 Report Posted May 22, 2008 As a new MP4 player, my best course of action now would be: - Ditch the hope for fight balance. - Farm as many losses as I can. If I'm willing to lose all my creatures' vitality and all my VE, then it is very easy to keep attacking with the same damageless ritual and gaining losses from whoever is available to attacks without disturbing them, as often as the game will allow me. - After I'm satisfied with my losses-wins difference, maybe a few hundred or a few thousands, start trying to win fights. If everyone does the same thing, then the following will happen: - Forget about fight balance. It won't be possible after MP3 anymore. Even if you try to raise your win counts, the 20% VE loss condition makes it so that your creatures won't last many battles until you run out of gas, but if you try to lose you can keep losing forever. - Loss farming will be different from before in that it will rarely give unwanted wins to other players, but it will still disturb the game's balance as a whole. - Players who manage to farm more losses will benefit more in the long run. They get attacked less and they can choose who to attack without having to worry about honor. Ironically, stronger players will have more losses since they've bean around longer than weaker players. I haven't resort to that method on a full scale yet because it doesn't feel right, but I'm ready to do it if it will prove a point, whatever that point is. EDIT: I'm not calling the new system good or bad, and I definitely can't compare it to the old system because I don't know enough of the old one, I'm just speculating what would happen.
Nash Posted May 25, 2008 Report Posted May 25, 2008 I'm awaiting for put reply. But it's time. (My first language is español, so...) 2 weeks ago I had 200+ win over lose. Today I have 100+ LOSSES over win. First, I thought the cumulative losses was because I "bought" 4 new mobs. With 5 power, 4 low level and the rest intermediate (mobs) my force was unbalanced for the fight against mp5 players. But I realize that is not the explanation. After, I thought about the rituals. Made several power, several with one creature, several with 4 creatures. Mixing skills. But if you get many attacks your ritual get drain little by little until ONE good ritual beat you. Then if you get 0 vital energy for support your rituals then you will be overwhelm. Think in you are one against many. You cannot deal forever. That is the answer. In each fight always one lose but no always one get a victorious. That is unbalanced, because in the abstract you have a pool with all players and you are sending "losses" but few "victors". Even with good rituals you have less victors because your battles drain the vital and you will not fill the rule: The rules for a VICTORIOUS fight are that the loser loses over 30% more vitality than you do and that both players lose more than 20% So, it's improbable that you get balanced for a long time. The good side is being a great losser don't mean much in this game, so still I'm happy with the game. Good day Nash
Glaistig Posted May 25, 2008 Author Report Posted May 25, 2008 Well, after a bit of consideration, this system does have flaws for someone like me. Even if you manage to keep pretty much balanced, a lot of others won't and therefore you will have limited targets if you consider honor. At the same time, winning and keeping a balance is supposed to be a challenge, and I'm sure some will meet it; hopefully these people can fight amongst each other~ I just can't see how the previous system is much better.. the way almost everyone farmed losses was so aggravating, and not challenging in the least. Except if you consider the patience needed to do such a boring thing as spamming attacks.
thrall Posted May 27, 2008 Report Posted May 27, 2008 The thing is that most of the players dont know how to kep a balance (neubys) and the oters (the majority) still have implemented in there minds the honor problem, so to have big honor they losse and losse and there goses the balance. I have 8 losses more than wins and the majority gives me negative honor, i drop in 2 days of play from 5000 honor to 2847 honor, and that is becouse i was trayng to kep my balance and i still fiend some players that gives me -200 -300 honor /fight. So i propose this (FEEL FREE TO ADD ANYTHING THAT WILL IMPROVE THIS): put a penalisation for having to much losses, im thinking about 40, what gosses after that there shold not be added, somthing like when you reach -500 honor. This could be done with the wins to. With this i think players will take in consideration the balance more seriosly. The ideea is far from perfect so i ask of you to put your brains to work to eliminate this problem. I m shure if we fiend somthing in the MD spirit Manu will implement it.
dst Posted May 27, 2008 Report Posted May 27, 2008 thrall said: The thing is that most of the players dont know how to kep a balance (neubys) and the oters (the majority) still have implemented in there minds the honor problem, so to have big honor they losse and losse and there goses the balance.I have 8 losses more than wins and the majority gives me negative honor, i drop in 2 days of play from 5000 honor to 2847 honor, and that is becouse i was trayng to kep my balance and i still fiend some players that gives me -200 -300 honor /fight. So i propose this (FEEL FREE TO ADD ANYTHING THAT WILL IMPROVE THIS): put a penalisation for having to much losses, im thinking about 40, what gosses after that there shold not be added, somthing like when you reach -500 honor. This could be done with the wins to. With this i think players will take in consideration the balance more seriosly. The ideea is far from perfect so i ask of you to put your brains to work to eliminate this problem. I m shure if we fiend somthing in the MD spirit Manu will implement it. If they give a penalization for this problem then i'm gonna come for you to recuperate my 80 losess And I'm not always winning (only like 10% of the time). You make the math if it's possible for all to stay even.
thrall Posted May 28, 2008 Report Posted May 28, 2008 dst said: If they give a penalization for this problem then i'm gonna come for you to recuperate my 80 losess And I'm not always winning (only like 10% of the time). You make the math if it's possible for all to stay even. nice one , but i did not say that this is perfect, i was trayng to fiend somthing that will make the players balance more easely. what is yuor ideea for this problem????????????? and come and get me if you want i m waithing
phlegmtheorem Posted June 8, 2008 Report Posted June 8, 2008 THANK YOU for listening to us. I think the new way it is set up will be much better.
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