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Curiosities need answers!


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I've been trying to look for the answer for days, but have had no luck... What are those little arrow things just below a person's honour number and above their golden vitality bar? I would love any kind of hint! I have a vague idea... but I wish I knew for certain...


Also, I may as well ask while I'm posting...

I'm still very much confused about how to collect resources. I understand you need a bucket for water, and I tried collecting one in Sanctuary, but I needed loyalty. Is there any way for an mp3 to gain resources like pure fountain water? I need it for a quest and I've love any kind of advice...!


I once found a strange little device that supposedly could collect herbs. But I had no idea how to use it. It kept saying it needed heat, but I had no idea what to do to supply it with heat. :S 



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Thanks so much Syrian! So how many days= chevron? About the herb item... I can't remember what it was called exactly, since it has been returned... :S But does that mean no device actually needs "heat" then?


EDIT: Also, just another question... It might be a bit silly... But what IS an Adventure Log exactly?

Edited by Shadrala
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Have a look at http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12273-a-breakdown-of-the-interface/ for a few other bits and pieces as well, section 3 has the chevron info in it :)



Adventure Log is a story written about events going on in the realm at that time. Actual events, by actual players.

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I'm still very much confused about how to collect resources. I understand you need a bucket for water, and I tried collecting one in Sanctuary, but I needed loyalty. Is there any way for an mp3 to gain resources like pure fountain water? I need it for a quest and I've love any kind of advice...!


this is something that has to change in this game. every single mp3 that i talked with had this confusion, that shouldn't happen.

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  • Root Admin


this is something that has to change in this game. every single mp3 that i talked with had this confusion, that shouldn't happen.


Simple, we remove that quest entirely. Or we do as i suggested to murry, actually include the gathering into said quest.

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There are several items that need heat, and there are different ways to supply it. After MP3 you get your own heat storage device, so some things you need to be a higher MP level to use, but most things accept (or indeed, require) a higher value of heat than your average player can supply, which is where Heat Stones (solid heat) come in. These let pretty much anyone use heat powered devices :P


Although they are not the easiest things to come by, sometimes.

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Don't worry, I'm no cat :)


Also, I'm having a little error issue on my profile. A lovely LHO directed me to message Chewett, but I'm kind of stuck in Loreroot for the time being, so I decided that maybe I could get some help from here instead.

Ever since I edited my passpapers, I've been getting a little error message above my principles on my public profile page. 

The link is here. The error message says:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/magicdue/public_html/member.php on line 378



And no equipment on my avatar is showing up. I don't think I'm getting any equipment bonuses either...

Here is a screenshot of what I see when I open my public profile:




Thank you :3

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  • Root Admin


Don't worry, I'm no cat :)


Also, I'm having a little error issue on my profile. A lovely LHO directed me to message Chewett, but I'm kind of stuck in Loreroot for the time being, so I decided that maybe I could get some help from here instead.

Ever since I edited my passpapers, I've been getting a little error message above my principles on my public profile page. 

The link is here. The error message says:


And no equipment on my avatar is showing up. I don't think I'm getting any equipment bonuses either...

Here is a screenshot of what I see when I open my public profile:




Thank you :3

Which LHO?

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