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fading into the shadows

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you might have noticed I haven't been around much for quite some time.

and I don't believe it's going to change anytime soon.

still, I don't want to part with this realm. It has grown on me and I have grown within it.


My time here is limited and I feel tired.

I cannot be a Land representative and I am not fit to lead the alliance.

I leave GotR in the good hands of Mya and Sunfire. I trust them both, always have.

I will be always part of the Forest, lost in the woods, even if my path leads elsewhere. Forest will prevail.


Hope you'll understand. See you around.


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It is very sad news for my Shem, but I sincerely hope that you do well and I wish you all the best.
You were here and you were my mentor who invited me into GOTR, also led them to many new players. Definitely a huge loss for Loreroot and MD in general.
See you soon brother Druid!  ;)
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to clarify things.

I don't expect to be very active anytime soon, but I don't plan to leave completely.

I'm not able to fulfill my duties as a leader, that's why I felt the need to resign of being a part of GotR and Loreroot.

I still hope to wander the realm aimlessly every now and then.

Edited by Shemhazaj
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