Jester Posted March 11, 2014 Report Posted March 11, 2014 (edited) {Here is the official post} *Edited for content with a chainsaw and the Jester version of a partial lobotomy Chewett has agreed to create a hidden forum for those writers interested in the Community Quest to get together and discuss the story and direction it will take. I have come up with a rough overall outline which is a great starting place, but by getting together we can improve it far beyond what it currently is. Please indicate your desire to join this Quest as a writer and therefore the hidden forum by responding to this post with your name, reason for wanting to participate, and optionally a link to a sample of your work, such as a quest or story. This mostly applies to writer's whose work I may have missed during one of my absences. if that is the case with you and you have no sample of your work, you may contact me and we'll work something out. I really believe in this Quest, and I'm truly looking forward to working with all the amazing writers I've seen in my time in MD to create a story that won't soon be forgotten. -Jester {You may cease reading now and respond to the topic, this next portion is included for our archives only} *Edited for content five times, pre-chainsaw/lobotomy version, included here for insurance records in case of malpractice regarding said chainsaw/lobotomy Chewett, as per his usual awesomeness, has agreed to create a hidden forum so the writers for the Community Quest can get together. The alternate forum I was talking about previously may eventually become necessary, or it may not, and I've been convinced that its best to try to keep this as much within MD as possible. I have come up with an outline for the overall plot of the Quest, but I need people willing to help fill in details, change things to make them better, come up with new ideas, and, of course, actually write some chapters, and for that we need to have a discussion. If you wish to be one of the writer's for this quest, please reply to this topic. Once we have enough writers I will ask for the hidden forum to be created and all the people who signed up to be added, and bribe chewett with the finest cortyg brandy one can find this side of Kashyyyk. Sign up form: -Name (spelling counts) -Link or reference to a sample of your writing, ie a quest you've done in the past, a story you created for story time, anything like that. -Reason you wish to help with this Quest (long or as short as you wish) *Paragraph sample speech of why you deserve to be MagicDuel's next top model, along with a head-shot. *sample speech and head-shot optional. If you do not have an example of your work at hand and I've somehow missed it, just contact me and we'll work something out. As you can see by the startling lack of humor present here, I'm incredibly serious about this project. (You should have seen it before I toned it down.) I truly believe in this Quest and what the Community can do if it puts its collective heads together. Looking forward to working with you! -Sir Jester Jesting Rodriguez von Jestenstein the 67th, Duke of Jester's Door in Scenic Tribunal, Earl of Jestington Abbey and parts thereof, Grand Marquee of Jesteropolis International, voted "Most likely to Jest" at the Gremmy's and twice nominated for "Jester of the Year" by the international clown society (now deceased under mysterious circumstances). Edited March 11, 2014 by Jester Sir Blut and Bashaw Steel 2
petty dodds Posted March 12, 2014 Report Posted March 12, 2014 ok 1. i love this game and even though I'm a newbie, I'm hooked. HOOKED. eat.sleep.drink. md is in my head 2. i am a writer with some success in publication with articles, poetry and science documents 3. i can tell a damn good story that said i'd love to help provided that you would be willing to consider a newbie
Rophs Posted March 12, 2014 Report Posted March 12, 2014 Name: Rophs Example of work: See the Haloween 2013 storytelling contest hosted by PC. Reason I want to help: This is a cool idea and I can see it going places.
Jester Posted March 12, 2014 Author Report Posted March 12, 2014 We are all just noobs, Petty. Even Mur. Its nice to see that you're at the stage where you can tell that even eating, sleeping or drinking, MD is in your head. Lots of enthusiasm at that stage. MD has blended seamlessly into my life by this point so that I can no longer distinguish reality from real life, and therefore have no idea how enthusiastic I am. For truly, I once (ha) dreamed that I was playing MD, and when I awoke, I asked, "Am I man who dreamed he was playing MD, or is this a really good idea for a quest?". It was, and such is wisdom. Be glad to have you on the team. lashtal and petty dodds 2
petty dodds Posted March 12, 2014 Report Posted March 12, 2014 Yep yep - I have already dreamed of MD a bit. :P If someone were to ask me what the draw is for this realm, I'm not sure what I would say. It's one of those things - it's either who you are and what you do ... or it's not.
Jester Posted March 12, 2014 Author Report Posted March 12, 2014 Yep yep - I have already dreamed of MD a bit. :P If someone were to ask me what the draw is for this realm, I'm not sure what I would say. .... Its me. Duh. Ackshan Bemunah and petty dodds 2
Jester Posted March 13, 2014 Author Report Posted March 13, 2014 Ok, back to being serious. So far we've got Petty Dodds and Rophs from this topic And Maebius, Bash Chelik and Awiiya from the previous one if they're still in. Anyone else interested? Could use a few more.
Ungod Posted March 14, 2014 Report Posted March 14, 2014 Name: TheRichMerchant Reason: I want to do it..? Examples of literary work: none that I can show atm :( I am willing to do my best with this; also, I promise not to complain if the story takes directions I would not like. I always recognise a good work, so I will definitely give credit where credit is due.
Intrigue Posted March 14, 2014 Report Posted March 14, 2014 I'll give it a shot as well, if you've need for one more. -Name (spelling counts) -Link or reference to a sample of your writing, ie a quest you've done in the past, a story you created for story time, anything like that. -Reason you wish to help with this Quest (long or as short as you wish) *Paragraph sample speech of why you deserve to be MagicDuel's next top model, along with a head-shot. - Intrigue - There are a few in the seedwalk logs. I suppose I could come up with something though if you needed. - I think this quest is a good idea, and I like story stuffs whether somebody else's, or my own. *I have absolutely zero interest in being Magicduel's next top model, do not include me in this section for voting.
Blackthorn Posted March 14, 2014 Report Posted March 14, 2014 (edited) BlackThorn Golly-gee Jester, painting this fence sure looks fun...can I have a go? :D Oh, and I can draw too. Edited March 14, 2014 by Blackthorn petty dodds 1
powle Posted March 16, 2014 Report Posted March 16, 2014 (edited) i'm not much of a writter but i would like to offer my help with this. the only story i wrote in MD so far is for my quest (i will add a link as soon as i figure out how it's done...) Edited March 16, 2014 by powle
Maebius Posted March 17, 2014 Report Posted March 17, 2014 :) Still in, Sorry, had issues with work-blocking site, and kept forgetting to post this thread at home, since I had "read" it already. resolved now. :)
Jester Posted May 31, 2014 Author Report Posted May 31, 2014 I must apologize for my absence. Things have come up that I had to deal with. I'm almost done. Intrigue 1
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