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Y9 Anniversary Quest - Golden Globe Gazette Freelance Writters

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Hello and welcome to the first Y9 Anniversary Quest from the MDA!


Your task is to write two reports on the various events occurring over the anniversary - One a factual report, and one in a creative writing style of your choice (poem, first person narrative, meme pics, etc).

You may enter as many entries as you like in either category, but to compete you must enter at least once in both.

Entries can be submitted however you wish (except in-game chat, haha), but Forum PM is the best method.


As this quest spans the entire Anniversary from start to finish, you will have until Day 115 begins to get your entries in. Chewett has suggested this quest continue for the time being. For now, there is no timelimit, however it will not run forever. The quest is now concluded.


Judging criteria is as follows:

  • Accuracy - did the events described happen?
  • Well Written - grammar, spelling, paragraph breaks, etc
  • Engaging - how well it grabs our attention, is it funny, is it exciting, etc
  • Length - is it a suitable length for a newspaper article? Too short/long?

Three winners are going to be chosen from each category. You may not win a category twice, but you can win both the Factual Report and Creative Writing categories.


Lastly, after the Anniversary ends, participants will be asked if they want their entries used in a new edition of the Golden Globe Gazette.


For inspiration, here are some past editions of the Golden Globe Gazette:

Issue #1

Issue #2

Issue #3

Issue #4

Edited by Kyphis the Bard
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  • Root Admin

As no one managed to get an entry in before the due date (even though I know some where working on it), I must close this quest with no winners. If anyone would like to get in touch about doing work on the Paper, please send me a PM.

Anyone that gets a decent entry in, and who are currently working on it, can get a 9th Anni aramor after getting kyphis to confirm it to me.
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I would like to enter my monolouge (factual report) at the Maple during today(4/26/14)'s Seedwalk in this contest of sorts along with stories/poems from Seedwalks. (creative writings styles of my choice)


I'll need you to send it in a suitable format (format is part of the scoring). Thankyou for contributing :P

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Rophs Talks of Titles:

Rophs the Seedwalker
Such a name is not given
Instead, it is earned.
Where do I go?:
Walk even alone
The empty path leads to gold
Others will follow.
Factual Report:
Grido disbanded the triumvirate claiming power as Golemus's Leader shortly afterwards. Rophs, who would not follow false kings that usurped power from elected officials, decided to rebel against Fusioneers, Kelle'tha Order, Guerilla Golemicarum, and MR's Fraternity showing opposition towards newfound dictators. Knowing any fool could claim such positions he ran in an election for justice, preventing tyranny from conquering his homeland.
Edited by Rophs
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  • Root Admin

In light of: "Kyphis - Deadline currently removed, quest ongoing" I want to clarify something,

Anyone that gets a decent entry in, and who are currently working on it, can get a 9th Anni aramor after getting kyphis to confirm it to me.

Not those who have decided suddenly its worth to submit something.
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  • 2 weeks later...

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