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Current State of Translations


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  • Root Admin

Is this because nobody used MD translations or is it due focusing on a certain demographic?

A number of problems such as:
* Large parts of the game currently are not stored in the translation interface.
* Most translations do not have a decent translation.
* Most translations are not complete
* Translations are not really used by anyone
* We dont have time to add all the items to the translation interface atm because they are not used
* We dont have translators for the languages
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A number of problems such as:
* Large parts of the game currently are not stored in the translation interface.
* Most translations do not have a decent translation.
* Most translations are not complete
* Translations are not really used by anyone
* We dont have time to add all the items to the translation interface atm because they are not used
* We dont have translators for the languages

Ok I was just wondering because i have nothing better to do at the time >.<, also are these topics for your own memory? I.e. the topic of creatures age lost etc which directs to some other website which directs it back to the forums?

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  • Root Admin

Junior, Those questions are entirely unrelated to this topic, next time, just PM me to ask random questions.

also are these topics for your own memory? I.e. the topic of creatures age lost etc which directs to some other website which directs it back to the forums?

This topic, is because we have had a number of people who have not known that we have stopped all translation and regularly come to offer help. The game announcements said we had stopped but the forum had not been cleaned to show this. This has now been done.

The other topics have been made and added to a tracker called redmine. This is an additional site which lets us rank and view bugs much more easily than the forum. It links back to the forum as you guys do not have access to use redmine and therefore have to post bug reports. In the past large amounts of important bugs have been lost.
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