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MD 10th Birthday - Day 10 - Word Chain

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Whoever is present at the moment of the activity will be playing a group version of Word Chain.


The rules are simple:

- Each player states a word that begins with the last letter of the previous person's word.
- A player cannot repeat a word used previously by anyone.

- The player has 30 seconds to think of a word. If he cannot, he is out, and the next player's turn begins.

- If a player provides an invalid word, he can retry, within 30 seconds of a verified challenge.

- Time limits will be waived for technical difficulties, but don't abuse it.

- A player can have up to 3 retries of used or successfully challenged words in the game. (Big rule.)

- Player order will go according to the chat listing, left to right.

- Last person standing wins.



Nouns only (e.g. pea, cake, carrot, deoxyribose, elucubration).

No proper nouns (e.g. no names like America or Mellu, or player names like apophys).

No gerunds (nouns made from verbs by adding "-ing"), e.g. no reading, caking.

Singular forms only (e.g. no cakes, carrots).

One word only (e.g. no deoxyribonucleic acid). No hyphens!

No acronyms (e.g. no DNA). Shortened forms of words are allowed and count as new words (e.g. elu).

Disputes on word validity can be resolved using any dictionary (including urban dictionary).


Exercise your vocabulary!

If you need clarification or have a concern regarding the rules, ask.



Location: Plains of Deceit

Time: 3:00 (will also be held again at 20:00)




1st place: Anniversary aramor

2nd place: 1 gold coin

3rd place: 5 silver coins

All participants: Anniversary tea, pickles, and cake


EDIT: Changed some rules for the second run, based on problems found in the first run.

Edited by apophys
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In a match that lasted almost FIVE HOURS, we have our winners for the first round:


1: Change

2: Aethon

3: Sasha Lilias

everyone else: Orvid, Rophs, Assira the Black


That was agonizing. :o Congratulations, and have a good sleep!


Need to change some rules for round 2. >.>


Partial log (first 3 hours, as much as fit in a PM):


[23/04/15 02:49] :Aethon settles down as he waits
[23/04/15 02:50] Masked Figure 4939074:I hope more people come... >.>
[23/04/15 02:50] Masked Figure 4939074:I know it's a slow time in MD <.<
[23/04/15 02:51] Masked Figure 4939074:If I don't have enough people I might have to delay this one to 23:00 or something.
[23/04/15 02:52] Orvid:It may be partially a question of how many know where the plains of deceit is :P
[23/04/15 02:53] Masked Figure 4939074:Lol. Really?
[23/04/15 02:53] Aethon:Why would you have to delay? *tilts a head*
[23/04/15 02:54] Masked Figure 4939074:Because I need enough participants or I can't have the thing.
[23/04/15 02:54] Aethon:How many people? *whines*
[23/04/15 02:54] Masked Figure 4939074: [Forum link]
[23/04/15 02:55] Masked Figure 4939074:"how many" is debatable. We'll see.
[23/04/15 02:56] :Aethon lies down as let's out a little sigh
[23/04/15 02:56] mcvitie:You had to put the announcement just as I logged out of Sasha didn't you...
[23/04/15 02:56] :mcvitie grumbles
[23/04/15 02:57] Masked Figure 4939074:I had the announcement an hour ago that the time would be now.
[23/04/15 02:57] :Aethon tilts a head at the newcomer but lies his head back down
[23/04/15 02:57] Masked Figure 4939074:3 people isn't enough though. :P
[23/04/15 02:58] mcvitie:Bah. Then I'm slow. (Been a hectic day )
[23/04/15 02:58] Masked Figure 4939074:Silly Witty extending into the new day
[23/04/15 02:58] mcvitie:Why isn't three enough? You have three places to win?
[23/04/15 02:58] mcvitie:It's not like you're giving a WP.
[23/04/15 02:58] Masked Figure 4939074:How goes the murderer thing planning btw?
[23/04/15 02:59] mcvitie:If it was planned for now and hour ago, people had a chance to turn up. No point stopping it for others...
[23/04/15 02:59] mcvitie:And eh. I've not been able to plan it due to RL issues atm. If I do it, it won't be as part of the birthday like I planned.
[23/04/15 03:00] Orvid:Put up a jump link and we'll likely get more :P
[23/04/15 03:00] Masked Figure 4939074:I have no jump spell
[23/04/15 03:01] mcvitie:I would if I was as Sasha. But I have cooldown *mumbles*
[23/04/15 03:01] :Aethon let's out a little yawn
[23/04/15 03:01] Masked Figure 4939074:I never encounter that cooldown because I never log out... >.>
[23/04/15 03:01] mcvitie:Meh. Let me try again...
[23/04/15 03:02] Masked Figure 4939074:Change is coming.
[23/04/15 03:02] Aethon: (Fours a crowd! :P)
[23/04/15 03:04] Lady Eve:Bah. 6 min cooldown still.
[23/04/15 03:07] Change:there we go
[23/04/15 03:07] Masked Figure 4939074:Okay, four. A little better...
[23/04/15 03:08] Lady Eve: (Going to log in as Sasha in a second)
[23/04/15 03:11] :Masked Figure 4939074 waits for sasha
[23/04/15 03:12] *Sasha Lilias*:And I'm here.
[23/04/15 03:12] :*Sasha Lilias* smiles
[23/04/15 03:12] Masked Figure 4939074:Welcome. Jumplink plz
[23/04/15 03:13] *Sasha Lilias*:Maybe I want less competition...
[23/04/15 03:14] :*Sasha Lilias* grins
[23/04/15 03:14] Aethon: (xD)
[23/04/15 03:14] *Sasha Lilias*:Wait...if Rider is on you need to get him to do it. As he's the day host. Or get him to say I can?
[23/04/15 03:15] Masked Figure 4939074:Wait what?
[23/04/15 03:15] *Sasha Lilias*:Blackshade Rider is the day host so I can't put up a jump link unless he says I can, as it's his day.
[23/04/15 03:16] *Sasha Lilias*:Unless he is offline, but I saw him just a second ago.
[23/04/15 03:16] :Masked Figure 4939074 sigh
[23/04/15 03:17] :Change reads her sketchybook for ideas
[23/04/15 03:17] :Change sits down
[23/04/15 03:17] Masked Figure 4939074:PMed him, hopefully he'll respond
[23/04/15 03:17] *Sasha Lilias*:I've sent him a PM.
[23/04/15 03:17] *Sasha Lilias*:Ah, so have you. Good.
[23/04/15 03:19] :*Sasha Lilias* passed Lockinchaos stone to Aethon
[23/04/15 03:19] Aethon: *looks up and pounces on the stone* Ooh, thank you!
[23/04/15 03:19] :Aethon begins gnawing on the stone
[23/04/15 03:20] :*Sasha Lilias* smiles
[23/04/15 03:24] *Sasha Lilias*:Are we starting?
[23/04/15 03:24] :*Sasha Lilias* doesn't have loads of time
[23/04/15 03:24] Masked Figure 4939074:Apparently blackshade is afk
[23/04/15 03:24] Masked Figure 4939074:since he's not responding
[23/04/15 03:25] Masked Figure 4939074:Is it seriously that bad to put up a jumplink? -_-
[23/04/15 03:25] :[Spell] Summon the crowds to Word Chain
[23/04/15 03:25] Masked Figure 4939074:Now we'll wait 5 minutes, I guess, and start
[23/04/15 03:26] :Masked Figure 4939074 wants to participate in his own event. >.>
[23/04/15 03:26] :*Sasha Lilias* failed to cast a spell
[23/04/15 03:27] :*Sasha Lilias* passed Skull to Aethon
[23/04/15 03:27] :*Sasha Lilias* passed Timeless dust to Aethon
[23/04/15 03:28] Aethon:Huh? *looks at the skulls as they roll towards him*
[23/04/15 03:28] Masked Figure 4939074:Ae getting all the things. :P
[23/04/15 03:28] :Aethon sneezes as the dust goes up his nose, sending a skull hurling away from him
[23/04/15 03:28] :*Sasha Lilias* chuckles
[23/04/15 03:30] *Eagle Eye*: :)
[23/04/15 03:31] :Aethon growls at the competition
[23/04/15 03:31] Masked Figure 4939074:Finally people pouring in.
[23/04/15 03:31] :Assira the Black slides her eyes to Aethon
[23/04/15 03:31] Masked Figure 4939074:Gotta love those jumplinks.
[23/04/15 03:32] :Aethon bites on an eye as it slides his way
[23/04/15 03:32] :Rophs falls from the sky screaming at the top of his pipes flourishing his cane as if it were a giant blade and gently bops Apop on the head with it as he sticks a faceplant landing
[23/04/15 03:32] Rophs: [Video link]
[23/04/15 03:33] Masked Figure 4939074:Starting in 2 minutes!
[23/04/15 03:33] Rophs:How do I win?
[23/04/15 03:33] Masked Figure 4939074: [Forum link]
[23/04/15 03:33] :Aethon jumps up and growls at the thing in surprise
[23/04/15 03:33] :*Sasha Lilias* passed Toxic plants to Aethon
[23/04/15 03:34] Masked Figure 4939074:Okay, I'll start by repeating the rules.
[23/04/15 03:34] Masked Figure 4939074:Each player states a word that begins with the last letter of the previous person's word.
[23/04/15 03:34] Masked Figure 4939074:A player cannot repeat a word used previously by anyone.
[23/04/15 03:34] :Rophs fumbles his legs in a knot as he tries to meander around Aethon in circles as his tongue dangles from his mouth
[23/04/15 03:34] Masked Figure 4939074:The player has 20 seconds to think of a word. If he cannot, he is out, and the next player's turn begins.
[23/04/15 03:34] Orvid:Used by anyone in this round, or all rounds?
[23/04/15 03:34] Masked Figure 4939074:If a player provides an invalid word, he can retry, within his 20 seconds.
[23/04/15 03:35] Masked Figure 4939074:Player order will go according to the chat listing, left to right.
[23/04/15 03:35] Masked Figure 4939074:Last person standing wins. (also prizes for 2nd and 3rd)
[23/04/15 03:35] Masked Figure 4939074:Nouns only
[23/04/15 03:35] Masked Figure 4939074:No proper nouns
[23/04/15 03:35] Masked Figure 4939074:Singular forms only
[23/04/15 03:35] Masked Figure 4939074:One word only
[23/04/15 03:36] Masked Figure 4939074:No acronyms
[23/04/15 03:36] Orvid:English only?
[23/04/15 03:36] Rophs:Are compound words allowed?
[23/04/15 03:36] Masked Figure 4939074:Disputes on word validity can be resolved using any dictionary
[23/04/15 03:36] Rophs:Bookcase, carwash, teapot!
[23/04/15 03:36] Masked Figure 4939074:Compound word like houseboat are
[23/04/15 03:36] Masked Figure 4939074:English only please
[23/04/15 03:37] Masked Figure 4939074:English loanwords are fine
[23/04/15 03:37] Masked Figure 4939074:like rendezvous
[23/04/15 03:37] Change:what about like t-shirt?
[23/04/15 03:37] Change:erm, bad example
[23/04/15 03:37] Masked Figure 4939074:Hm.
[23/04/15 03:37] Change:but hyphenated words
[23/04/15 03:37] Masked Figure 4939074:I'll allow it, since I didn't think of it.
[23/04/15 03:37] Orvid:T-shirt isn't an acronym, so probably
[23/04/15 03:38] Masked Figure 4939074:T-shirt would be allowed, but not tee shirt
[23/04/15 03:38] Rophs:What about teashirt?
[23/04/15 03:38] Orvid:Well, does that exist Rophs?
[23/04/15 03:38] *Sasha Lilias*:T-shirt is a slang term though. Are we allowing slang?
[23/04/15 03:38] Masked Figure 4939074:If you can find that in a dictionary, sure
[23/04/15 03:39] Rophs: *blinks* Doesn't everybody have a shirt they wear only when drinking tea?/
[23/04/15 03:39] *Sasha Lilias*:And teashirt isn't a word either.
[23/04/15 03:39] Masked Figure 4939074:As I said, any dictionary is fine. Such as urban dictionary. But excessive use of it might get me irritated.
[23/04/15 03:39] Rophs: *blows a rasperry at Sasha Lilias* I just coined it!
[23/04/15 03:39] *Sasha Lilias*:Really? -_-
[23/04/15 03:39] Masked Figure 4939074:Any other questions?
[23/04/15 03:40] :Aethon gnaws on the stone as he listens
[23/04/15 03:40] Masked Figure 4939074: (Urban dictionary is special, so I'll make a special rule for it: only things with 1k+ upvotes)
[23/04/15 03:40] Masked Figure 4939074: (So to be safe, try to avoid it)
[23/04/15 03:41] Rophs: (Brb making 1000 urbandictionary accounts)
[23/04/15 03:41] Change: (not even 'newbie' has 1000 upvotes though)
[23/04/15 03:41] Change: (how about 500? :P)
[23/04/15 03:41] Masked Figure 4939074: (Bah, fine.)
[23/04/15 03:42] *Sasha Lilias*: (Or use proper English and don't bother with urban dictionary? -_-)
[23/04/15 03:42] Masked Figure 4939074:Okay, last call for questions
[23/04/15 03:42] Change: (some words are in such common usage it's hard to tell. :P)
[23/04/15 03:42] *Sasha Lilias*: (Plenty of real words to go around...)
[23/04/15 03:42] Change: ( *will use urban dictionary as last resort* )
[23/04/15 03:42] Change: (like muggle)
[23/04/15 03:42] Masked Figure 4939074:Then we're starting, and I'll give the first word, Eagle Eye's turn is first.
[23/04/15 03:42] Orvid:Are MD words allowed? (fenth for instance)
[23/04/15 03:42] Masked Figure 4939074:EE, you awake?
[23/04/15 03:43] *Sasha Lilias*: (Muggle - Harry Potter fiction.)
[23/04/15 03:43] Masked Figure 4939074:Yes, orvid
[23/04/15 03:43] Change: (no, it's in the dictionary)
[23/04/15 03:43] Orvid: (would be better to ask who's here before starting :P)
[23/04/15 03:43] Change: (as is selfie)
[23/04/15 03:43] Change: (it was added 1-2 years ago)
[23/04/15 03:43] Rophs: (If they take 20 seconds then they're out :P It's not too hard)
[23/04/15 03:43] Masked Figure 4939074:If you can find the word in MD, it counts
[23/04/15 03:43] Masked Figure 4939074:Okay, first word:
[23/04/15 03:43] Masked Figure 4939074:magic
[23/04/15 03:44] Change: (is it lagging?)
[23/04/15 03:44] *Sasha Lilias*: (Muggle isn't in the dictionary...)
[23/04/15 03:44] Masked Figure 4939074:EE is dead, Assira's turn. Same word for you to chain.
[23/04/15 03:44] Assira the Black:Cat
[23/04/15 03:44] Change: (it is in the oxford english dictionary)
[23/04/15 03:45] *Sasha Lilias*:Tome
[23/04/15 03:45] Aethon:Egg
[23/04/15 03:45] Change:gale
[23/04/15 03:45] Rophs: (Am I after masked figure?)
[23/04/15 03:45] Orvid:exit
[23/04/15 03:45] Masked Figure 4939074: (I don't play)
[23/04/15 03:45] Rophs: (after rex then?)
[23/04/15 03:45] Masked Figure 4939074: (Yes)
[23/04/15 03:46] Masked Figure 4939074:Rex is dead, your turn, Rophs.
[23/04/15 03:46] Rophs:trombone
[23/04/15 03:47] Assira the Black: (After Rophs will we wait to see if EE responds or go straight to me?)
[23/04/15 03:47] Masked Figure 4939074:Assira now
[23/04/15 03:47] Masked Figure 4939074:EE died
[23/04/15 03:48] Masked Figure 4939074:Assira, hurry
[23/04/15 03:48] Assira the Black:Everybody
[23/04/15 03:48] *Sasha Lilias*:Yolk
[23/04/15 03:49] Aethon:King!
[23/04/15 03:49] Change:grate
[23/04/15 03:49] Orvid:ending
[23/04/15 03:49] Rophs:giraffe
[23/04/15 03:49] Assira the Black:evening
[23/04/15 03:50] *Sasha Lilias*:Garage
[23/04/15 03:50] Aethon:Earthworm
[23/04/15 03:50] Aethon:Oh wait, no.
[23/04/15 03:50] Change:mother
[23/04/15 03:51] Aethon:Wait, was Earthworm allowed?
[23/04/15 03:51] Change: (?)
[23/04/15 03:51] Masked Figure 4939074: (continue, it's valid)
[23/04/15 03:51] Aethon: (Compound nouns are allowed then?)
[23/04/15 03:51] Orvid:roundabout
[23/04/15 03:51] Rophs:trapeze
[23/04/15 03:51] Change: (yup, like discussed. :) )
[23/04/15 03:51] Masked Figure 4939074: (Yes, if they are combined or hyphenated)
[23/04/15 03:51] Aethon: (I forgot >.<)
[23/04/15 03:52] Assira the Black:everyone
[23/04/15 03:52] *Sasha Lilias*:Evolution
[23/04/15 03:52] Aethon:Nail
[23/04/15 03:52] Change:lollypop
[23/04/15 03:53] Orvid:person
[23/04/15 03:53] Rophs:neanderthal
[23/04/15 03:53] Assira the Black:land
[23/04/15 03:54] *Sasha Lilias*:Dessert
[23/04/15 03:54] Aethon:Timber
[23/04/15 03:54] Change:rivulet
[23/04/15 03:54] :Assira the Black was starting to think that Rophs was purposefully giving her the letter 'e'
[23/04/15 03:54] Orvid:tear
[23/04/15 03:54] Rophs:rite
[23/04/15 03:55] Assira the Black:eel
[23/04/15 03:55] :Rophs is thankful for the idea
[23/04/15 03:55] blackshade rider:fish
[23/04/15 03:55] Masked Figure 4939074:INVALID
[23/04/15 03:55] Masked Figure 4939074:eel is the word
[23/04/15 03:55] blackshade rider:is it
[23/04/15 03:55] Masked Figure 4939074:blackshade wasn't here for the start
[23/04/15 03:55] Masked Figure 4939074:Sorry bud
[23/04/15 03:55] Orvid: (blackshade, we already started :P)
[23/04/15 03:55] blackshade rider:oh
[23/04/15 03:56] *Sasha Lilias*:So...
[23/04/15 03:56] Rophs: ( *begs to differ [Video link] )
[23/04/15 03:56] Orvid: (Sasha, yours)
[23/04/15 03:56] *Sasha Lilias*:What happens now?
[23/04/15 03:56] Masked Figure 4939074:Yours, Sash
[23/04/15 03:56] *Sasha Lilias*:What am I on?
[23/04/15 03:56] Masked Figure 4939074:eel
[23/04/15 03:56] blackshade rider:eh ill just sit then
[23/04/15 03:56] *Sasha Lilias*:Level
[23/04/15 03:56] Aethon:Lever
[23/04/15 03:57] Change:river
[23/04/15 03:57] Orvid:runner
[23/04/15 03:57] Rophs:rump
[23/04/15 03:58] Assira the Black:paint
[23/04/15 03:58] *Sasha Lilias*:Taint
[23/04/15 03:58] Aethon:Talking
[23/04/15 03:58] Change:germ
[23/04/15 03:58] Orvid: (nouns, that's a verb)
[23/04/15 03:59] Orvid: (@Aethon)
[23/04/15 03:59] Rophs: (Bob is talking.)
[23/04/15 03:59] Aethon: (No its not...)
[23/04/15 03:59] Rophs: (Is would be the verb... then talking represents a state of being?)
[23/04/15 03:59] Rophs: (Like happiness is a state of being)
[23/04/15 03:59] *Sasha Lilias*: (It's actually a Verbal noun...so...he's right.)
[23/04/15 03:59] Aethon: (Verbal noun, yeah.)
[23/04/15 04:00] Masked Figure 4939074:Sorry, browser froze up
[23/04/15 04:00] Rophs: (JUDGE!)
[23/04/15 04:00] Orvid: (adjective or adverb then, either way, it's not a noun)
[23/04/15 04:00] Masked Figure 4939074:talking is fine, it can be used as a noun
[23/04/15 04:00] Aethon: (It's a Verbal Noun.)
[23/04/15 04:00] Masked Figure 4939074:It's not the main use
[23/04/15 04:00] Masked Figure 4939074:but it exists
[23/04/15 04:00] *Sasha Lilias*: (He's correct.)
[23/04/15 04:00] Rophs: (So any verb ending in ing can be a noun?)
[23/04/15 04:00] Rophs: (We'll be here a while)
[23/04/15 04:00] *Sasha Lilias*: (Also known as a gerund)
[23/04/15 04:01] Masked Figure 4939074:Whose turn is it?
[23/04/15 04:01] Rophs:Word is germ
[23/04/15 04:01] Orvid: (I'd read it as an adjective in that example though...)
[23/04/15 04:01] Rophs:Change said it
[23/04/15 04:01] Rophs:So orvid's turn?
[23/04/15 04:01] *Sasha Lilias*: (Anything describing an action is a verbal noun.)
[23/04/15 04:01] Masked Figure 4939074:Orvid, your turn
[23/04/15 04:01] Change: (so stalking, talking, walking, mocking, hawking--)
[23/04/15 04:01] Change: (we'll be here all night. :P)
[23/04/15 04:01] Orvid: (it's describing it though, thus it's an adjective)
[23/04/15 04:01] Orvid:man
[23/04/15 04:02] Rophs:nuisance
[23/04/15 04:02] Rophs: (adjectives describe nouns)
[23/04/15 04:02] Assira the Black:eve
[23/04/15 04:02] *Sasha Lilias*:Ever
[23/04/15 04:02] Orvid: (yes, and in this case, it's describing the pronoun :P)
[23/04/15 04:03] Rophs: (adverbs describe verbs and often end in -ly)
[23/04/15 04:03] Change:rail
[23/04/15 04:03] Masked Figure 4939074: (E and Y are the reasons we won't be here all night. G is a minor inconvenience)
[23/04/15 04:03] *Sasha Lilias*: (Ever is adverb)
[23/04/15 04:03] *Sasha Lilias*:Eel
[23/04/15 04:03] Masked Figure 4939074:Ahem, invalid
[23/04/15 04:03] Rophs:eel was already used
[23/04/15 04:03] Orvid:lightpost
[23/04/15 04:03] Masked Figure 4939074:eel was used
[23/04/15 04:03] Assira the Black: (eel has been said)
[23/04/15 04:03] Aethon: (Wait...what's going on?)
[23/04/15 04:03] Aethon: (Are we carrying on?)
[23/04/15 04:04] Change: (wait wait, stop, so where are we?)
[23/04/15 04:04] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT
[23/04/15 04:04] Rophs:sasha said ever then corrected herself to eel
[23/04/15 04:04] Masked Figure 4939074:It is sasha's turn for an E word
[23/04/15 04:04] Masked Figure 4939074:CONTINUE
[23/04/15 04:04] *Sasha Lilias*:Economics then.
[23/04/15 04:04] Aethon:Snow
[23/04/15 04:04] Change:whisp
[23/04/15 04:05] Rophs: (is whisp a different word from wisp?)
[23/04/15 04:05] Aethon: (Yes.)
[23/04/15 04:05] :Masked Figure 4939074 pokes orvid
[23/04/15 04:05] Orvid:panda
[23/04/15 04:05] Rophs:admission
[23/04/15 04:05] Aethon: (Although, whisp isn't really a word...)
[23/04/15 04:05] Assira the Black:night
[23/04/15 04:06] Aethon: (So I'd rraise an issue on that...)
[23/04/15 04:06] *Sasha Lilias*:Tight
[23/04/15 04:06] Rophs: (Dictionary check on whisp?)
[23/04/15 04:06] Change: (spelling will get the best of me possibly)
[23/04/15 04:06] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT
[23/04/15 04:06] *Sasha Lilias*: (Bah, keep doing adjectives)
[23/04/15 04:06] Masked Figure 4939074:wait for a dictionary check
[23/04/15 04:07] Rophs: (google autocorrects to wisp)
[23/04/15 04:07] Aethon: (Whisp isn't the correct way of spelling wisp...)
[23/04/15 04:07] Aethon: (But it's a slang variant)
[23/04/15 04:07] Masked Figure 4939074:I can't find whisp.
[23/04/15 04:08] Masked Figure 4939074:Can you show me a dictionary entry for whisp, Change?
[23/04/15 04:08] Masked Figure 4939074:Else I'll allow it to be turned into wisp
[23/04/15 04:08] Change:lemme try (stupid spelling. :P)
[23/04/15 04:08] Aethon: (Wisp was used...)
[23/04/15 04:08] Change:oh, if you allow it, then turn it into wisp?
[23/04/15 04:08] :[Spell] Whispers of the dead.
[23/04/15 04:08] Masked Figure 4939074: (Thank you, Aethon, hadn't noticed)
[23/04/15 04:09] Assira the Black: (whisp is in the urban dictionary)
[23/04/15 04:09] Change: (otherwise i was going to pull out my old english dictionary. XD)
[23/04/15 04:09] Masked Figure 4939074: (How many upotes?)
[23/04/15 04:09] Change: ( *meant wisp* rip)
[23/04/15 04:09] Rophs: (19 total)
[23/04/15 04:09] Rophs: (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=whisp)
[23/04/15 04:09] Masked Figure 4939074: (does not count then)
[23/04/15 04:10] Masked Figure 4939074:So, Change's turn for W
[23/04/15 04:10] Change: (so do i have time to change it? should have just done that)
[23/04/15 04:10] Masked Figure 4939074:Since wisp was apparently used
[23/04/15 04:10] Aethon: (How many seconds left? :L)
[23/04/15 04:10] Change:water
[23/04/15 04:10] Orvid:river
[23/04/15 04:11] Rophs:used
[23/04/15 04:11] Masked Figure 4939074: (I'll allow time extensions for things like dictionary challenges)
[23/04/15 04:11] Rophs:river was used
[23/04/15 04:11] Assira the Black:drain
[23/04/15 04:11] Orvid:renter then
[23/04/15 04:11] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT
[23/04/15 04:11] Rophs:river was used already
[23/04/15 04:11] Masked Figure 4939074:Rophs turn for R
[23/04/15 04:11] :Assira the Black shakes her head at not paying attention
[23/04/15 04:11] Rophs:renter
[23/04/15 04:11] Masked Figure 4939074:Continue
[23/04/15 04:11] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT
[23/04/15 04:12] Masked Figure 4939074:He just used that
[23/04/15 04:12] Rophs:wait I thought he was out?
[23/04/15 04:12] :*Sasha Lilias* smacks head with a paw
[23/04/15 04:12] Rophs:for reusing river?
[23/04/15 04:12] :Rophs facepalms
[23/04/15 04:12] :*Sasha Lilias* smacks head again
[23/04/15 04:12] Rophs:then i'll use retard
[23/04/15 04:12] Masked Figure 4939074:He gave a new one shortly after
[23/04/15 04:12] *Sasha Lilias*:This is going to go on forever.
[23/04/15 04:12] Assira the Black:drain
[23/04/15 04:12] Masked Figure 4939074:^
[23/04/15 04:12] Change:how many chances do you get?
[23/04/15 04:13] *Sasha Lilias*:News
[23/04/15 04:13] Aethon:Sand
[23/04/15 04:13] Change:as in, if you use a used word twice in a row--
[23/04/15 04:13] Masked Figure 4939074: (As many as you like within time)
[23/04/15 04:13] Change:dump
[23/04/15 04:13] Aethon: (The time seems unlimited though as you halt xD)
[23/04/15 04:13] Orvid:present
[23/04/15 04:13] Masked Figure 4939074: (Once it goes on for a while I'll be more strict on enforcing time)
[23/04/15 04:13] Rophs:transistor
[23/04/15 04:13] Change: (so within 20 seconds for all extra words?)
[23/04/15 04:14] Assira the Black:rainbow
[23/04/15 04:14] Masked Figure 4939074: (I only halt when needed)
[23/04/15 04:14] *Sasha Lilias*:Whale
[23/04/15 04:14] Aethon:Eyeglasses
[23/04/15 04:14] Rophs:SINGLULAR ONLY
[23/04/15 04:14] Masked Figure 4939074: (nice one)
[23/04/15 04:15] Change:stick
[23/04/15 04:15] Rophs:that's the plural of eyeglass
[23/04/15 04:15] Masked Figure 4939074: (But yeah, eyglass)
[23/04/15 04:15] Rophs: ( :P)
[23/04/15 04:15] Masked Figure 4939074: (Since the change is obvious I'll allow it)
[23/04/15 04:15] Orvid: (eyeglass isn't valid, it's always referred to in pairs)
[23/04/15 04:15] Aethon:Eyeglass then xD
[23/04/15 04:15] Aethon: (No Orvid.)
[23/04/15 04:15] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT
[23/04/15 04:15] Change: (not if it's a monacle)
[23/04/15 04:16] Masked Figure 4939074:we have a challenge on eyeglass
[23/04/15 04:16] Aethon: (An eye glass is a single lens)
[23/04/15 04:16] Masked Figure 4939074:Dictionary check please?
[23/04/15 04:16] Orvid: (doesn't matter, same continuation regardless, so continue :P)
[23/04/15 04:16] Change: (eyeglass is so valid. for example, starting a fire with an eyeglass)
[23/04/15 04:16] Aethon:eyeglass ˈʌɪɡlɑːs/ noun plural noun: eyeglasses a single lens for correcting or assisting defective eyesight, especially a monocle.
[23/04/15 04:16] Rophs: (orvid is objecting to buy time for himself)
[23/04/15 04:16] Masked Figure 4939074:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/eyeglass?s=ts
[23/04/15 04:16] Rophs: (methinkgs)
[23/04/15 04:16] Masked Figure 4939074:exists
[23/04/15 04:16] Change: (see? monacle. :P)
[23/04/15 04:17] Masked Figure 4939074:Whose turn?
[23/04/15 04:17] Change: (*monocle)
[23/04/15 04:17] Rophs: (are made up shakepeare words allowed? "methings" "tis")
[23/04/15 04:17] Rophs:Change said stick after Aethon
[23/04/15 04:17] Rophs:orvid on k?
[23/04/15 04:17] Masked Figure 4939074:Orvid - K
[23/04/15 04:17] Masked Figure 4939074:CONTINUE
[23/04/15 04:17] Orvid:killer
[23/04/15 04:18] Rophs:rabbit
[23/04/15 04:18] Change: (killer bunnies, hehe)
[23/04/15 04:18] Assira the Black:train
[23/04/15 04:18] Aethon: (Perhaps change the time to 10 seconds?)
[23/04/15 04:18] *Sasha Lilias*:Nun
[23/04/15 04:18] Aethon:Newt
[23/04/15 04:18] Change: (ten seconds for a correction maybe)
[23/04/15 04:18] Masked Figure 4939074: (I won't do that, I'll just be more strict on the 20)
[23/04/15 04:18] Change:truffle
[23/04/15 04:19] Orvid:evergreen
[23/04/15 04:19] Rophs:nincompoop
[23/04/15 04:20] Assira the Black:pants
[23/04/15 04:20] *Sasha Lilias*:Sail
[23/04/15 04:20] Rophs: (plural of pant?)
[23/04/15 04:20] Change: (only in french)
[23/04/15 04:20] Masked Figure 4939074: (one pair of pants. Singular)
[23/04/15 04:21] Aethon: (Are we stopping or carrying on?)
[23/04/15 04:21] Masked Figure 4939074: (pant is a verb with different meaning)
[23/04/15 04:21] Change: (carrying on. gogo)
[23/04/15 04:21] Masked Figure 4939074:CONTINUE
[23/04/15 04:21] Aethon:Low
[23/04/15 04:21] Masked Figure 4939074:INVALID
[23/04/15 04:21] Aethon:Umm no?
[23/04/15 04:21] Rophs: (That call is an all time low)
[23/04/15 04:21] *Sasha Lilias*:It isn't?
[23/04/15 04:21] Rophs: (I just used low as a noun)
[23/04/15 04:21] Masked Figure 4939074:Really?
[23/04/15 04:21] Masked Figure 4939074:Ah
[23/04/15 04:22] Aethon: (That was a low point in my life)
[23/04/15 04:22] Change:wright (if it's valid)
[23/04/15 04:22] Masked Figure 4939074:CONTINUE
[23/04/15 04:22] Aethon: (Noun)
[23/04/15 04:22] Orvid:tether
[23/04/15 04:22] Aethon: (Wright is a name...)
[23/04/15 04:22] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT
[23/04/15 04:22] Masked Figure 4939074:Can we have wright in a dictionary?
[23/04/15 04:23] Masked Figure 4939074:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/wright?s=t
[23/04/15 04:23] Masked Figure 4939074:valid, continue
[23/04/15 04:23] Rophs:rodeo
[23/04/15 04:23] Masked Figure 4939074: (as in, shipwright)
[23/04/15 04:23] Change: (exactly)
[23/04/15 04:23] Assira the Black:oval
[23/04/15 04:23] Aethon: (ah yeah)
[23/04/15 04:23] *Sasha Lilias*:Ovum
[23/04/15 04:24] Aethon:Male
[23/04/15 04:24] Change:ovum is invalid, because obvious reasons
[23/04/15 04:24] Rophs:ovum doesn't start with l
[23/04/15 04:24] *Sasha Lilias*:Oh *laughs*
[23/04/15 04:24] Masked Figure 4939074:^
[23/04/15 04:24] *Sasha Lilias*:I was looking at the first letter
[23/04/15 04:24] *Sasha Lilias*:Letter
[23/04/15 04:24] Aethon:Railway
[23/04/15 04:25] Change:yeti
[23/04/15 04:25] Orvid:interface
[23/04/15 04:25] Rophs:eulogy
[23/04/15 04:25] Assira the Black:yellow
[23/04/15 04:26] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT
[23/04/15 04:26] Masked Figure 4939074:can we have yellow as a noun?
[23/04/15 04:26] Orvid:yes.
[23/04/15 04:26] Assira the Black:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/yellow?s=t
[23/04/15 04:26] Rophs: (Young children refer to it as a flavor of ice cream)
[23/04/15 04:26] Masked Figure 4939074:Carry on
[23/04/15 04:26] Masked Figure 4939074:sasha W
[23/04/15 04:26] Aethon:Envy
[23/04/15 04:27] Change: (oh dear. it lists all colours as nouns. :P)
[23/04/15 04:27] Masked Figure 4939074:Aethon, too early
[23/04/15 04:27] Masked Figure 4939074:Sasha W
[23/04/15 04:27] *Sasha Lilias*: (Sorry my internet crashed)
[23/04/15 04:27] *Sasha Lilias*:Wave
[23/04/15 04:27] Masked Figure 4939074: (THIS is why I don't like time enforcement)
[23/04/15 04:28] Aethon: (HA!)
[23/04/15 04:28] Aethon:Envy
[23/04/15 04:28] :Aethon chortles
[23/04/15 04:28] Change:yew
[23/04/15 04:28] Orvid:weather
[23/04/15 04:29] Rophs:radiation
[23/04/15 04:29] Assira the Black:norm
[23/04/15 04:29] *Sasha Lilias*:Mail
[23/04/15 04:29] Aethon:Leather
[23/04/15 04:30] Change:rust
[23/04/15 04:30] Orvid:treasury
[23/04/15 04:30] Rophs:yell
[23/04/15 04:30] Assira the Black:lake
[23/04/15 04:31] *Sasha Lilias*:Echelon
[23/04/15 04:31] Aethon:Noun
[23/04/15 04:31] Change:name
[23/04/15 04:31] Orvid:entry
[23/04/15 04:32] Rophs:yak
[23/04/15 04:32] Assira the Black:kelp
[23/04/15 04:32] *Sasha Lilias*:Plant
[23/04/15 04:32] Aethon:Trapeze
[23/04/15 04:32] Rophs:USED
[23/04/15 04:33] Rophs:trapeze was used
[23/04/15 04:33] Masked Figure 4939074:True
[23/04/15 04:33] Aethon:Trapeze was?
[23/04/15 04:33] Change:yup
[23/04/15 04:33] Change:again
[23/04/15 04:33] Masked Figure 4939074:Rety, Ae
[23/04/15 04:33] Rophs:after roundabout
[23/04/15 04:33] Change:*go again
[23/04/15 04:33] Aethon:Taper
[23/04/15 04:33] Change:root
[23/04/15 04:33] Orvid:try
[23/04/15 04:34] Rophs:yankee
[23/04/15 04:34] Assira the Black:evergreen
[23/04/15 04:34] Orvid:used
[23/04/15 04:34] Masked Figure 4939074:USED
[23/04/15 04:34] Rophs:USED
[23/04/15 04:34] Rophs:evergreen was sued
[23/04/15 04:34] Rophs:and used
[23/04/15 04:34] Assira the Black:envelope
[23/04/15 04:34] Change:sued, lol
[23/04/15 04:35] *Sasha Lilias*:Entry
[23/04/15 04:35] Change:used
[23/04/15 04:35] Masked Figure 4939074:USED
[23/04/15 04:35] Change:might have even been used by you? i forget, hehe
[23/04/15 04:35] *Sasha Lilias*:Exhaust
[23/04/15 04:35] Orvid: (was used by me :P)
[23/04/15 04:35] Rophs:Orvid used entry
[23/04/15 04:35] Aethon:Tallow
[23/04/15 04:36] Change:willow
[23/04/15 04:36] Orvid:watch
[23/04/15 04:36] Rophs:heretic
[23/04/15 04:36] Assira the Black:cactus
[23/04/15 04:37] *Sasha Lilias*:Sass
[23/04/15 04:37] Aethon:Shmaltz
[23/04/15 04:37] Change:zoo
[23/04/15 04:38] Orvid:ocelot
[23/04/15 04:38] Rophs:trainwreak
[23/04/15 04:38] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT
[23/04/15 04:38] Rophs:was trainwreak already used?
[23/04/15 04:38] Masked Figure 4939074:Verify that plz?
[23/04/15 04:38] Rophs:or are you questioning its validity?
[23/04/15 04:38] Aethon:trainwreak is wrong haha
[23/04/15 04:38] Masked Figure 4939074:No, verify validity
[23/04/15 04:38] Orvid: (is it a single word :P)
[23/04/15 04:38] Rophs:teak
[23/04/15 04:39] Change: (it's trainwreck)
[23/04/15 04:39] Rophs:because compound words are no longer allowed?
[23/04/15 04:39] Rophs:TEAK
[23/04/15 04:39] Rophs:EAK
[23/04/15 04:39] Rophs:TEAK
[23/04/15 04:39] Aethon: (Trainwreck isn't a word either...)
[23/04/15 04:39] Masked Figure 4939074: (they are allowed, but that one is only written with a space)
[23/04/15 04:39] Masked Figure 4939074: (so no.)
[23/04/15 04:39] Masked Figure 4939074:Teak is the word
[23/04/15 04:40] Assira the Black:keep
[23/04/15 04:40] Masked Figure 4939074:Assira for K
[23/04/15 04:40] Assira the Black:keep
[23/04/15 04:40] *Sasha Lilias*:Palm
[23/04/15 04:41] Aethon:Mate
[23/04/15 04:41] Change:earwig
[23/04/15 04:41] Orvid:grub
[23/04/15 04:41] Rophs:bug
[23/04/15 04:42] Assira the Black:gravel
[23/04/15 04:42] *Sasha Lilias*:Cow
[23/04/15 04:42] Aethon:Whizz
[23/04/15 04:42] Rophs:cow does not start with l
[23/04/15 04:42] Masked Figure 4939074:O_o
[23/04/15 04:43] :Orvid wonders how that fits in even the slightest way XD
[23/04/15 04:43] *Sasha Lilias*:Oh... *laughs*
[23/04/15 04:43] *Sasha Lilias*:Sorry, I'm tired...
[23/04/15 04:43] Orvid:It doesn't even have a single letter in common!
[23/04/15 04:43] *Sasha Lilias*:Lent
[23/04/15 04:43] *Sasha Lilias*: (Shhh!)
[23/04/15 04:43] Orvid: (proper noun?)
[23/04/15 04:43] Rophs: (proper noun)
[23/04/15 04:43] *Sasha Lilias*:>.<
[23/04/15 04:44] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT, dictionary check
[23/04/15 04:44] Rophs: (it's part of the catholic calender, even a godful heather like myself knows that)
[23/04/15 04:44] Rophs: (heathen*)
[23/04/15 04:44] Masked Figure 4939074:Yeah, invalid
[23/04/15 04:44] *Sasha Lilias*:Lentil.
[23/04/15 04:44] Masked Figure 4939074:Still sasha for L
[23/04/15 04:44] Masked Figure 4939074:There we go
[23/04/15 04:44] Masked Figure 4939074:CONTINUE
[23/04/15 04:44] Aethon:Lord
[23/04/15 04:44] Change: (hehe)
[23/04/15 04:44] *Sasha Lilias*: *laughs* may have to give up soon...
[23/04/15 04:44] Change:door
[23/04/15 04:45] *Sasha Lilias*: (3am here)
[23/04/15 04:45] Orvid:request
[23/04/15 04:45] Rophs:tea
[23/04/15 04:45] Assira the Black:apple
[23/04/15 04:45] *Sasha Lilias*:Eve
[23/04/15 04:46] Masked Figure 4939074:USED
[23/04/15 04:46] Assira the Black:used
[23/04/15 04:46] *Sasha Lilias*:Evening
[23/04/15 04:46] Assira the Black:used
[23/04/15 04:46] Masked Figure 4939074:Also used
[23/04/15 04:46] *Sasha Lilias*:Bah
[23/04/15 04:46] *Sasha Lilias*:Eagle
[23/04/15 04:46] Aethon:Erk
[23/04/15 04:47] Rophs: (INVALID! You don't have an american flag next to your name :P)
[23/04/15 04:47] Change:kale
[23/04/15 04:47] Orvid: (isn't that spelled urk?)
[23/04/15 04:47] Rophs: (should we ban ontomonopia?)
[23/04/15 04:47] Aethon: (Nah. Erk hehheh)
[23/04/15 04:47] Rophs: (or however you spell it)
[23/04/15 04:47] Masked Figure 4939074: (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/erk?s=t)
[23/04/15 04:47] Masked Figure 4939074:exists
[23/04/15 04:47] Change: (no, it's british slang)
[23/04/15 04:47] Masked Figure 4939074:rry on
[23/04/15 04:47] Masked Figure 4939074:*carry
[23/04/15 04:48] Masked Figure 4939074:Orvid E
[23/04/15 04:48] Aethon: (It's not slang haha! It's just an old word!)
[23/04/15 04:48] Orvid:entre
[23/04/15 04:48] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT
[23/04/15 04:48] Masked Figure 4939074:That is spelled entree
[23/04/15 04:48] Aethon:Yeah.
[23/04/15 04:49] Masked Figure 4939074:CONTINUE
[23/04/15 04:49] Orvid:entrée
[23/04/15 04:49] Orvid: (is the correct spelling :P)
[23/04/15 04:49] Change:spelling errors shouldn't matter really, if they can just go again
[23/04/15 04:49] Rophs:exclamation
[23/04/15 04:49] Assira the Black:neat
[23/04/15 04:49] Aethon: (Are we having foreign words also?)
[23/04/15 04:49] Masked Figure 4939074: (I was fixing your spelling myself, that is all)
[23/04/15 04:49] Aethon: ( :P)
[23/04/15 04:50] Masked Figure 4939074: (Loanwords are allowed)
[23/04/15 04:50] *Sasha Lilias*:Tip
[23/04/15 04:50] Change: (because most words in english are loanwords)
[23/04/15 04:50] Aethon:Pizazz
[23/04/15 04:51] Change:zoology
[23/04/15 04:51] Orvid:yesterday
[23/04/15 04:51] Rophs:yank
[23/04/15 04:51] Assira the Black:knife
[23/04/15 04:52] *Sasha Lilias*:Ewe
[23/04/15 04:52] Rophs:used?
[23/04/15 04:52] Aethon:End
[23/04/15 04:52] Orvid: (don't think it's been used)
[23/04/15 04:52] Masked Figure 4939074:Ewe wasn't used as far as I saw
[23/04/15 04:52] Change:dog (if not used)
[23/04/15 04:53] Masked Figure 4939074:CONTINUE
[23/04/15 04:53] Orvid:giraffe
[23/04/15 04:53] Rophs:USED
[23/04/15 04:53] Assira the Black:used
[23/04/15 04:53] Orvid:gantry
[23/04/15 04:54] Masked Figure 4939074: (Orvid G)
[23/04/15 04:54] Masked Figure 4939074: (bah lag)
[23/04/15 04:54] Rophs:yuck
[23/04/15 04:54] Rophs: (as in "bottle full of yuck")
[23/04/15 04:54] Assira the Black:key
[23/04/15 04:55] *Sasha Lilias*:Yap
[23/04/15 04:55] Aethon:Phiz
[23/04/15 04:55] Change:zone
[23/04/15 04:55] Rophs: (o.o)
[23/04/15 04:56] Orvid:excavation
[23/04/15 04:56] Rophs:nothing
[23/04/15 04:56] Assira the Black:grape
[23/04/15 04:57] *Sasha Lilias*:Elope
[23/04/15 04:57] Aethon:Evolution
[23/04/15 04:57] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT
[23/04/15 04:57] Assira the Black:used
[23/04/15 04:57] Masked Figure 4939074:elope as a noun?
[23/04/15 04:57] Rophs: (bob and jane had a nice elope)
[23/04/15 04:57] *Sasha Lilias*:Huh?
[23/04/15 04:57] Masked Figure 4939074:I only see it as a verb
[23/04/15 04:58] *Sasha Lilias*:Oh damn, that's a verb.
[23/04/15 04:58] *Sasha Lilias*:Enterprise
[23/04/15 04:58] Masked Figure 4939074:Aethon E
[23/04/15 04:58] Masked Figure 4939074:Evolution was used
[23/04/15 04:58] Aethon:Element
[23/04/15 04:59] Change:trope
[23/04/15 04:59] Orvid:excavator
[23/04/15 04:59] Rophs:rodent
[23/04/15 05:00] Assira the Black:trap
[23/04/15 05:00] *Sasha Lilias*:Pip
[23/04/15 05:00] Aethon:Pew
[23/04/15 05:01] Rophs: (is pip valid)
[23/04/15 05:01] Masked Figure 4939074: (it is)
[23/04/15 05:01] *Sasha Lilias*: (The pip of an apple)
[23/04/15 05:01] Change:wanderer
[23/04/15 05:01] Masked Figure 4939074: ( http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/pip?s=t )
[23/04/15 05:01] Rophs: (apples have cores... not pips?)
[23/04/15 05:01] Orvid:reentry
[23/04/15 05:02] Rophs:yakker
[23/04/15 05:02] Assira the Black:rose
[23/04/15 05:02] Aethon:Yakker?
[23/04/15 05:02] Aethon:I'd like to question that please.
[23/04/15 05:02] Rophs:A yakker is one who yaks
[23/04/15 05:03] Masked Figure 4939074: (yakker - one who talks too much)
[23/04/15 05:03] Aethon:Dictionary please?
[23/04/15 05:03] Rophs:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/yakker
[23/04/15 05:03] Masked Figure 4939074: ( http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/yak?s=t )
[23/04/15 05:03] Masked Figure 4939074: (yak 2)
[23/04/15 05:03] *Sasha Lilias*:Ease
[23/04/15 05:04] Rophs:yardstick
[23/04/15 05:04] Masked Figure 4939074:Sasha E
[23/04/15 05:04] Change: (that's technically just yak though, right?)
[23/04/15 05:04] Rophs: (nvm the yardstick)
[23/04/15 05:04] *Sasha Lilias*:Elemental
[23/04/15 05:04] Assira the Black:know
[23/04/15 05:04] Masked Figure 4939074:Ease was fine, but okay.
[23/04/15 05:04] Rophs:ease or elemental?
[23/04/15 05:04] *Sasha Lilias*:Wait.
[23/04/15 05:04] Change: (hold up, so confused)
[23/04/15 05:04] Orvid:Why is it going in reverse XD
[23/04/15 05:04] Assira the Black: (brb browser crashing with errors)
[23/04/15 05:04] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT
[23/04/15 05:04] *Sasha Lilias*:Oh, I thought you were questioning me!
[23/04/15 05:04] :*Sasha Lilias* laughs
[23/04/15 05:04] Rophs:i had yardstick as backup if yakker didn't keep up
[23/04/15 05:04] *Sasha Lilias*:Ease then!
[23/04/15 05:05] Masked Figure 4939074:Aethon E
[23/04/15 05:05] Aethon: *grins* Elemental
[23/04/15 05:05] Change:luggage
[23/04/15 05:06] Orvid:embargo
[23/04/15 05:06] *Sasha Lilias*: (STOP GIVING ME E'S ASSIRA!)
[23/04/15 05:06] Assira the Black: (back)
[23/04/15 05:06] *Sasha Lilias*: (xD)
[23/04/15 05:06] Masked Figure 4939074: (lol)
[23/04/15 05:06] *Sasha Lilias*: (Too tired to think :P)
[23/04/15 05:06] Rophs:onomatopoeia
[23/04/15 05:06] Assira the Black: ( :P)
[23/04/15 05:06] Masked Figure 4939074: (nice rophs)
[23/04/15 05:06] Rophs: (I'd normally be trying to sleep by now)
[23/04/15 05:07] Assira the Black:arm
[23/04/15 05:07] Rophs: (thanks sasha :P)
[23/04/15 05:07] Change: (pfft, it's not almost 4 where you are, rophs)
[23/04/15 05:07] *Sasha Lilias*:Milk
[23/04/15 05:08] Aethon:Klutz
[23/04/15 05:08] Change:zero
[23/04/15 05:09] Orvid:opening
[23/04/15 05:09] Rophs:guitar
[23/04/15 05:09] Assira the Black:ram
[23/04/15 05:10] *Sasha Lilias*:Methane
[23/04/15 05:10] Masked Figure 4939074: (Our first chemical! woot)
[23/04/15 05:10] Aethon:Ethane
[23/04/15 05:11] :Orvid wonders if that counts as a proper noun or not
[23/04/15 05:11] Change:ethanol
[23/04/15 05:11] Masked Figure 4939074: (It is not a proper noun)
[23/04/15 05:11] Aethon: (It's not a name.. It IS something. :P)
[23/04/15 05:11] Orvid:lighter
[23/04/15 05:11] Rophs: (are chemical names proper nouns?)
[23/04/15 05:12] Rophs:radium
[23/04/15 05:12] Masked Figure 4939074: (as I said, they are not)
[23/04/15 05:12] Aethon: (Nope)
[23/04/15 05:12] Assira the Black:more
[23/04/15 05:13] *Sasha Lilias*:Europium
[23/04/15 05:13] Aethon:Maltose
[23/04/15 05:13] Change:extract
[23/04/15 05:13] Orvid:track
[23/04/15 05:14] Rophs:kiln
[23/04/15 05:14] Assira the Black:nape
[23/04/15 05:14] *Sasha Lilias*:Ethylene
[23/04/15 05:14] Aethon:Ethylbenzene
[23/04/15 05:15] :Aethon laughs
[23/04/15 05:15] Change:ethmoid
[23/04/15 05:15] Orvid:dependency
[23/04/15 05:15] Rophs:yellowbelly
[23/04/15 05:15] Assira the Black:yarrow
[23/04/15 05:16] *Sasha Lilias*:Water
[23/04/15 05:16] Change:used
[23/04/15 05:16] Rophs:used
[23/04/15 05:16] *Sasha Lilias*:Was it?
[23/04/15 05:16] :*Sasha Lilias* facedesks
[23/04/15 05:16] Masked Figure 4939074:Apparently used
[23/04/15 05:16] Rophs:yes
[23/04/15 05:16] Rophs:fter snow
[23/04/15 05:16] Change:only element used, ironically
[23/04/15 05:16] *Sasha Lilias*:Widow
[23/04/15 05:16] Change:well, of the 4
[23/04/15 05:16] Rophs:and before renter
[23/04/15 05:17] *Sasha Lilias*: (It's not an element. It's a compound.)
[23/04/15 05:17] Aethon:Window
[23/04/15 05:17] Change: (4 elements!)
[23/04/15 05:17] Rophs: (Fire, water, air, earth, aether)
[23/04/15 05:17] Change:wallow
[23/04/15 05:17] Rophs: (or fire,water,air,earth,the girl from fifth element)
[23/04/15 05:17] Orvid:wing
[23/04/15 05:18] Rophs:guilt
[23/04/15 05:18] Assira the Black:tarp
[23/04/15 05:18] *Sasha Lilias*:Paw
[23/04/15 05:18] Aethon:Wax
[23/04/15 05:19] Change:xxylophone
[23/04/15 05:19] Rophs:first xword?
[23/04/15 05:19] Change:or xylophone if you're picky
[23/04/15 05:19] Aethon: (*xylophone)
[23/04/15 05:19] Aethon: ( :P)
[23/04/15 05:19] Masked Figure 4939074:Orvid E
[23/04/15 05:20] Orvid:epiphiny
[23/04/15 05:20] Orvid: (give me a sec to spell that) ]
[23/04/15 05:20] Orvid:epiphany
[23/04/15 05:20] Aethon:epiphany*
[23/04/15 05:20] Rophs:yaysayer
[23/04/15 05:20] Assira the Black:romp
[23/04/15 05:20] Rophs:as in, the opposite of naysayer
[23/04/15 05:21] *Sasha Lilias*:Payee
[23/04/15 05:21] Masked Figure 4939074:CHALLENGED
[23/04/15 05:21] Masked Figure 4939074:@YAY
[23/04/15 05:21] Masked Figure 4939074:Please find an entry for it, Rophs
[23/04/15 05:21] Rophs:*yeasayer
[23/04/15 05:21] Rophs:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/yeasayer
[23/04/15 05:21] Masked Figure 4939074:THere we go.
[23/04/15 05:22] Masked Figure 4939074:Aethon E
[23/04/15 05:22] Aethon:Epitome
[23/04/15 05:22] Change:emu
[23/04/15 05:22] Orvid:undertaker
[23/04/15 05:23] Rophs:run
[23/04/15 05:23] Assira the Black:neck
[23/04/15 05:24] Assira the Black: (lag?)
[23/04/15 05:24] *Sasha Lilias*:Kypton
[23/04/15 05:24] *Sasha Lilias*:*Krypton
[23/04/15 05:24] Rophs:objection?
[23/04/15 05:24] Rophs:proper noun
[23/04/15 05:24] Rophs:name of superman's home planet
[23/04/15 05:24] Masked Figure 4939074:^
[23/04/15 05:24] *Sasha Lilias*:No.
[23/04/15 05:24] *Sasha Lilias*:The element.
[23/04/15 05:25] *Sasha Lilias*:The gas...
[23/04/15 05:25] *Sasha Lilias*:Noble gas?
[23/04/15 05:25] Change:'an inert, monatomic gaseous element, present in very small amounts in the atmosphere: used in high-power, tungsten-filament light bulbs.'
[23/04/15 05:25] Assira the Black:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/krypton?s=t
[23/04/15 05:25] Change:gogo
[23/04/15 05:25] Masked Figure 4939074:Exists, carry on
[23/04/15 05:25] :Aethon laughs
[23/04/15 05:25] Aethon:Newton
[23/04/15 05:25] Rophs:objection
[23/04/15 05:25] Rophs:name of a unit
[23/04/15 05:25] Rophs:name of a person
[23/04/15 05:25] Change:and?
[23/04/15 05:25] Rophs:both proper nouns
[23/04/15 05:26] Change:there's names of bones too
[23/04/15 05:26] Aethon:No.
[23/04/15 05:26] Change:>.>
[23/04/15 05:26] Aethon:A Newton IS a measurement.
[23/04/15 05:26] Aethon:Not a name.
[23/04/15 05:26] Rophs:a unit
[23/04/15 05:26] Rophs:of force
[23/04/15 05:26] Change:newt
[23/04/15 05:26] Rophs:are SI units proper nouns?
[23/04/15 05:26] Masked Figure 4939074: (a newton is not capitalized as a unit of measurement)
[23/04/15 05:26] Change:millimetre isn't a proper noun
[23/04/15 05:26] Change: :P
[23/04/15 05:27] Masked Figure 4939074: (So not a proper noun)
[23/04/15 05:27] Change:also, nomad
[23/04/15 05:27] :*Sasha Lilias* is getting tired
[23/04/15 05:27] Change:since i recall newt being used before
[23/04/15 05:28] Orvid:dunce
[23/04/15 05:28] Rophs:epikogue
[23/04/15 05:28] Rophs:epilogue
[23/04/15 05:28] Assira the Black:elephant
[23/04/15 05:28] Aethon:OBJECTION!
[23/04/15 05:28] Aethon:Typo! ;)
[23/04/15 05:28] Change:we get it
[23/04/15 05:28] Masked Figure 4939074:Typo got fixed, continue
[23/04/15 05:29] *Sasha Lilias*:Tit
[23/04/15 05:29] Change:hehe
[23/04/15 05:29] Aethon:Tuberculosis
[23/04/15 05:29] Change:scapula
[23/04/15 05:29] Orvid:attack
[23/04/15 05:30] Rophs:krill
[23/04/15 05:30] Assira the Black:llama
[23/04/15 05:30] BFH the WHITE: (can someone explain me how he did that [Video link]
[23/04/15 05:30] *Sasha Lilias*:I LOVE LLAMAS!
[23/04/15 05:30] :*Sasha Lilias* has a little breakdown
[23/04/15 05:30] Masked Figure 4939074: (O hai bfh)
[23/04/15 05:30] *Sasha Lilias*:Axe
[23/04/15 05:31] Aethon:Erbium
[23/04/15 05:31] Change:medic
[23/04/15 05:31] BFH the WHITE:You love someone calls you sasha?
[23/04/15 05:31] Orvid:carcinogen
[23/04/15 05:32] *Sasha Lilias*:Call me it and find out *winks*
[23/04/15 05:32] Rophs:nitrite
[23/04/15 05:32] Assira the Black:estrogen
[23/04/15 05:32] Rophs:Give him your phone number, FOR SCIENCE?!
[23/04/15 05:32] Aethon:Estrogen?
[23/04/15 05:32] Rophs:the female hormone of puberty
[23/04/15 05:32] Change:what's wrong with estrogen? got something against women? :P
[23/04/15 05:32] :Change teases
[23/04/15 05:33] Assira the Black:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/estrogen?s=t
[23/04/15 05:33] Aethon:That begins with an O
[23/04/15 05:33] Masked Figure 4939074: (estrogen is the female counterpart to testosterone)
[23/04/15 05:33] Change:not female really, more just a hormone
[23/04/15 05:33] Aethon:*Oestrogen
[23/04/15 05:33] Aethon:It's Greek
[23/04/15 05:33] Change:all hormones are gender neutral
[23/04/15 05:33] BFH the WHITE: ("cuando me LLAMAS" = "when you call me")
[23/04/15 05:33] Change:estrogen is slang then, aethon
[23/04/15 05:33] *Sasha Lilias*:So what am I working with?
[23/04/15 05:33] Masked Figure 4939074:Sasha N
[23/04/15 05:34] Change:estrogen
[23/04/15 05:34] :*Sasha Lilias* uses toothpick to keep her eyelids open
[23/04/15 05:34] *Sasha Lilias*:Nature
[23/04/15 05:34] Aethon:Einsteinium
[23/04/15 05:34] Change:marrow
[23/04/15 05:34] Orvid:whatever
[23/04/15 05:35] Rophs:noun?
[23/04/15 05:35] Rophs:is whatever a noun?
[23/04/15 05:35] Aethon: (Whatever isn't.)
[23/04/15 05:35] Masked Figure 4939074:CHALLENGE
[23/04/15 05:35] Aethon: (Well...it's a pronoun.)
[23/04/15 05:35] Assira the Black: (its a pronoun)
[23/04/15 05:35] Aethon: (If you're allowing them?)
[23/04/15 05:35] Masked Figure 4939074:Yep, pronoun
[23/04/15 05:35] Masked Figure 4939074:INVALID
[23/04/15 05:36] Orvid:witch
[23/04/15 05:36] Masked Figure 4939074:Orvid W
[23/04/15 05:36] Masked Figure 4939074:And continue.
[23/04/15 05:36] Rophs:hymen
[23/04/15 05:36] Aethon:Ew...
[23/04/15 05:37] Assira the Black:norn
[23/04/15 05:37] Rophs:biology is 2spooky?
[23/04/15 05:37] Rophs:challenge on norn
[23/04/15 05:37] Aethon:Norn is a noun.
[23/04/15 05:37] Assira the Black:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/norn
[23/04/15 05:37] Orvid: (we should have had it so that first successful challenge, be it because it's already said or not, would disqualify you :P)
[23/04/15 05:37] Masked Figure 4939074:It is a proper noun in both forms I see
[23/04/15 05:37] Change: (looks like a proper noun?)
[23/04/15 05:38] Masked Figure 4939074:So not valid
[23/04/15 05:38] Assira the Black:north
[23/04/15 05:38] *Sasha Lilias*:Hemisphere
[23/04/15 05:38] Rophs: (BFH the currency notes might have had ink that reacted to pressure or being flipped like when he transformed it)
[23/04/15 05:39] Aethon:Escallop
[23/04/15 05:39] Change:patella
[23/04/15 05:39] Orvid:attacker
[23/04/15 05:40] Assira the Black:used?
[23/04/15 05:40] Rophs:not used
[23/04/15 05:40] Masked Figure 4939074:Attack was used, not sure about attacker
[23/04/15 05:40] Rophs:afaik
[23/04/15 05:40] Rophs:remembrance
[23/04/15 05:40] Assira the Black:endeavor
[23/04/15 05:41] *Sasha Lilias*:Rho
[23/04/15 05:41] Aethon:Omega
[23/04/15 05:41] Change:alligator
[23/04/15 05:42] Orvid:reply
[23/04/15 05:42] Rophs:yodler
[23/04/15 05:42] Masked Figure 4939074:Spelling check on that one
[23/04/15 05:42] Assira the Black:ryhme
[23/04/15 05:42] Aethon:Spelling is wrong.
[23/04/15 05:43] Masked Figure 4939074:*yodeler
[23/04/15 05:43] Masked Figure 4939074:continue
[23/04/15 05:43] Masked Figure 4939074:Sasha E
[23/04/15 05:43] *Sasha Lilias*:Epsilon
[23/04/15 05:43] Aethon:Nu
[23/04/15 05:43] Rophs: (BFH he could have also folded the note "inside out" perhaps...)
[23/04/15 05:44] Change:umber
[23/04/15 05:44] Rophs:what's a nu?
[23/04/15 05:44] Orvid:Letter in the greek alphabet :P
[23/04/15 05:44] *Sasha Lilias*: *laughs* He's copying me.
[23/04/15 05:44] :Aethon nodsnods
[23/04/15 05:44] Aethon: (I love Greek, considering my name is it :P)
[23/04/15 05:45] Aethon:Time check?
[23/04/15 05:45] Rophs:is orvid timed out?
[23/04/15 05:45] Orvid:?
[23/04/15 05:45] Masked Figure 4939074:Orvid R
[23/04/15 05:45] Orvid:Did change say his?
[23/04/15 05:45] Rophs:Change: umber
[23/04/15 05:46] Change:hers, and yes
[23/04/15 05:46] Masked Figure 4939074:Change: umber
[23/04/15 05:46] Orvid:rat
[23/04/15 05:46] Change:umber
[23/04/15 05:46] Aethon: *growls* Cheat!
[23/04/15 05:46] :Aethon mumbles about killing time
[23/04/15 05:46] Masked Figure 4939074:I'll allow it
[23/04/15 05:46] Rophs:treason!
[23/04/15 05:46] Masked Figure 4939074:But I won't allow another such from orvid
[23/04/15 05:46] Assira the Black:neem
[23/04/15 05:47] *Sasha Lilias*:Mu
[23/04/15 05:47] Aethon:Upsilon
[23/04/15 05:47] Change:nerve
[23/04/15 05:47] Rophs:Epsilon
[23/04/15 05:47] Aethon:USED
[23/04/15 05:47] Orvid:epidermis
[23/04/15 05:48] Rophs:used by me for the first time just now
[23/04/15 05:48] Rophs:or i'm silly
[23/04/15 05:48] Rophs:electricity
[23/04/15 05:48] Aethon: (Wait, why is Rophs saying Epsilon? Sasha used it earlier)
[23/04/15 05:48] Change:no, was used a few words ago
[23/04/15 05:48] Masked Figure 4939074:Rophs, that wasn't your turn
[23/04/15 05:48] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT
[23/04/15 05:49] :Rophs was confused
[23/04/15 05:49] Rophs:salmon
[23/04/15 05:49] :Aethon mumbles about people being given too many chances
[23/04/15 05:49] Masked Figure 4939074:nerve, epidermis
[23/04/15 05:49] Change:i said nerve, orvid said epidermis--moving on?
[23/04/15 05:49] Assira the Black:nettle
[23/04/15 05:49] *Sasha Lilias*:Epinephrine
[23/04/15 05:50] Aethon:Ethylamine
[23/04/15 05:50] Change:used?
[23/04/15 05:50] *Sasha Lilias*: (Stop copying me!!)
[23/04/15 05:50] Aethon:I don't think so.
[23/04/15 05:50] Masked Figure 4939074:I don't think it was used.
[23/04/15 05:50] Assira the Black:ethylene was used but not ethylamine.
[23/04/15 05:50] :[Spell] Whispers of the dead.
[23/04/15 05:50] Change:i really remember it being used, but whatever
[23/04/15 05:50] Change:egret if not
[23/04/15 05:51] *Sasha Lilias*:Nope he was first to use it according to logs.
[23/04/15 05:51] Change:huh, anywho
[23/04/15 05:51] Change:egret
[23/04/15 05:51] Rophs:tytanasourus
[23/04/15 05:51] Assira the Black:seed
[23/04/15 05:51] Rophs:tyrannosaurus
[23/04/15 05:51] Aethon:Rophs.
[23/04/15 05:51] Aethon:It's not you.
[23/04/15 05:51] Aethon:Orvid first.
[23/04/15 05:51] Rophs:gah
[23/04/15 05:52] Orvid:trick
[23/04/15 05:52] :Masked Figure 4939074 pokes rophs
[23/04/15 05:52] Rophs:/me facepalms
[23/04/15 05:52] Change:don't you remember the orvid thing? :P
[23/04/15 05:52] Masked Figure 4939074:Was trick used?
[23/04/15 05:52] *Sasha Lilias*:I can check?
[23/04/15 05:52] Assira the Black:I do not think so
[23/04/15 05:52] Rophs:trick doesnt start with d
[23/04/15 05:52] Rophs:anyways
[23/04/15 05:52] Change:trick is after egret rophs
[23/04/15 05:53] Change:now it's your turn
[23/04/15 05:53] Change:t
[23/04/15 05:53] *Sasha Lilias*:No it wasn't used.
[23/04/15 05:53] Masked Figure 4939074:Rophs K
[23/04/15 05:53] Change:erm, k. XD
[23/04/15 05:53] Rophs:Kalemia
[23/04/15 05:53] Assira the Black:apricot
[23/04/15 05:53] *Sasha Lilias*:Tau
[23/04/15 05:54] Rophs:proper noun
[23/04/15 05:54] Aethon:Uranium
[23/04/15 05:54] Rophs:name of race in warhammer30k universt
[23/04/15 05:54] Masked Figure 4939074:tau is a letter
[23/04/15 05:54] Orvid:No more proper then Epsilon is.
[23/04/15 05:54] Change:so?
[23/04/15 05:54] Change:just because a game uses a real word doesn't make it a proper noun
[23/04/15 05:54] Change: :P
[23/04/15 05:54] Masked Figure 4939074: :P
[23/04/15 05:54] Aethon:^
[23/04/15 05:54] Change:otherwise 'change' would be a proper noun.
[23/04/15 05:54] Change:hehe
[23/04/15 05:55] Masked Figure 4939074:Change M
[23/04/15 05:55] Change:mildew
[23/04/15 05:55] Aethon:Rophs is trying to disrupt! Disqualify for unsportsman behaviour! :P
[23/04/15 05:55] Orvid:wrench
[23/04/15 05:55] Rophs:Aethon is starting a witch hunt! Disqualify for unsportsmanlike behavior!
[23/04/15 05:55] Rophs:heresy
[23/04/15 05:56] Assira the Black:yok
[23/04/15 05:56] *Sasha Lilias*:Kappa
[23/04/15 05:56] Aethon:Alpha
[23/04/15 05:56] Change:ardvark
[23/04/15 05:56] Rophs:aardvark?
[23/04/15 05:56] Change:aardvark
[23/04/15 05:57] Orvid:kitchen
[23/04/15 05:57] Rophs:nigerian
[23/04/15 05:57] Aethon:Uh?
[23/04/15 05:57] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT
[23/04/15 05:57] Masked Figure 4939074:proper noun
[23/04/15 05:57] Rophs:neutron
[23/04/15 05:57] Assira the Black:needle
[23/04/15 05:58] Masked Figure 4939074:Was needle used?
[23/04/15 05:58] *Sasha Lilias*:Ethanol
[23/04/15 05:58] Rophs:ethanol was used
[23/04/15 05:58] Change:yeah, i used ethanol
[23/04/15 05:58] Change:yay booze
[23/04/15 05:58] *Sasha Lilias*:Ethyl
[23/04/15 05:59] Aethon:Lambda
[23/04/15 05:59] Change:aspen
[23/04/15 05:59] Orvid:nitrus
[23/04/15 05:59] Rophs:sulfuric
[23/04/15 06:00] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT
[23/04/15 06:00] Masked Figure 4939074:adjective
[23/04/15 06:00] Change:adjective
[23/04/15 06:00] Rophs:sulfur
[23/04/15 06:00] *Sasha Lilias*:^
[23/04/15 06:00] :Change giggles
[23/04/15 06:00] Assira the Black:rex
[23/04/15 06:01] *Sasha Lilias*:Jesus...
[23/04/15 06:01] *Sasha Lilias*:Xenophobe
[23/04/15 06:01] Rophs:would rex count?
[23/04/15 06:01] Masked Figure 4939074: (apparently rex is a loanword. Nice.)
[23/04/15 06:01] Change: (it means king)
[23/04/15 06:01] Assira the Black: ( :D)
[23/04/15 06:01] Change: (i think)
[23/04/15 06:02] Rophs: (i know what it means, but i've never heard it used non-scientifically)
[23/04/15 06:02] Aethon:Ethidium
[23/04/15 06:02] Change:mum
[23/04/15 06:02] Orvid:mastery
[23/04/15 06:02] Rophs:yarn
[23/04/15 06:03] Assira the Black:net
[23/04/15 06:03] *Sasha Lilias*:Till
[23/04/15 06:03] Aethon:Lax
[23/04/15 06:04] Change:xeno
[23/04/15 06:04] Masked Figure 4939074:HALT
[23/04/15 06:04] Aethon:Object
[23/04/15 06:04] Masked Figure 4939074:Challenge on till
[23/04/15 06:05] Aethon:"The till was not cleaned for months"
[23/04/15 06:05] Masked Figure 4939074:I can't see a noun for it
[23/04/15 06:05] Assira the Black:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/till?s=t
[23/04/15 06:05] Assira the Black:number 3
[23/04/15 06:05] Assira the Black:It is a noun
[23/04/15 06:05] Masked Figure 4939074:Thankees
[23/04/15 06:05] Aethon:Object on xeno though
[23/04/15 06:05] Change:xenolith
[23/04/15 06:05] Change:then
[23/04/15 06:06] Aethon:Bah. You had time to search ¬.¬
[23/04/15 06:06] :Aethon will catch Change out! Waves a paw at her
[23/04/15 06:06] Change: (actually was saying goodnight to my mum)
[23/04/15 06:06] Change: (or mom, mommy, momma. ;) )
[23/04/15 06:07] Aethon:Time check on Orvid? *grins*
[23/04/15 06:07] Orvid:harbringer
[23/04/15 06:07] Masked Figure 4939074:Spelling check
[23/04/15 06:07] Rophs:renzevous
[23/04/15 06:07] Masked Figure 4939074:Harbinger?
[23/04/15 06:08] Assira the Black:sex
[23/04/15 06:08] Assira the Black: (as in gender)
[23/04/15 06:08] Orvid: (Yes, harbinger)
[23/04/15 06:08] Change: (also as biological sex)
[23/04/15 06:08] *Sasha Lilias*:Xi
[23/04/15 06:08] Aethon:Iota
[23/04/15 06:09] Change:ant
[23/04/15 06:09] Masked Figure 4939074: (don't capitalize I please. :P)
[23/04/15 06:09] Orvid:tether
[23/04/15 06:09] Rophs:used
[23/04/15 06:09] Masked Figure 4939074:USED.
[23/04/15 06:10] Orvid:tick
[23/04/15 06:10] Rophs:klang
[23/04/15 06:10] Assira the Black:glump
[23/04/15 06:11] Assira the Black:I mean grump
[23/04/15 06:11] *Sasha Lilias*:Prude
[23/04/15 06:11] Aethon:Echoe
[23/04/15 06:12] Aethon:*Echo
[23/04/15 06:12] Change:erosion
[23/04/15 06:12] Change:erm
[23/04/15 06:12] Change:oligarch
[23/04/15 06:12] Orvid:henchman
[23/04/15 06:12] Rophs:noose
[23/04/15 06:12] Aethon:Hang on.
[23/04/15 06:12] Rophs:LOL
[23/04/15 06:12] Aethon:Objection.
[23/04/15 06:13] Rophs:noose - Hang on
[23/04/15 06:13] Aethon:On oligarch.
[23/04/15 06:13] Rophs:ruler in an oligarchy.
[23/04/15 06:13] Aethon:Hmn...
[23/04/15 06:13] Aethon:Carry on then.
[23/04/15 06:13] Masked Figure 4939074:It exists.
[23/04/15 06:13] Assira the Black:ephiny
[23/04/15 06:13] Masked Figure 4939074:Assira E
[23/04/15 06:14] Aethon: (Titles are allowed?)
[23/04/15 06:14] Masked Figure 4939074:challenge there
[23/04/15 06:14] Change: (like king? yes)
[23/04/15 06:14] Change: (queen, king, prince)
[23/04/15 06:14] Assira the Black:elf
[23/04/15 06:15] Rophs: (i'm going to sleep, this isn't worth the pixels)
[23/04/15 06:15] *Sasha Lilias*:Few
[23/04/15 06:15] Assira the Black: (sleep well)
[23/04/15 06:15] Change: (hehe, goodnight)
[23/04/15 06:15] Aethon:Want
[23/04/15 06:16] Change:trumpeting
[23/04/15 06:16] Orvid:gate
[23/04/15 06:16] Masked Figure 4939074: (Yeah, this is partly a test of endurance.)
[23/04/15 06:16] Assira the Black:error
[23/04/15 06:17] *Sasha Lilias*:Rump
[23/04/15 06:17] Masked Figure 4939074:used!
[23/04/15 06:17] *Sasha Lilias*:Ramp
[23/04/15 06:17] Aethon:Prune
[23/04/15 06:17] Change:entering
[23/04/15 06:18] Assira the Black: (lag test)
[23/04/15 06:19] Aethon:Orvid used time?
[23/04/15 06:19] Orvid:ghetto
[23/04/15 06:19] Assira the Black:ox
[23/04/15 06:19] Aethon: (That was well over 20 sec...)
[23/04/15 06:19] Masked Figure 4939074: (sorry, was afk a moment.)
[23/04/15 06:19] *Sasha Lilias*:Xu
[23/04/15 06:20] Aethon:Undress
[23/04/15 06:20] Change:stabbing
[23/04/15 06:20] Masked Figure 4939074: (I might start enforcing time soon, so don't take forever guys.)
[23/04/15 06:20] Orvid:grinch
[23/04/15 06:20] Assira the Black:hoax
[23/04/15 06:21] *Sasha Lilias*:I KNEW YOU WOULD!
[23/04/15 06:21] *Sasha Lilias*:Xenic
[23/04/15 06:21] Assira the Black: ( *laughs* )
[23/04/15 06:21] Aethon:Cane
[23/04/15 06:22] Change:eloping
[23/04/15 06:22] Orvid:ginger
[23/04/15 06:22] Assira the Black:ramp
[23/04/15 06:22] Masked Figure 4939074:Used, right?
[23/04/15 06:22] *Sasha Lilias*:Yes
[23/04/15 06:23] Assira the Black:rant
[23/04/15 06:23] *Sasha Lilias*:Tea
[23/04/15 06:23] *Sasha Lilias*:Used
[23/04/15 06:23] *Sasha Lilias*:Um..
[23/04/15 06:23] Masked Figure 4939074:Wow, no respone to my question.
[23/04/15 06:23] *Sasha Lilias*:Tail
[23/04/15 06:23] Masked Figure 4939074:Or lag
[23/04/15 06:23] Masked Figure 4939074:<.<
[23/04/15 06:24] Aethon:Lithium
[23/04/15 06:24] Change:mirage
[23/04/15 06:24] Masked Figure 4939074:.
[23/04/15 06:24] Aethon:20 secs over
[23/04/15 06:25] Orvid:ebb
[23/04/15 06:25] Aethon:That was 23 seconds
[23/04/15 06:25] :Aethon grins
[23/04/15 06:25] Assira the Black:box
[23/04/15 06:25] Masked Figure 4939074: (I'm getting hit with lag. D:)
[23/04/15 06:25] *Sasha Lilias*:zanthin
[23/04/15 06:25] *Sasha Lilias*:*xanthin
[23/04/15 06:26] Assira the Black: (I am going to bed in 5 minutes...I will be around until then)
[23/04/15 06:26] Aethon:Neurosis
[23/04/15 06:26] Change:stumbling
[23/04/15 06:27] Orvid:That's an adjective...
[23/04/15 06:27] Aethon:^
[23/04/15 06:27] Change:the act of stumbling
[23/04/15 06:27] Masked Figure 4939074:noun 9. the act of stumbling.
[23/04/15 06:27] Aethon:Hmn...
[23/04/15 06:27] Change:or a moral lapse or error
[23/04/15 06:27] Change:XD
[23/04/15 06:28] Orvid:gantry
[23/04/15 06:28] Masked Figure 4939074:Used
[23/04/15 06:28] Orvid:gecko
[23/04/15 06:28] Orvid: (yep, by me :P)
[23/04/15 06:28] Assira the Black:opuntia
[23/04/15 06:28] *Sasha Lilias*:Anorexic
[23/04/15 06:29] Aethon:Cox
[23/04/15 06:29] Masked Figure 4939074:CHALLENGE
[23/04/15 06:29] Masked Figure 4939074:anorexic is adjective?
[23/04/15 06:29] *Sasha Lilias*:*anorexia
[23/04/15 06:29] Change:not when referring to the person
[23/04/15 06:29] Change:depending
[23/04/15 06:29] Masked Figure 4939074:Nevermind, anorexic is a person with it
[23/04/15 06:29] Aethon:Wait?
[23/04/15 06:29] Masked Figure 4939074:CONTINUE
[23/04/15 06:30] Aethon:So she was right?
[23/04/15 06:30] Masked Figure 4939074:Change X
[23/04/15 06:30] Change:xenogamy
[23/04/15 06:30] Aethon:Ok...
[23/04/15 06:30] Aethon:Haha
[23/04/15 06:31] Orvid:yetti
[23/04/15 06:31] Aethon:Used.
[23/04/15 06:31] Assira the Black:igloo
[23/04/15 06:31] Masked Figure 4939074:Yeti was used
[23/04/15 06:31] Orvid:yander
[23/04/15 06:31] :Aethon grumbles
[23/04/15 06:31] Assira the Black:ring
[23/04/15 06:32] Orvid:*yonder
[23/04/15 06:32] *Sasha Lilias*:Get
[23/04/15 06:32] Aethon:Tax
[23/04/15 06:32] Change:xenia
[23/04/15 06:33] Aethon:Um?
[23/04/15 06:33] Orvid:antler
[23/04/15 06:33] Aethon:Not sure about that...
[23/04/15 06:33] Assira the Black: (O.O a plant word I did not know)
[23/04/15 06:33] : Mallos throws the dice and gets 7
[23/04/15 06:33] Assira the Black:ridge
[23/04/15 06:33] Aethon: (Oh. In plant terms not the Greek?)
[23/04/15 06:33] Orvid:Could probably have objected to get, but :P
[23/04/15 06:33] Assira the Black: (xenia is a plant word)
[23/04/15 06:34] *Sasha Lilias*:Eating
[23/04/15 06:34] Aethon:Galactose
[23/04/15 06:34] Masked Figure 4939074: (Get: noun 29. an offspring)
[23/04/15 06:34] Change:emulating
[23/04/15 06:35] Orvid:Ghast
[23/04/15 06:35] Assira the Black:toxin
[23/04/15 06:35] Aethon:Ghast?
[23/04/15 06:35] Aethon:Check?
[23/04/15 06:35] Change:for being used?
[23/04/15 06:35] Change:it's a word
[23/04/15 06:35] Masked Figure 4939074:Minecraft ghast, pretty sure everyone knows that one
[23/04/15 06:36] Aethon:Dictionary?
[23/04/15 06:36] Change:doesn't even have to be minecraft
[23/04/15 06:36] Aethon:Minecraft name doesn't make it real haha.
[23/04/15 06:36] Assira the Black: (it is an adjetive)
[23/04/15 06:36] Orvid:ghastly is an adjective, ghast isn't
[23/04/15 06:36] Aethon:Dictionary link?
[23/04/15 06:36] Assira the Black:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ghast?s=t
[23/04/15 06:37] Change:where do you think ghastly came from? :P
[23/04/15 06:37] Masked Figure 4939074:Dictionary says ghast = ghastly
[23/04/15 06:37] Masked Figure 4939074:Urban dictionary check?
[23/04/15 06:37] Masked Figure 4939074: :P
[23/04/15 06:37] Aethon:Ghastly is a word.
[23/04/15 06:37] Change:pfft, it's totally a word for ghost. silly dictionary
[23/04/15 06:37] Aethon:Ghast isn't.
[23/04/15 06:38] Orvid:I agree with change, it's a synonym for ghost
[23/04/15 06:38] Aethon:Also Ghastly was where Ghast came from. Not the other way around.
[23/04/15 06:38] *Sasha Lilias*:I'm afraid I agree with Aethon.
[23/04/15 06:39] *Sasha Lilias*:Unless you can provide a solid defintion of ghast with cite?
[23/04/15 06:39] Orvid:Yes, as ghast came from ghastly, ghast is a noun.
[23/04/15 06:39] Masked Figure 4939074:I'd think minecraft makes it valid, but apparently urban dic has too few upvotes
[23/04/15 06:39] Aethon:No because Ghast isn't even a word! :))
[23/04/15 06:39] Masked Figure 4939074:GHAST is INVALID
[23/04/15 06:39] Aethon:It's just a slang shortening.
[23/04/15 06:40] Masked Figure 4939074:Ghast = Ghastly = adjective
[23/04/15 06:40] Orvid:ghost then
[23/04/15 06:40] Assira the Black:toxin
[23/04/15 06:40] Masked Figure 4939074:Used, I think
[23/04/15 06:40] *Sasha Lilias*:Not used according to logs.
[23/04/15 06:40] *Sasha Lilias*:Notion
[23/04/15 06:41] Aethon:Notice
[23/04/15 06:41] Assira the Black: (Headed to bed anyways. Goodnight :D)
[23/04/15 06:41] Aethon: (Night Assi)
[23/04/15 06:41] Change: (night)
[23/04/15 06:41] Change:everything
[23/04/15 06:41] *Sasha Lilias*: (Sleep well Assira ( :)
[23/04/15 06:41] Masked Figure 4939074: ('night)
[23/04/15 06:42] Orvid:It would be valid if you checked it by spelling it gast.
[23/04/15 06:42] Orvid:gathering
[23/04/15 06:43] *Sasha Lilias*: (Is it me now?)
[23/04/15 06:43] *Sasha Lilias*:Ghoul
[23/04/15 06:43] Change: (it's rophs)
[23/04/15 06:43] Orvid: (rophs left already)
[23/04/15 06:43] Masked Figure 4939074: (rophs left)
[23/04/15 06:43] Aethon:Lint
[23/04/15 06:44] Change: (okay. :P)
[23/04/15 06:44] Change:trembling
[23/04/15 06:44] Orvid:gent  


Edited by apophys
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