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"Washing the taint" - Wishpoint quest

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I ask every participant other than Z and Phantasm, to vote anonymously to me via forum PM for one of their two entries.


Aethon is the only one that didn't respond (inactive I guess). I was pondering how fun would it be if he voted for Phantasm, from pure number of votes perspective it would be 3-3, which would annul the point of this phase.
The votes went 3-2 in favor of Z, but, I proclaim Phantasm the winner, because the 2 votes were argument backed, while the 3 in favor of Z were plain votes. It was a really close race, both of the works were very good.
I will emphasize again the seemingly subjective part of the quest aside the pure protocol aspect, which lead to this conclusion.
Still, before awarding the WP, I will leave a bit of time for possible objections, etc.

To be entirely fair Rheaggy, You only asked for votes you didnt ask for votes and reasons. So you couldnt possible award it on the basis of some people giving more than you asked. If you think that the reasons also matter, you should ask all players to vote and give one or two reasons then it will be fair.

Otherwise you are awarding something based on mere understanding of what you wanted which doesnt seem very fair at all.
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I hear ya, Chewy, and I'm glad you opened the subject.


There's also one more quote from that post, actually sentence next to the one you quoted:

"Adding a why do you vote for that specific one would be welcome, but not entirely necessary."



It was to (try to) ensure people will actually vote for the work they really believe wins over the other one I gently asked for explanations.

It wasn't left entirely procedural with counting who has more votes for the same reason it wasn't the whole quest wasn't made entirely procedural with the mentioned reputation system (which failed because low number of people rated entries), to have a human factor trying to minimize the errors of the voting system (for example, voting for a person and not for an entry).


This type of quests are usually hard to judge and it is expected people will have issues with the results, hopefully minimal. I've seen people employ other people as judges, seems fair from the distance, but in lot of opportunities I noticed poor judging from some anonymous judges.

I'm still unsatisfied with the judging system and can't find the indisputably right way to do it, and will consider avoiding such quests in the future just because of the judging part, or just shift responsibility in the hands of someone else :P

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  • Root Admin

I hear ya, Chewy, and I'm glad you opened the subject.
There's also one more quote from that post, actually sentence next to the one you quoted:

I didnt see that quote, but still stand by what I said, and that it is unfair if you are going to judge it purely on how people percieved the post.

Also, as a note, If I missed it, did others? you dont know.
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I didn't judge it purely on how people perceived the post as you say. That phase was brought not as an originally planned phase (as you can see on the main post), but as a result of my dilemma between Z's and Phantasm's entries.

The race of voting in the phase was very close, I couldn't rate Z as a decisive winner. It wasn't the very fact that someone tried to elaborate the vote that helped for Phantasm to win, but the arguments that were brought made me give Phantasm's entry an edge over Z's, tight vote race considered, I think that's one of the misunderstandings.


I can't comment on people hypothetically not reading given instructions.


This is a similar to my Books and Library quest, where the entries were very nice, and everybody received a very valuable reward in the form of a book.

Technically, Lashtal's post was the winning one there, with a slight edge over the others (a very tight call, like I said, in that type of quests), but as a questmaker I had a very big luck that my request for the rewards was approved, otherwise a lot of people would have been deprived of deserved reward compensation for their awesome entries.

Sadly, I didn't have that sponsorship support here to reward each and every one based on their entries, and because of the competitive spirit of the events made in MD, it seems like we have a winner, and a bunch of losers, which isn't the case. 

Someone had to be chosen as the winner, but I appreciate each entry in its own way, they are results of people's creativity with their own mind set and hard to compare, what I want to say in this unrelated-to-Chewie's-post-paragraph is that for people not to try to put a concrete value on the work and feel disappointed theirs is "lesser" to somebody else.

Because of the subjective nature of the assignment, the result won't be "fairly made" no matter how you do it.

Is it a vote based on a subjective opinion of a number of people, or my subjective opinion, or someone else's subjective opinion, etc.

No matter how you turn it, it's gonna be that way.


If you feel the result is not in favor of the real situation on the field, please state it so, and please elaborate why do you believe Z or someone else was wronged in the matter and should have won the quest instead.

Edited by Jubaris
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