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Posted (edited)

Unless you've been living under a rock lately, you'll know the Murmas preparations have begun!   It's time to decorate the tree!
Wait, but what about the things that DO live under rocks?! They need to know too! Go pick up the rocks at the GoE and call out "Murmas Time", to start!

Each critter that hides under there will give you a small task to complete, then ask that you check  the next area, somewhere in the realm, and the Key words to use.  
Most of the time, you'll be using the easy-to-remember phrase "Murmas Time".  
Along each step, you'll be "decorating" Awiiya, via badly photoshopped clipart onto a snapshot of the Awiiya's Way scene, to bring some colour and activity to those sadly barren branches. 
However, be warned, that like some of my older quests, you probably will not be able to do the entire quest alone.  You'll discover the challenges as you progress.
Also, there's no need to Rush since time is not a factor.   Everyone who  progresses far enough to "Complete" the quest will have their name dropped into my Hat, to draw out during the holidays for prizes.
Chewett has also granted Christmas Points to everyone who completes this quest.    Enjoy!
      (1 Christmas point for all participants, then 4, 3, 2 points for first, second, third.)
The quest will run from Now, until midnight, Jan 3rd.    Good luck!
(Also note, that while completing "most" of the Tasks/stages of this quest will count as "complete" in terms of entering the Winner's Tombola, extra copies of your names will be put into my hat if you finish the three "optional" steps you'll find at the end.   If you find them.)

 Prizes so far as as follows:

  • 1 Gold Coin
  • 1 Gold Coin
  • 1 Gold Coin  (yes, 3 total, as separate drawings)
  • Snowman / morph
  • BloodPact Archer
  • BoostDefense Stone
  • GuardianArmy Stone
  • ToadSpeak Stone
  • mouldy old Angien Egg, (of course)
  • 11 Silver Coins (in bundles of 5,3,2,1)
  • 5-credit award
  • another 5-Credit award
  • Plus the Christmas Point awards mentioned above
    (1 Christmas point for all participants, then 4, 3, 2 points for first, second, third.)

(side note: I miss Awiiya, this is partially an homage to his memory)

I also will say it's Fair game to share any hints on when/what/where/why the next steps towards the end.    
In the spirit of celebration, and Discovery, the latter stages are a bit vague.   Once found, keep or sell or share the details as you feel appropriate. 
Hopefully the Intrigue is amusing and not Frustration.

Edited by Maebius

 Everyone who  progresses far enough to "Complete" the quest will have their name dropped into my Hat, to draw out during the holidays for prizes.


So 1st, 2nd and 3rd placing is dependent on a "lucky draw" at the end of the quest?


Three people have gotten to the stage that counts as "completion" thus far, and are working on the optional extra-bonus-bits.   
That means folks still working on it now have a bit of a "boost", from how warmed up they had gotten running around so fast, for a bit of time.  :)
Appologies to anyone who found the wonky delays.  
If a particular stone says something along the lines of  "Nothing interesting here, maybe go to the GoE and say "Murmas Time" to start",  it's used in a later stage. 
I apparently forgot to type "...or check the last stage you were on."  at the end of that sentence, and am working on that this afternoon. 
(that'll teach me to rush to get it posted by "the 10th", not realizing the announcement meant of January)

Posted (edited)

Just an update. It appears at least 8 people have "completed" their decorations up to the main ending-point! Horray!
(also: 3 people have found all three extra-bonus points, w00t!)

I've updated the original post to include the list of Prizes as well!

JadenDew, yes.
I've planned on tossing all the gifts into a santa sack and drawing names from my hat to attach to the gift one by one.

Edited by Maebius
  • 2 weeks later...

Just a brief update. Quest deadline extended after two people who started asked very nicely for a few more days due to irl delays and issues over the holiday season
(and they were over 1/2 way "completed" in how far they progressed so far, and told me prior that a delay was possible).

New deadline and Closure will be midnight, Jan 3rd.

So far, I have 15 people in the "Completed!" listing, and four who found at least one or two of the bonus points! :)

Posted (edited)

8 Points is considered to have lit up the Star on Awiiya's tree, and "Completed" the decorations,
(if you got bugged, please let me know ASAP since I know the first day where were some bugs resetting score, that got fixed after you started.)
(also, don't count Gort, she was my tester...)

Name                Points
Gort Hedera             13
Clock Master            13
Lintara                 13
dst                     13
Aeoshattr               13
Esmaralda               13

*Nimrodel*              13
MRF                      8
AmberRune                8
Ungod                    8
*Miq*                    8
tankfans                 8
Death Ray                8
Wideberth                8

Aethon                   8
The Adventurer           8

Tissy                    5
Ars Alchemy              5
*Syrian*                 5
phantasm                 2
*Eagle Eye*              2
Edgra                    2
Rophs the Green          0

Edited by Maebius
Posted (edited)

yep, I was questioning the 7's, which was odd becauase the step before gave 6 points.     Looking deeper, yep,  you did.   Yay for those early Bugs!

updated list

Edited by Maebius

Ok,  quest closed and scores above updated.    Soon as I grab my Sprogling to help me draw names from the Hat (monday or tuesday after school), I will post the final results.

Posted (edited)

Ok, so I can not get my tablet to take more than a 5-8 second video without crashing.  ARGH!! 
Going to try at work tomorrow to fiddle with things, since I wanted to record the process of drawing names and ensure Fairness and Transparency... 
[spoiler] (similar to how we did this:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1bmj6vSmYs)[/spoiler]
if I can't get the camera working, I will post the names as drawn and hope you trust that it is fair.  (or, try to take Tiny clips and ask a friend to paste them together into a longer video?)

Edited by Maebius

Ok, so I can not get my tablet to take more than a 5-8 second video without crashing.  ARGH!! 
Going to try at work tomorrow to fiddle with things, since I wanted to record the process of drawing names and ensure Fairness and Transparency... 
[spoiler] (similar to how we did this:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1bmj6vSmYs)[/spoiler]
if I can't get the camera working, I will post the names as drawn and hope you trust that it is fair.  (or, try to take Tiny clips and ask a friend to paste them together into a longer video?)

I thought these were the rewards then! :D 


I was thinking "Odd...I didn't even think these players were around..." and was questioning my sanity. Then I saw "similar to how we did this". :))

Posted (edited)

Youtube Link
Imgur link cos Maeb doesn't know how to dropbox :P

Alright, thanks to the wonderful help of the Treasure Keepers, i have the results video. (Thanks!!!)
(names in GREEN have been handed out/awarded/sent/etc)

Results as follows.....
1 gold coin ................... Clock Master
1 gold coin ................... Clock master again

1 gold coin ................... Esmaralda
Snowman ..................... dst
Bloodpact archer..........Aeoshatter
BoostDefense stone.....Aeoshatter

GuardianArmy Stone.....dst
Toadspeak Stone ......... Death Ray
Aged Angien Egg .......... Lintara
5$ credits ...................... MRF
5$ credits. ..................... AmberRune

5 silver coins ................ Esmaralda
3 silver coins ................ dst
2 silver coins ................ The Adventurer

all remaining participants will recieve 1 silver coin.


Ars Alchemy
*Eagle Eye*

hope you enjoyed it, and hope you had a Merry Murmas Time! :) Edited by Maebius
Posted (edited)

Yes, Christmas points are set.    Congrats to all!

Following Christmas Points tallied using top finishers. Only questers with 2 and more quest points will be given participation points:

(thanks TK folks for tallying this too)


Esmaralda - 4 Points

Clock Master - 3 Points

dst - 2 Points

Aeoshattr - 1 Point

Aethon - 1 Point

AmberRune - 1 Point

Ars Alchemy - 1 Point

Death Ray - 1 Point

Eagle Eye - 1 Point

Edgra - 1 Point

Lintara - 1 Point

Miq - 1 Point

MRF - 1 Point

Nimrodel - 1 Point

phantasm - 1 Point

Syrian - 1 Point

tankfans - 1 Point

The Adventurer - 1 Point

Tissy - 1 Point

Ungod - 1 Point

Wideberth - 1 Point

Edited by Maebius

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