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Event: House Cup


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Location: Where the TTC is that day. This event will only be when the location is easy to access for all.

Frequency: Approx once every 3 weeks

Host: Assire the Black (or one of the helper team if she is unavailable)

This is a fighting event, where a land will gain all the glory.
During 'Champion' events, you should chose a champion from your land, they will be the only fighter from your land.
For a 'Challenger' event, anyone and as many as you like from your land can compete.

A land will hold the house cup until the next event, and we will keep a record of who/which land has held the cup.

Rules will vary and will be announced each time, along with the date and time, on this thread.

Edited by (Zl-eye-f)-nea
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