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Arg! I sincerely hope not. That had occurred to me, too. However, as creatures get upgraded they get the ability to apply strategies like "attack/aid dying creatures first," and "attack/aid weak creatures first." This is adequate for me though I hope there will be some additions to these in the future, perhaps at higher upgrades.

This is the first and only PvP game I have ever chose to play. I avoid them like the plague. However, this game's bias towards a zero-sum "combat" experience and the fact that I don't have to engage in every combat is what makes it comfortable for me to be here. If I had to engage in every battle I would loose interest in this very fast.

I am not here to do combat... In 99% of all games combat is the only or primary way to advance. This game does not reward lopsided development, but balanced development. That the duels (I prefer this to "combat," here) are so quick and relatively painless is what enables one to focus on other things and goals.


Although that seems interesting, it wouldn't work for 2 main reasons.

1. It would be a pain in the ass. In 10 minutes i might fight 2-5 battles. That's 50-100 turns. For 6 creatures, that's 300-600 decisions.

2. Defense rituals would become meaningless. You would have to be there to defend, and that's not workable with the current situation.


There might be a place to add more options when making a ritual though.

Something like "attack healer" or "attack lifestealer", for example.

or even a priority list like "attack dying, attack healer, attack weak"

so that your creature will attempt to attack dying enemies. if there aren't any dying enemies it'll try to attack healers, and if no healers are available it'll attack the weakest creature

  Tremir said:
There might be a place to add more options when making a ritual though.

Something like "attack healer" or "attack lifestealer", for example.

or even a priority list like "attack dying, attack healer, attack weak"

so that your creature will attempt to attack dying enemies. if there aren't any dying enemies it'll try to attack healers, and if no healers are available it'll attack the weakest creature

I've had the very same idea. I think it is totally lame for a creature not to attack simply because there is no primary target. At the very least, if the primary target is not present it should go after random.

Some care may need to be put into this for healing rituals. I don't know. I am too new to the game.

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