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The Hunting of the Snark

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Lewis Carroll - Henry Holiday - Hunting of the Snark - Plate 1.jpg


This quest is the first of a series of Literary Appreciation Quests. All are welcome to participate. To compete, we advise the following steps:

  1. Read The Hunting of the Snark. You can find a copy in the archives. You just might find a useful hint about how to successfully complete later steps safely.

  2. Hunt the snark. Several players will be playing the role of the snark. It is your job to catch one of them and present evidence to me that you have done so. The first team to do so will win an award. Yes, team! You will need the assistance of another player to catch the snark. However, you do not necessarily need to form teams ahead of time. Here’s how it works:

    1. Upon spying a snark in your current scene, Player A will announce: “Look! A snark!”

    2. Another player, Player B, must then throw a net: *throws a net*.

    3. A third player, Player C, must grab the snark to complete the catch: *grabs the snark*

    4. One of these players must send a screenshot to me (Ivorak) by forum PM for the team to collect the award. The screenshot should include enough detail to show the Snark is present and the record of the chat.

    5. However, if steps A-D are completed out of order, repeated, or if the Snark *flees* before they are completed, then you must try again in another scene.

Awards will be distributed in reverse order, such that Player C gets the greatest reward and Player A gets the least valuable reward. The same will be true of penalties, though, should they occur. You may do anything (permitted by general MD rules) to foil other teams or otherwise gain an advantage.

If you have any questions, please address them to me privately by forum PM. Currently looking for quest sponsorships, and preparing some final touches. I’ll post the names of the players playing Snarks when the quest officially begins. In the meantime, you can get a headstart on your reading.

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Just now, Ungod said:

that looks fun, but 106 pages...dammit, i must find timeeee

It's actually not too lengthy a poem, maybe a hundred lines. Wikisource also has a version that is all on one page here.

Also, reading is highly recommended, but ultimately optional.

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