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I have the following problems:

1.Get disconnected during the fight due "iddle", but i just look to the fight (move the mouse from time to time)!

I don't get a report like a normal fight between players, so i cannot see what happen.

2.Healing actions stops the fight log (any fight, not just this one). I need to wait a lot of seconds to continue the log and the healing symbol is still there.

Could be fixed, please?


Sounds like your problem is that your battle reports load very slowly and you have problem viewing them all before going 'idle'.

Here's a method I know to help with this problem a bit:

1. No need to read the whole report right after you attack. You can close it right away and you won't miss anything.

2. Open the battle logs page and then open a report you wish to read in a different window or in a different tab, and just let the fight progress, even if you can't read them fast enough. If you click on the link to view the summary page before the first page finishes loading, it will stop loading, so you should just wait until it ends (saying how much xp each creature gains and all that)

3. Go back to your main game page and play or do something to kill time while your battle report loads, in order not to go idle.

4. After the battle report finishes loading...

4.1. Go to the summary page

4.2. Use 'Select All' command or press Ctrl+A, then 'Copy' or Ctrl+C

4.3. Open Notepad or a text program and Paste (Ctrl+V) the whole thing into it. The creature actions which were too fast to read will also be there.

5. Read, and take what you can. ;)

I'm not sure what to do when Healing actions make the reports stop loading though. I've never had that exact same problem, but I've noticed that certain actions make the reports load more slowly, they might be due to the same cause.


I find that When you Attack you can always just skip to the Battle Log, then Copy that else where to be Read at your Leisure.

Not sure if it's my Connection or what, but I've never gotten the Logs to work when I'M attacked, or when I replay the battles...

I find that When you Attack you can always just skip to the Battle Log, then Copy that else where to be Read at your Leisure.

Not sure if it's my Connection or what, but I've never gotten the Logs to work when I'M attacked, or when I replay the battles...

I have had precisely the same experience. I believe its an implementation detail and has nothing whatsoever to do with connection speed or type.


Thanks for the advices, still read my first post, with NPC (loreroot guards) i don't get any report !!

Can't draw a conclusion and adopt another tactics if i don't know what happen.

I expect the developers of the game to drop by if they really want to improuve this game,

agree that the game have potential, still looks like an unfinished one.

In my opinion, some random encounters with NPC asking if you wanna fight, nice rewards like ones from MDShop! if you accept the challenge and win, or the game resume to a hit and run pvp.


If you try Sacosphilz's tactic, you should stop from going idle. I dunno what he said about the summary page; I've never tried that. Instead, what I do is let the battle finish and then copy and paste directly from that page into a word document. The part with the fight details usually appears as a column/row with the overflow hidden, so just select all (CTL+A) within it and paste outside..

Okay, if his way works, you'll probably want to try that. >_>; In any case, you say you haven't gotten a battle report but have you tried it?

... let the battle finish and then copy and paste directly from that page into a word document. The part with the fight details usually appears as a column/row with the overflow hidden, so just select all (CTL+A) within it and paste outside.

This make so much sense. Thanks for the suggestion.

However, this is still a bug -- in the HTML, not the flash or other code.

If you try Sacosphilz's tactic, you should stop from going idle. I dunno what he said about the summary page; I've never tried that. Instead, what I do is let the battle finish and then copy and paste directly from that page into a word document. The part with the fight details usually appears as a column/row with the overflow hidden, so just select all (CTL+A) within it and paste outside..

Okay, if his way works, you'll probably want to try that. >_>; In any case, you say you haven't gotten a battle report but have you tried it?

I will try to explain:

1.The fight with loreroot guards starts.. i watch it and after a while, no matter what is do, move the mouse or else, i got disc. for "iddle". Got no report about fight after that.

So, let the battle finish.. what finish?? In pvp i got a report, but there isn't any!

Just saw my xxx dead in the creature page and the guards still there.How many turns i resist it? Dunno ..

2.The fight with loreroot guards starts.. press combat results, there is a nonsense, i don't get a complete report, just defeat and the procents.

The fun is to watch the fight, if stops at healing or worse, what fun? The developers must work on that!

2. Open the battle logs page and then open a report you wish to read in a different window or in a different tab, and just let the fight progress, even if you can't read them fast enough. If you click on the link to view the summary page before the first page finishes loading, it will stop loading, so you should just wait until it ends (saying how much xp each creature gains and all that)

3. Go back to your main game page and play or do something to kill time while your battle report loads, in order not to go idle.

n_n; the game shouldn't go idle if you open a new tab/window and play magicduel while the log loads. Or, since it slows down a bit if you do that, you can just open a new tab/window every 14 minutes and click on one of the icons or links. Just clicking on the combat page won't do anything.

The thing about healing--when creatures do actions which triggers rings to rotate around the creature icons, the log does slow. But for me, it doesn't stop completely. Maybe your connection is really slow?

It might be good to disable idle when a combat log is opened, and to somehow eliminate the slowing when spell-like actions occur. Anyway, it should work if you tried it.. maybe you just didn't read/understand his post? Or did you try it?


My connection is good enough to play RT online games.The problem is it shouldn't happen like that!

If I want to watch the fight, because that's the real fun, i must not try any enginery, the developers must

work and make that possible. If healing or anything else slow down the events, must be corrected.

That's the problem!

We are talking here about a game with possible the biggest potential in his class, why such details must affect the gameplay? :P

Still expect an answer from the managing team, the feedback from the players must be a top priority for them if they really want to make a good game.


I agree. However, basically Manu is the only person who would have the power to fix things like this, and he's quite busy. The problem has been put on the official bug list (here) so that when Manu visits the forums he shall be directed to the topic and see the concerns. Hopefully then things will be made better, but it may be a long wait.


Thanks alot for the feedback, its not about me,

i'll manage to do something, but like i says its about the game!

I like the idea they trying to make something different, not the same comercial simple games.

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