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Id like to be able to send a mass message to all my adepts when i see it a fitting thing to do.

As it is now, i have to copy and paste my message if i want to send it.



What do you all think?



I'd like it. But I know a lot of features concerning adepts have yet to be implemented, and something similar to this may already be planned (I have no idea), so we may want to wait and see.

Or maybe there could be some sort of feature with which we could message multiple people at once, not necessarily just our adepts.


I wonder what it's like to have more than 1 adept? Must be something only the special people know about.

I'd like it. But I know a lot of features concerning adepts have yet to be implemented, and something similar to this may already be planned (I have no idea), so we may want to wait and see.

Or maybe there could be some sort of feature with which we could message multiple people at once, not necessarily just our adepts.

Hehe, first of all, I love your disclaimer hehehe... Nice ;)

Secondly, The problem with being able to mass message just anybody, is that it would create a frustrating situation where the option would eventually be eliminated due to Abuse. That is why I sugjested this option for only people wishing to contact all their adepts... BUT, and i say but; THis option could also be implicated for use of Guild leaders and their most trusted officials...

What do you all think??? ^_^



well, would an adept list be any harder than a friend list? I agree, I think this would be a nice idea, and the links are already in place. It would be nice to have a list of your adepts for mailing at all without mailboxing everyone.

Hehe, first of all, I love your disclaimer hehehe... Nice :D

lol, you can thank Braiton (I think, I get him/her mixed with others in my head often) for that; he/she was said that I didn't know anything when I said my opinion of Khalazdad like a fact.

Yeah, now that you mentioned it, such a feature could be abused easily. Being an adept of someone means you trust that person not to abuse something like mass-messaging, and if it doesn't work out, you could always "unsubscribe." But I'm getting ahead of myself. The guild-thing is a good idea too, because messages in the alliance chat aren't permanent.


So In General, Manu, and the Great GOD's of this world; Please Concider intigrating this option...

The more time that goes by without me being able to do this, causes me to loose alot more time. I need to be able to send out a certain mission message to all my adepts at the same time to save me time.

Thank you for reading :)


I actually got up to 7 adepts (was a special person) and I needed to mass PM them once, so now I understand. But then they all found out I'm not as special as they thought, and they left.


mass messaging would be nice... the only problem with it is you can't message everyone in the game. Exampe is 1 you have to find the players location to message them 2 you have to have already sent them a message 3 they have to be on your friends list, or 4 they have to be an adept. there would have to be a box to select and deselect names. cause you cannot fill in names. on the other end of it the outgoing messages tend to bug me. I as well as others tend to forget who we sent messages to. and end up sending it again or not sending it at all because once the person reads the message it is no longer in the outbox.


The fact is; You can mesage anyone no matter where you are. SO long as you knopw their name or can reply to a previous post...

As stated by a friend above, If they are your adepts, or in YOUR alliance. They trust you to send mass messages only if necessary... If they didnt, or you abused the privlage, they would simply stop being your adept, or stop being part of your alliance so that they could discontinue the messages...

The fact remains. Having the ability to mass message your adepts/guild members is something that many people would find very usefull... Including myself././.

Frankly.. I havent botherd to send any new messages or missions since i posted this forum message in hopes that this idea would be introduced right away like a few of my other ideas i sent to Maru directly...

THis is something we all can use, and can be abused, but easily avoided. If you dontwant it, you dont need it. If you need it, You want it...

It is a good idea, and thats all there is to it. :D


Seeker of Light


well i suppose another way to look at it is massmessaging is a horrible idea for multiple reasons. One is you are sending the same exact message to everyone, which unless it's a notification of a quest is stupid. like the people i know on other games or yahoo that mass message "Hey what's up?" to see who responds. It also will present the interwhores into the game you know the ones that continuously make new screennames and send as many messages as they can at once to everyone advertising something gay before they get banned. Massmessaging to adepts is retarded overall. you should talk to adepts individually if you want to talk to them.


I agree with Smart, why would u need to mass message adepts....what would be so important that u have to notify all at one time. I don't really understand the roles of an adeptor and an adeptee anyways.....its not clear.

well i suppose another way to look at it is massmessaging is a horrible idea for multiple reasons. One is you are sending the same exact message to everyone, which unless it's a notification of a quest is stupid. like the people i know on other games or yahoo that mass message "Hey what's up?" to see who responds. It also will present the interwhores into the game you know the ones that continuously make new screennames and send as many messages as they can at once to everyone advertising something gay before they get banned. Massmessaging to adepts is retarded overall. you should talk to adepts individually if you want to talk to them.

You obviously didnt read or missed what was said above...

This option should only be allowed for Guild leaders who wish to give quests or certain missions to all his people. or to update them all quickly about certain important events. and only directly to his/her guild related people.

Also usefull for players to only send to their adepts. Which would mean that if you abused it, your adepts could simply stop being your adepts and would no longer be able to be mass messaged by you...

THe reason I would want to mass message all my adepts would be to send them all on information gathering missions. also to update them on recent developments which are important. Or to send out a new inter Adept riddle to solve for free creidts i will send to the winner and all kinds of reasons like that... Its really a pain in my butt, too have to send it to each individual adept each time i have a new mission or riddle or something along those lines....



It would be nice at least if not mass-messaging in player profile there were a link to adepts (as well as their masters). With current friend list, and in screen only mailing...it's difficult to think of trying to contact all the adepts needed for mp6


I like this idea, but I don't like spam, so...

Solutions for abuse:

1 - charge 1 credit for a mass message

2 - Report abuse (by rich people, lol) in the forum

3 - Only allow 10 or less messages per month

So many things can be done to prevent abuse...


To the above, I like the same for free @ 3 messages per month...with one credit per additional message up to 10. Give the folks a freebie...it entices them to buy.

To the above, I like the same for free @ 3 messages per month...with one credit per additional message up to 10. Give the folks a freebie...it entices them to buy.

:) My, my! You are truly getting into the spirit of the thing, darlin'.

  • 1 month later...

Sorry I have been gone so long.

I figured that since I was in story mode from MP4 - MP5 i wanted to keep 24 hour per Right choice each time...

I logged in less, and this idea seems to have faded.

So, I breath life into it again with my words, and possibly Spring up new responses/Ideas.?.


[quote name='Morrel' post='13754' date='Aug 16 2008, 12:01 AM']I like this idea, but I don't like spam, so...
Solutions for abuse:
1 - charge 1 credit for a mass message
2 - Report abuse (by rich people, lol) in the forum
3 - Only allow 10 or less messages per month

So many things can be done to prevent abuse...[/quote]

1- Sounds ok, As long as you havent reset 2 times, already and cant reach the option without spending alot more which you spent on ber in the last 3 weeks already, so you simply cant buy more then 5 credits right now lOL... 78 spent thus far, If i can remember it right.

2- Report abuse Options: for Not only rich people, But players of all sorts, After buying the option for 1 dollar (from the MD shop) for Infinite uses of reporting abuse so long as reports arent abused by sender. If proven abused report; Player looses right to send REport abuse reports anymore...

3- Good idea, But should allow more too people who haven proven themselves well at sending in Proven reports.

Many things can be done.

Seeker of Light

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