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What are the creatures that fight for you?

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  • Root Admin

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want to hear the spooky explanation to the "pets" that are not actualy "pets" in magicduel? ...little kids cover your years ...

The creatures you can recruit, are not real creatures, as you can notice, there is no part in the game where you are told you hold your creatures somwhere in your pocket or something. The story will bring you throu all kinds of adventures but there are no creatures following you allover the place ...they are not even in a spellbook or similar. Most of you wont even ask themselves about this because its normal in games to have creatures that fight for you. I want to give a short explanation about those creatures so that the whole thing gets a bit out of the 'standard' scenario of game creatures.

The first time you recruit a creature, you see the character summon a creature , in the drawing the creature looks like taking shape out of the character itself ...well yes, this is what it does... the creatures are representations of the players will. Its dificult for me to explain it, as i am not so good with words , especialy in a forein language, but i will try.

You might know the difference between hand-magic and mind-magic ..like ...one is when you use some device such as a wand and one is when you use only your mind .... of course , magic is a delicate subject so consider this just a theoretical example ... The creatures are like representations of how yourself are in certain moments or situations. The more skilled you are and the more deeper you understand the world you live in, in this case the magicduel world, the more types of creatures you are able to controll. Once you learn and controll one of the creatures, you will be able to upgrade it to a more advanced level, like it happens with a skill in realworld, the more you use it the better it gets.

The creatures in magicduel are not spells, they are also not quite summoned creatures also, but there is no other representation that could be easy to understand.

Some of you might understand what i am trying to say , some not. There are "combats" everytime in your life, from a real fight to speach fight on the phone ... in all thses situations you somehow take a different 'shape' (most dont realize it). There are moments when you feel like you are an eagle and fly, or when you feel tiger that is about to atack.... most people stick to one or two 'shapes' but depending on your knowledge about this you could theoreticaly take any of this virtual shapes, you just need to "learn" them .. or a better word that goes with the game, to recruit those creatures.

The vital energy of the player is bound direclty to the creature power, remember that slider before the combat...als the user replenishes the creature life from its own, so i guess i made it obvious that the creatures ARE PART OF THE PLAYER itself.

well... i will give up explaining, as i allready have the feeling my lack of language made all this too un-understandable for most ....Adi will kill me when he will see it and probably he will want to rephrase it...anyway...i tried.

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  • Root Admin

something like this, even if skills are something tottaly different. The creatures are more like spells with their own will :P ..they are magic creatures that exist only when used and when they are not used the player just keeps the memory of those creature so that he can use it next time. I tried to do this in the programming part also, the creatures share abilities with the player based on the vitality that the player puts in the creatures before combat.

am i making sense here?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

The way I see it there are three possibilities:

1) The creatures DO physically exist - but not in our character's world, per sae. When your character binds a creature to themself, they create a 'link' between the world of MagicDuel and the creature's world. When your character is threatened, the creature manifests in MagicDuel through the body of your character.

2) The creatures are magic that has taken on a physical form. When you bind a creature, you're actually absorbing their essence into your own magical "flow", if you will. When you fight, you call the creature or creatures essence out from yourself and let it manifest itself again. Because it's been absorbed into your "flow" it is now a part of you and obeys your will in the same manner that your hand obeys your brain's command to type or click or [insert your personal example here].

3) There's a heck of a lot more going on here than what we already know, and I can't fully understand this until I learn more about how magic functions in the world of MagicDuel.

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hmm... what a conundrum...

Methinks i agreee with

1) The creatures DO physically exist - but not in our character's world, per sae. When your character binds a creature to themself, they create a 'link' between the world of MagicDuel and the creature's world. When your character is threatened, the creature manifests in MagicDuel through the body of your character.

I like very much the idea of a parallel universe through which a link is made.


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Water Being, Heretic Archer, and Elemental Egg. First start at the statue....well the place it was supposed to be. Go to the place guarded by the two guards, go to the right and just continue your way until you find floating spheres. Click on them and you'll see them.

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The way I see it there are three possibilities:

1) The creatures DO physically exist - but not in our character's world, per sae. When your character binds a creature to themself, they create a 'link' between the world of MagicDuel and the creature's world. When your character is threatened, the creature manifests in MagicDuel through the body of your character.

2) The creatures are magic that has taken on a physical form. When you bind a creature, you're actually absorbing their essence into your own magical "flow", if you will. When you fight, you call the creature or creatures essence out from yourself and let it manifest itself again. Because it's been absorbed into your "flow" it is now a part of you and obeys your will in the same manner that your hand obeys your brain's command to type or click or [insert your personal example here].

3) There's a heck of a lot more going on here than what we already know, and I can't fully understand this until I learn more about how magic functions in the world of MagicDuel.

Hmmm I understood it a little differently... more like when you bind the creature what you're actually doing is finding that part of your personality which reflects this creature and learning to manifest your will through it. The creature is actually the physical embodiment of an abstract metaphor... like a mother who "is like a tigress defending her young" (to use a cliché) actually learning to manifest her will into the form of a tigress.

Then again, maybe I'm complicating it because I kinda like the contradiction of using introverted self-discovery to directly effect the external world.... I'll shut up now before my dictionary runs out of big words or somebody actually mistakes me for somebody clever EMOAGtongue05.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

with your description i fell there must be a limit for what type of creature you can summon

for example a charachter that dont know syntropy principle cant take shape of a healer beacuse charachter dont have any idea of what it is

i am not sure if i post it in right place

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Hmm... A principle is not a source of magic, nor a type. It's a principle which allows magic to happen, and governs how it happens. Is that right?

with your description i fell there must be a limit for what type of creature you can summon

for example a charachter that dont know syntropy principle cant take shape of a healer beacuse charachter dont have any idea of what it is

i am not sure if i post it in right place

Your knowledge of the principles shouldn't dictate what kind of creatures, but perhaps govern how well you work with them? For example, if you are well familiar with the Principle of light, and darkness (governing perception) and the Transposition Principle (Distance), would that make you work more easily with Archers? Would they gain levels easier, come at a lower price, etc? Creatures with a "Weaken" attack might be used more effectively by someone familiar with the Principle of Enthropy, for example.

Does that make sense?

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Now there is an option to really complicate things... many of the principles have direct opposites, would having those negate the bonus of an opposing player?

I must admit I hadn't really put the two together, I saw principles as your world view and creatures as a manifested personality archetype but I see the logic that world view would enhance or limit your ability to manifest an archetype... in a pacifist ideaology a combat personality would be harder to truly believe in.... interesting

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  • Root Admin

well sicne all this is allready hard to implement in a game and still keep things playable, we will have to stop at using them as exchange for different abilities and temporary effects. What the magic will be exactly is dificult to define, what i know for sure is that i need a stable game first so that magic can come in and make it unstable but only temporary and for those who know how to use it.

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  • Root Admin

sort of, but more its like they are ways to express your spiritual energy. Like the energy is your voice and the creatures are the words you speak. You can train them, improve them, and make them more powerfull.

I have a probelm with the word sacrifice at the sacrifice altar, i cant find something more suitable.

Its not that you sacrifice them like 'slaughter' its more like you turn them back to you and 'asimilate' their acumulated knowledge and energy, turning them into permanent stats. This is not sacrifice but i cant find a better word for it.

The "fenth press" is good there, as it represents a material way of handling imaterial stuff. You turn your creatures into energy egs then you crush them ..thats the process of sacrificeing them.

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