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The end of an Empire


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I, Sunfire, Emperor of the East do hereby step down from any claim to executive power within the East. After the transition from Empire to the dual landstate under king - grand duke Chewett i had considered to take up office as representative of the East people in the Ma b'East council.

However after discussing with some fellow citizens and carefull consideration i have decided not to persue this avenue.

It is time for the East to have a new voice leading them and i believe we have found that in Chewett.

I look back on my reigning period of almost 4 years with great happiness and pride of what our nation has become. We were able to unite under one banner after years of internal arguments. Upon realising this we have been able to fulfill projects with ease when our minds were set to it. 

It is with great sadness that i step down but is time for a new way, both for the East and for me. The future is unclear but how exciting is that. My time and energy did no longer allow me to be the ruler the East deserves to have. For it is a great land with even greater people.

I look forward to the days to come and the surprises it will hold.

Long live the grand duke!



Former Emperor of the East

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