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hi there dudes! i started this game like 3 days ago... i used to be conected like 24 hours daily like i do in another game... im just starting to understand this game but looks like i will get some fun here... hope to meet all of u ingame... im from Puerto Rico and speak spanish but i feel comfortable speaking english so if u sometime find me around... dont wait and say hello to me :D

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Hola :-D Bien venidos a MagicDuel y, uh, okay, what was the word for "question". . .

lololol Spanish T_T" even though I dislike the class, I still enjoy it for actual applications for some perverse reason.

Anyway. . . welcome to MagicDuel. n'__'n

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@Glai & Lu: Its so funny watching you speak spanish :D I wish you did speak it all the time :D



De veras? Piensas tu que es gracioso? Puedo escribir en espanol todo el tiempo, o intentar, pero yo, pues, voy a hacer errores. Y usar el diccionario mucho. Pero yo puedo intentar. . . :-)

Oh! Y debo escribir en ingles la misma cosa?

Ehh, and I forgot how exactly to form a question in Spanish. . . what do you change. . .? was it the subject or object that you make come after. . . e'__'e

"Really? You think it's funny? I can write in Spanish all the time, or try, but I, uh, am going to make errors. And use the dictionary a lot. But I can try. . . :-)

Oh! And should I write the same thing in English?"

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metal bunny watch the new harold and kumar moive and you will understand are greatness or be very offended I don't care ether way and oh yeah hi yami no sakura when's the next story

p.s. meet my bunny (holds up a undead bunny) a cute little needle sniffer isn't it

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Wow, I love this! My greeting thread is still alive even 3 months after its creation!

I am awesome! :)

Bunny: Lucky duck, you. Though I suppose this is an improvement from trying to get into college in China. I might've committed suicide already from the stress...Oh wait...that's Japan...nvm...

Storm: I'm not sure when I'll be telling bedtime stories next. I'm being buried alive with work...>>

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Well then here we are, or rather here you are, and maybe myself if I happen to be stalking you. Or is it the other way around? I honestly do not know and it does not truly matter...okay it may matter allot because I'm alone and cold and really need someone to hold close before I have to stab them...and lie to them. If you want a real friend go get a companion cube, because it will never lie to you or stab you in your sleep.

And I believe that there is cake involved in that.

Moving along now, I'm Deon Selco, no thats not my real name, it is an alias I have adopted in my various crusades across the realms of these magnificent lands. More or less I'm saying hello to anyone who wants to comment and receive abit of wisdom or insanity. Thats right I will beat you senseless with a shovel to crazy you up abit so you can see the beautiful light. Don't go towards it though, I'm on probation and murder...well I think its as bad as getting caught with a gun? Maybe? The point is the back yard is filled with makeshift graves and my furnace just broke so theres no place for your body to go once your soul has no more use for it. Case in point, don't be a pansy and die.

So yeah. Thats the gist of it and consider this a hello. Oh and in case your wondering I'm abit of an aspiring writer if you need some sort of fact about myself. Yes I do enjoy Role playing. No I don't(HAHA A CORRECT USE OF DOUBLE NEGATIVES! SUCK IT GRAMMAR!) books out yet. Yes feel free to rub that in my face and make me cry like a little girl, hopefully were get locked in a room together and were both drown on my tears.

It will be a deliciously malicious death you brought on yourself.

Anyway, Hello hello hello!


Oh and yes, I really do talk like this in real life, scary isn't it?

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No not really scary more of just a few jumbled thoughts down on paper. If I wanted to try for something scary most likely I would have to post a you tube video with a few shots of my own face hooked up to Britney Spears in the background. On the other hand, I would actually have to download that sort of music to my computer and well...thats like opening some sort of attachment from the Prince of Nigeria.

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Hello, and hurry along to mp5...there are precious few that I can slaughter now. Lovely to see you here and hope to see you in the game as well.

I shalt run as quickly as my legs will allow into the maw of a gnashing painful and spiky death!

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Ooooh Spikey. I will do my best to become spikey before then. Perhaps that is what my battling currently lacks.

Thanks for being so obliging. At the same time though, it somewhat lessens my desire to pummel you. *sighhhh*

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Well if you wish I can use profanity and various other means like murdering everyone you've ever loved to make you more angry with me so you can savor the fact that you will eventually pummel me? I am a helper! ^^

Wait I know what will arouse your fighting spirit! Okay, here goes...I dont love you and every time I look at you I pretend your Johnny Deep.

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