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I can match that. I can. I am Glaistig. No one matches me. Your thread. . . it has knots, but not enough! To make a successful maze, you twist, you turn, you encircle, you. . . well, okay, I don't know the rest, but the point is--YOU ARE NO MATCH FOR ME! Do you think that rant made my head hurt? Do you think to best me, to make a fool of me?! Well, you'd better watch out. You'd better wait. There will be a time when my potential is fully revealed, a time when you will go, "Wtf is with this person?!" despite all your efforts to understand! Mine is of incomprehensible glory! Or mine glory is of incomprehensibility! Either way! You think not clearly in this attempt of dominance!

Just you wait! My superiority will show through eventually, when I deign it a good time. Heheasdhhehe.


I can match that. I can. I am Glaistig. No one matches me. Your thread. . . it has knots, but not enough! To make a successful maze, you twist, you turn, you encircle, you. . . well, okay, I don't know the rest, but the point is--YOU ARE NO MATCH FOR ME! Do you think that rant made my head hurt? Do you think to best me, to make a fool of me?! Well, you'd better watch out. You'd better wait. There will be a time when my potential is fully revealed, a time when you will go, "Wtf is with this person?!" despite all your efforts to understand! Mine is of incomprehensible glory! Or mine glory is of incomprehensibility! Either way! You think not clearly in this attempt of dominance!

Just you wait! My superiority will show through eventually, when I deign it a good time. Heheasdhhehe.

A maze you say?! One filled with lots of twists and turns and ups and downs and sideways and freeways and parkways and driveways?! Well let me tell you something mister, I'm onto you. Yeah. Don't think I don't know that you PARK in a driveway and DRIVE in a parkway! Your random way of confusing people will come to a very disgusting end filled with the vile ichor of the last remnants of your insanity! Yes thats right I KNOW you have moved past sanity into insanity and thus your sanity is insane and that must be smashed up like a still humming axe at the end of a thrilling solo in front of a thousand screaming fans. Don't worry its insured. Really. And yeah I know he gave YOU his soda. Isn't he dreamy? Doesn't he have the CUTEST and TIGHTEST ass ever?! Well before you drink that and savor it, realize you can clone that sexy guitarist from it and have your own rockslave! Yeah...now...where was I? Oh well I'm sure the point was made. Somewhere in that mass of words...


what the hell did he just say

Many truths my friend. Wrapped in many lies and riddles, the bow put on top of the package by Eris.

stop doing that(cuts off Deon Selco's arm)


Oh and I don't believe in hyphens! *spews blood everywhere*


*snorts* You just wait. You're an amateur. My glory is has far greater depth; it's like as of another nature, really. One day true incomprehension will dawn on you.

I do see your style. A barrage of words--crude. I shall graciously let you anticipate the disillusionment I will bring upon, as a true master of this art.

I hope you look forward to it.

*snorts* You just wait. You're an amateur. My glory is has far greater depth; it's like as of another nature, really. One day true incomprehension will dawn on you.

I do see your style. A barrage of words--crude. I shall graciously let you anticipate the disillusionment I will bring upon, as a true master of this art.

I hope you look forward to it.

I do look Forward,

To our duel that will happen,

I love Haiku Too.

And Even if this is,

Not a proper Asian art,

I shall still do it .

For I do know now,

That Haiku involve nature,

So plant many trees.


Murr.. I create poetry with original form.

A tree for me

for a fairy I be

who larks about

and merrily shouts

at stupid louts--

those who pose

and turn the nose

at the majesty

of the tree.

Mmhmm. 8D

Murr.. I create poetry with original form.

A tree for me

for a fairy I be

who larks about

and merrily shouts

at stupid louts--

those who pose

and turn the nose

at the majesty

of the tree.

Mmhmm. 8D

Man Im not good at poems at all...you have me beaten...for now at least. But one day you will rue this event and your comeuppins will come! And you will be overthrown from that mighty oak that you call a home! And there will be much rejoicing.

So...watch your umm...bottom of your mighty tree fortress from your throne...



That things flammable?

Man Im not good at poems at all...you have me beaten...for now at least. But one day you will rue this event and your comeuppins will come! And you will be overthrown from that mighty oak that you call a home! And there will be much rejoicing.

So...watch your umm...bottom of your mighty tree fortress from your throne...



That things flammable?

Humm?  You turn your nose at the majesty of the tree?  Stupid lout.  I make fun of people by you; I laugh at people like you.  Hohoho!  Ohoho!

You'd have to recruit the likes of firestarters for that sort of junk, and even if you could do that, I'm afraid we can prevent further trouble.  Easily.

We all know how the Firestarter is starting off his fire now. ~_~ Ah, 'tis lame, the pitiable state of frogs!

Don't doubt the elite Guardians of Loreroot!  We can defend from would-be-arsonists!  



Then maybe Ill have to go and get a Chevy and drive it into some kinda levy and make said levy break and then flood your entire fortress with water. Yeah...and like...err...It may cause a little bit of damage and all, and will probably help the trees grow but still! It will be an act of defiance none the less and umm...yeah.

Watch yourself. Cause stuff may happen...


The not knowing what the hell is going to happen and if its going to happen at all is the real killer.


It's killing me, man. I'm twisting in suspense and wondering at every little noise--is this the end? Have some developments finally occurred? Should I be doing something?

How effective your tactic is!


hi i'm Lady Amethyst. I was looking for something to do and I haven't played an online rpg in a LONG time. I don't have a lot of time to spare (work full time and i'm a mom) but so far I'm addicted to this game. I would appreciate any/all help from those that have played this game longer than me. Thanx.


Maybe through Necro alliances memebrs ^^

I don't see why warning people to not let them join Necro, it's their choice :P


It firgured she may want to know what may have to deal with and glaistig simple I may end up beheading her or khalazdad, may he is insane(If you hate every thing yourself most of all your insane) and I take back the traitor comment and say sorry Glaistig(I read the loreroot forum) but khalazdad is still insane I'ld watch my neck if I was you Glaistig.


I dunno-ay much about Khalazdad. But the shades recruited him, so? He must be fit as the leader of the Necro alliance. It could be that he's insane. Sometimes he sounds very stressed, and there is the fact in the first place that he said he wouldn't do this sort of thing (leading an alliance for the shades) before he made a sudden reversal--but if it doesn't matter to the shades, then why should it matter at all? As far as I can tell he doesn't act very insanely. Hate is natural thing.


others yes, yourself no and sane people bathe and wash there clothes Khalazdad is still caked with blood from weeks ago and they also don't lick they swords after kill spy that fail(the only nomal thing I've listed this is still not the action of a goodly person) while laughing you really should pay more attention to your boss, lets not forget trying to sever your own light and do I have to mention the talk me and him had about humans


I think we all can hate aspects of ourselves. It speaks of a great moral conscience for Khalazdad to acknowledge hateful aspects of himself. Being egocentric is not necessarily good.

The adventure log? Written by the Archivists. I'm not altogether sure they don't make up things in order to try make their writing more interesting. That's not to say they do, but I do doubt. I would be interested in hearing their reply to this doubt specifically concerning whether or not Khalazdad licked blood off of a sword. And if he did lick blood off of the sword.. well, maybe blood has some sort of nutrient he lacks. There's a phenomena, you know, of people who do things like lick dust off curtains because they lack a certain mineral. Or he may even have done that to make people uneasy. Or, like you said, he could be crazy. Who knows? Does it matter? The shades picked him.

If he severs his own light, it's for a purpose. Khalz has incredible devotion to his causes. What is light for anyway? Define this light. If I had to guess, I would say it's the same light which makes him hate himself.


I could say I saw him killing puppys and you'ld try and find a reason for to be just wouldn't you

he still needs to bathe and wash his clothes

p.s.I don't count people who lick dust(or any thing else that isn't food) as sane ether they should just eat better food

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