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I'm not saying they are the reasons why he would do such things~ Just that there are possible reasons. It's just my own opinion that he's sane enough and does all things with a rational purpose and that is why I suggest possible reasons. But I would question first whether or not he actually killed puppies, just like I questioned first whether or not he actually licked blood off of that sword.

As for hygiene.. well, you know, when you're as busy as Khalazdad you don't find the time to bathe so often. You grow comfortable being dirty. Where did you get this one from? His description of himself for that one portrait contest?

The people who lick dust are born lacking a mineral that others are born having. Their body tells them to lick dust just like spiders instinctively know what they should prey on based on their late diet--if they've been eating lotsa prey with lipids, they go for prey with protein, and vice versa.


you can at lest change robe and dip your self in a lake. I can why would do some things none of reasons mark him as one of the goodly folk(nothing to do with light, dark, law or chaos, just good and evil) I'll even amit I am not the most lawful of people but I am a good one (I took the test)


Khalazdad is the shades' agent and that's enough for me. Good or bad? Dunno. But then, what is something that strongly characterizes him as bad besides that he might not bathe?


collect souls and keeping them for power and after checking I belive i found his alignment itis ether Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil which explians the listening to shade(whom I don't trust anway)

but odd behiver that seems to me to indicate evil

p.s. here the link to the test http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/20001222b and one for the Alignments only http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment_(Du..._&_Dragons)

p.p.s.I took the test came out Neutral Good


Rrargh?! He collects souls? A secret hobby? ... You must tell me all about this.

Chaotic Neutral for me. Heheheh. I'm a coward, but when things won't put me in peril, I'd help others. I should be Chaotic Good. Probably.


On the topic of alignment the whole Fourth edition rules out the old alignments and gives us fun new ones...okay there not that fun. Basically it states that Good is order and evil is chaotic! Now...Where the hell is the fun in that?! Here they ALL are

* Good: Freedom and kindness.

* Lawful Good: Civilization and order.

* Evil: Tyranny and hatred.

* Chaotic Evil: Entropy and destruction.

* Unaligned: Having no alignment; not taking a stand.

Which basiclly states that the empire in star wars cannot exist. Why? Cause that's Lawful evil, which means 'That I will bring order to the entire galaxy even if I have to kill ever single sentient to do it...starting with the Bothans.'

Also it means you cant have someone who is chaotic good, which more or less means that there is no robin hood out there in the world. Or crazy people doing what they feel is the right thing...no matter how bloody things get...so long as its for what they feel is the right thing.

So whats this mean? It means were just going to keep useing 3.5 alignment rules. Besides, having over three hundred prestige classes can be allot of fun. Me you ask? Oh just a seeker of the song...Ill play my sitar and then your face will melt off from the beauty of it...


Anyway as far as keeping souls for power...well it depends, what is the power going to go to? Is your cause one of justice and righteousness? Or is it simply so you can survive in a world where its called for? Or do you one day hope to become a towering Leviathan and harvest souls for some kind of doom engine? What you do does not define alignment, what does, rather, is why your doing things if that makes sense.

*is not going to mention a single thing about the downfall of Glaistig and how his time is almost to a close because the plan is to make him go into a spiral of insanity from not knowing and become a plucky villain who will then be killed by some hero...minimal effort for the win.*


you didn't know, he said a few time that he needs to rest his souls(losing an agurement is tiring for him) and is alway talking about feeding on the living (even the vampress i talk doesn't say much about that)

p.s.Deon Selco don't be so lame let him fall in love, start a family, then kill his family leaving him alive, so he can feel pain and darkness that khalazdad and the shade can only wish they could infict on someone


Or perhaps I can sudice him and then father his children before revealing my true identity and thus shattering him! Then shortly thereafter I will divorce him, take the kids, half his stuff, and then get restraining orders so he will never see his beloved children again! MUHAHAHAHAHA!

Oh no...Ive already said far too much!


ingoring the impossables in yours, mine still is better it allow him to the greatest joy then fall into the deepest, darkest part of hell and in the event I get killed later he is still be drowning in darkness kukukukukukuhahaha (mine is evil laugh better and newer)


n____n . . .

I'll admit that the two of you are practiced in my art. Who knows, you might even learn a bit from me and become actual rivals. But I much doubt it! Well, anyway, I acknowledge your displays. We should be chummy, you know, three people of one kind. Well, I guess I might rank little above you two, but it's close enough so that it wouldn't matter, now would it? Let's be chums, hey? Chums!


what do people ask that at the oddest times and I have a dumb question cuting someones arms, legs and skin off then pulling there guts out and eating them only means that you want them to die a painful death only right? and if there trying to do things its a clue to stop right?


I know how you both can be happy!

Okay, first, we cut both of you up right? Into little gooey pieces...stop staring at me! Listen! Okay?! Okay. Then we put them in a bucket. You following me? A BUCKET. BUCKET. Okay? Okay. Then we need someone with a boat. Trust me...really! I know what I'm talking about. Okay? You get the boat? No? Well I know this guy okay? He has like...hair. Tell him I sent you. Right? Okay, got it? Corse you do, now get his boat. What? You need a way to carry it? Well I know another guy who KNOWS a guy and he has a truck. Okay that's not important but HE knows a guy who owns a boathouse. Yeah. Were use THAT boat. Not that crappy boat I was talking about before. Right? So then we get the bucket, the one with you two in? And following me? Sure? This is a REALLY big part of the plan. We then put the BUCKET on the BOAT. I know. Amazing right? Okay, then we take the boat and drive it out to international water. Yeah. The one with the parties and tequila? DON'T WORRY I'M GOING SOMEWHERE WITH THIS! Cause...Id have to be drunk...probably. Anyway, we then take the bucket, filled with you two and toss it overboard! THEN you can both be in the water and feed the fish! Yeah its called CHUMMING the water! You can both be chums together! And I already love you both so were already chums!


Now...all we need is a hacksaw...say I know a guy who owns a leafblower...that leafblower was once used by this guy...


Ehhh?! But, you know, you have to get your insides pulled out and put in a bucket too. And stormrunner has to declare his affability. 'Cause we all gotta be chums, you know, chums and chumming the water together!

On another topic, have you yet observed my tactics in making people's head hurt with a certain sort of incomprehension? :D, yeah, I know, I'm good, huh? You haven't seen the worst yet!


I'm still stuck on the odd time people chose to ask that, I'm nomally trying to or planning kill someone when the ask

p.s. affability doesn't apply to me In fact I had to look it up (you can laugh)


hey is odd that I happen run arcoss this while wranderindering around loreroot when no one been a round

.Muratus del Mur.: storm

.Muratus del Mur.: you are loreroot faction now

.Muratus del Mur.: let me know how things evolve, and be carefull in fights agianst other lands

it a diffent storm right I know there like there 3 other ones, it creeps me out


Huh, 24 days? I don't think I've seen you, though. Welcome anyway! You should participate in all the events/ competitions, join an alliance and/or create a role to become more involved. And help or discuss with others. :)

Well, since my chum stormrunner here seems to be recruiting in hello threads, I might as well.. You know, Necrovion is seeking new members for our ranks, always. What do you think of Necrovion vs. the other lands and powers? No pressure! Either way I'm interested in seeing how others view us and the shades.

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