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[quote name='Yami no Sakura' post='20287' date='Nov 19 2008, 02:35 AM']你好. =D

If you say "nǐ hǎo", it's Mandarin Chinese.
If you say "néih hóu" instead, it's Cantonese. ^^[/quote]

Is there any difference in pronunciation? (your talking to a stupid westoner)

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Hey, just wanted to say hi because i felt like it.

Im MR-6, and i have many names. Names which vary...so sometimes i get confused of who calls me...and who doesnt. Basically...call me what you want, but some names you may not call me. Some names only a few players can call me.

Those that are confused just call me MR-6:)


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Hello. It's nice to meet you.

So what are you doing all the way up here?

It's -40 outside, a bit cold for you, ya-knoooow?

Well I'm gonna go have my dinner, see you around I hope.

What am I having? Hotdish.

Well bye then, hope it gets warmer for ya, ya knoooow.

:good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good:

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[quote name='Angelgrave' post='20400' date='Nov 20 2008, 05:17 AM']i think it has... but never knew waht is mandarin and what is cantonese[/quote]

Mandarin is the official language of China and Taiwan, it is taught in all schools and almost everyone, except the most secluded villages who live in pure solitude, speaks it.
Cantonese is spoken by approx. 8 0 million people and the area from which it is indigenous is around Guangzhou and HongKong (which is actually Shangkang in Mandarin)
You will find however that Cantonese is spoken more in proportion than Mandarin due to free travel and immigration from Hongkong to the America and Europe, because it was part of Britain in the past. These days however, Wenzhounese (from the area of Shanghai and below, more like 400 km south of Shanghai (it's where my parents are from.. I do speak Wenzhounese.. can't write it though.. so sue me..) and Wenzhounese, has about 8 2 million speakers (HAH IN YO FACE :D) and Mandarin speakers are becoming a majority, as they are the next wave of money-seeking immigrants :)

Yarrr.. Money!

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Hiya all!

Hungarian greetings:

To equals:
Helló (variations: Halló, Hali, Halihó)
Szia (variations: Szió, Szasz, Szióka)
Szervusz/Szerbusz (variations: Szasz)
Üdvözöllek (Variations: Üdv)
Jó regelt/napot/estét kívánok (Variations: Jónapot, Szépnapot, Szép jóregelt! Basically a "Good day")

Among kids:
Csá (variations to this include Ciao, Csöcs, Csövi, Csuma. There are several more which don't come to mind right now)
Mizujs (more of a "What's up". Variations: Mizu, Mi ujság, Mi a helyzet, Mi a pálya)
(Szervusz/Szerbusz and Üdvözöllek might also fit into this catagory as mock formality)

Isten hozott!
Csókolom (Variations: Kezit csókolom, Kezeit csókolom. Very formal, only said to teachers and respected elders. Basically means "I kiss (you/your hands)" )
(Jó regelt/napot/estét kívánok also belongs to this catagory in a way)

*cough* That's a lot of greetings. Hehe ^^ Sorry, guess I went a bit overboard!

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[quote name='Metal Bunny' post='20688' date='Nov 22 2008, 11:02 PM']Mandarin is the official language of China and Taiwan, it is taught in all schools and almost everyone, except the most secluded villages who live in pure solitude, speaks it.
Cantonese is spoken by approx. 8 0 million people and the area from which it is indigenous is around Guangzhou and HongKong (which is actually Shangkang in Mandarin)
You will find however that Cantonese is spoken more in proportion than Mandarin due to free travel and immigration from Hongkong to the America and Europe, because it was part of Britain in the past. These days however, Wenzhounese (from the area of Shanghai and below, more like 400 km south of Shanghai (it's where my parents are from.. I do speak Wenzhounese.. can't write it though.. so sue me..) and Wenzhounese, has about 8 2 million speakers (HAH IN YO FACE :D) and Mandarin speakers are becoming a majority, as they are the next wave of money-seeking immigrants :D

Yarrr.. Money![/quote]And there you have it. Lesson in Chinese dialects in about 10 seconds to 1 minute, depending on how fast you read and how many times you have to read it. xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

[font="Arial Black"]In my country we have 11 official languages

I can say hello in about 4 of them

[*]Sawubona - IsiZulu and IsiXhosa
[*]Hallo - Afrikaans
[*]Dumela - Sotho
[*]Ndaa- Pedi
and of course Hello in plain English :drinks: [/font]

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I'm kingdakad. 8) Just saying hi to all who might read this, and also if someone can answer a question for me... Which is as follows:
Which creature is the female archer, I saw one and yeah, I want one. I wonder what's its name. =O I'll be awesome if someone could tell me. =D Thank you.

kingdakad B)

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Aww. Poor new player has to be greeted by Glai out of pity since no actual player wants to say hi. Well, you must be honored anyway, I being myself.

And that "female" archer is most definitely male, not just because he looks quite ugly as all males are but that's how he's addressed in the creature description. Unfortunately for you, I don't feel like telling you his name what with the undue honor you paid him by calling him female, so you can look at the Bestiary section of the forums to find out. I mean, there's only so many archers released in MD right now, so you'll only have to check 9 topics if you're stupid and unlucky, less if you're not. 8] 'Sides, you'd be putting Aqune's labor to good use instead of being lazy and having some older player tell you everything, now wouldn't you?

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