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[quote name='Intrigue' post='21876' date='Dec 12 2008, 09:45 PM']'ello Sandra! And congrats on the guards! *applauds*[/quote]

Thanks ^^ Now I just gotta figure out how to get to MP4 *grins*

[quote name='stormrunner' post='21877' date='Dec 12 2008, 09:46 PM']hi if I haven't bought you free ale make mortis do it :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:[/quote]

*laughs* I don't believe you have, Storm. I've been too busy raiding the kitchens and throwing stars about *grins* Who knows what may befall me under the influence of ale...I may just try it.

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Salutations <----- Officially coin it as my greeting :} I decide to do a topic on Hi seeing as how MD is down and everybody is doing it so i figured i wouldnt cirumlocute and become a conformist :} And i know i might not get any replys :} (never do) or if i do then they are "smart" ones :)

- Salutations
- Junior

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[quote name='Shoeps' post='20236' date='Nov 19 2008, 05:30 AM']@ Burns.....No Kangaroos... :yahoo:[/quote]
[quote name='Burns' post='20241' date='Nov 19 2008, 06:18 AM']i like snowboarding better than watching kangaroos hopping around anyway xD[/quote]

...Sheops, he said Austria, not Australia. Completely Different. :P
And Burns...you don't have kangaroos in Austria

I say G'day. Most Australians actually don't, but i use quite a lot of stereotypical Australian words.

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[quote name='black_ice626' post='21914' date='Dec 13 2008, 08:49 AM']...Sheops, he said Austria, not Australia. Completely Different. :P
And Burns...you don't have kangaroos in Austria

I say G'day. Most Australians actually don't, but i use quite a lot of stereotypical Australian words.[/quote]

Since Shoeps rarely uses the forum I will explain:in Austria (Vienna to be more precise) they have T-Shirts with a slogan like: No kangaroos (and a picture of a crossed kangaroos). There are people who mistaken Austria for Australia.

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PLUS, we have kangaroos =P

i even was in for the last kangaroo-hunt xD

people like the idea of having those nice little animals for pets, but sometimes, they hop over their fences, and then we have to hunt them down before they vanish... and my neighbor is one of those kangaroo-freaks LOL so i actually see soem hoppinh around, and we also wear a shirt saying No Kangaroos with the NO crossed out =D

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Hi, hello = Γειά, Γειά σου, Γειά σας

All in greek. I would put the morning, evening, night salutations but I do not think anybody would be interested :P

And Burns I love kangarros! xD all hopping and jumping! wish we had here some :/

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-Scratches his head, before frantically refreshing MD a few more times and groaning-

Oh, what brings me to say hello... Makes me sort of, kind of wanna cry. . . Sort of. No, not really, but not the point -grin-

To think, I've been on MD for over sixty days, and the forums for a bit as well. Yet, here I am, just now actually saying something about greetings and what not. I'm totally failing this whole section of it XD

So, hiya!

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[quote name='Metal Bunny' post='21610' date='Dec 9 2008, 11:06 AM']Afrikaans is awesome. My mom went to south Africa once and she started talking, freaked people out, seeing a chinese person fluently talking dutch.
I wanna go there once and freak people out too.[/quote]

Chinese person speaking dutch...yes i would get quiet freaked out too... :huh: although I do know how to say hello in Mandrin: ni-hao and Japanese: Konichiwa

@ Burns, do you call your male and female roos Bruce and Sheila, mate? *giggle giggle*

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