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Six...Solid hours....Of testing...*hand twitches*

I can't even hold up a pencil now... T_T

@Grido: If it makes you feel any better, I've been corrupted since 4 years ago. Of course, it's only gone progressively worse as the years roll by...

@Glaistig: I've seen worse actually. I hate the Runescape programmers for giving people the option of making their words flash neon every color of the rainbow while waving around. And sometimes people wonder why I don't go on that site so much anymore...

@Bunny + Lulu: Je ne comprend pas de latin...? >>

Watch, I probably had grammatical mistakes in that barely-a-sentence. I think all this hardcore studying for physics burned my brain...

The good news is: 2 exams down!

Bad news: ...8 more to go...

I think I'm gonna go cry in a corner...

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@Yami: You must either be IB testing, AP testing, or taking exams for college course n___n; You should tie a victory headband around your head to concentrate and consume a tub-ful of chocolate.

You can do it!

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Lol, je ne comprends pas de française.


I'm gonna change my font color to green after this too :P.

latin translation:

1) Now it is good for [the] seeing. (The actual one, because you stopped using pink:))

2) Now (it is) good for (what) must be seen. (Only if you put in the hiaat of + esse and + ille)

6 years of latin, wherein you learn the entire grammar of the language in the first 3 years.

And 10 exams stuffed in 1 week? Ouch, I have 8 exams stuffed 7 days, but mine are likewise 3 hours a piece.

Also should you go cry in a corner, do with while you're studying. Saves some time. I know, I study everywhere, I found out a couple of years ago that if you study in the toilet, it really works out well. :P

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@Glai: Good Lord, I think I would have to shoot myself if it was the IB tests. I haven't heard much about them since my school doesn't offer it, but if it's anything like the one they give in France, then...*twitches* :P

Anyway, it was AP exams. I took my last one today. I think I went off the deep end a several days ago, and of course, a bottle of Starbucks Frappaccino doesn't help. >>

Haha, and yeah, now you know that I'm not really 32, if you had actually believed Lulu before. xD

@Bunny: Hehe, yeah, it's green. ^^

And I still don't understand it...I'm gonna need to bug my Latin friends...

Six of the ten were in this week, the last four are actually spread out between next Monday and the middle of June.

Good luck on your exams, Bunny!

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I'm sure Lulu will be shocked and disillusioned should she happen upon these posts. (:

Ehh? What was that about France? I've never been there or seen French students taking IB exams, but it does seem as if it is harrowing. Although a certain someone I know doesn't seem to want to study much for them, fitting with that someone's study habits.

Good luck everyone with exams~ Standardized ones were pieces of cake I consumed two weeks ago... Just don't want to take those horrible finals x_x;;

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IB is International Baccalaureat (poss sp) internationally recognised in France :D

Dont know AP unless they actually mean Action Points which i highly doubt

I much prefer Tea to coffee, which being English is a natural thing :D

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Yea, I like chinese tea a lot more :D

But I think that the IB and AP exams equal normal highschool exams? Which allow you into college? The dutch highschool system is simpler (but if it's better?), you are graded and divided into several types of school, the level of these highschools, should you graduate from them, were made so, that they automaticly give you acces to the next path of choice. So no need to get straight A's, just pass and you can go into college, provided it's not a numeris fixus course and that the highschool level is set for college....

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Yea, I like chinese tea a lot more :D

But I think that the IB and AP exams equal normal highschool exams? Which allow you into college? The dutch highschool system is simpler (but if it's better?), you are graded and divided into several types of school, the level of these highschools, should you graduate from them, were made so, that they automaticly give you acces to the next path of choice. So no need to get straight A's, just pass and you can go into college, provided it's not a numeris fixus course and that the highschool level is set for college....

Nonsense, you silly Europeans. AP = Advanced Placement in America, IB = International Baccalaureate supposedly internationally, though IB is less recognized in America than AP. Being in AP or IB means you do extra, more advanced work... not fun. We, err, take ACT and SAT mostly for colleges to review and decide if we're fit to go to their college. Scoring well in IB exams means you don't have to take some college courses when you go to college and the receiving of an IB Diploma. I think doing well on AP exams also means you don't have to take some college courses, but I'm not sure.

Divided, separate types of school? o__o; Seems odd to me, heh...

Coffee is okay, but leaves a bad aftertaste. I like to take big gulps of tea without breathing in between, so when I finish and let out my breath I feel like a lot of tension leaves my shoulders (heh, but that tension was purposely made...).

Well~, it comforts Yami to fabricate a world where she's younger, but really Yami, there's no need! (: You're young(er) inside, which is all that matters, eh? Of course you wouldn't be 18 physically.

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Yea, I like chinese tea a lot more :D

But I think that the IB and AP exams equal normal highschool exams? Which allow you into college? The dutch highschool system is simpler (but if it's better?), you are graded and divided into several types of school, the level of these highschools, should you graduate from them, were made so, that they automaticly give you acces to the next path of choice. So no need to get straight A's, just pass and you can go into college, provided it's not a numeris fixus course and that the highschool level is set for college....

They're not normal highschool exams. Students in the states take both standard state and federal tests to evaluate their progress. Only students enrolled in IB or AP courses (increased workload and faster learning pace for advanced subjects) take the IB and AP exams... and if they score high enough, they get credit for those courses in college. Both, because they are supposed to be for advanced students, are labelled as challenging; at least for the average student in the US of A, it is (but that doesn't say much if you consider the level of education here).

EDIT: Lulu got to it before me >_<;

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you talk about school and exams :(, hm you shoul see the school program for the romanian studens (very big, very fast, many domanies)

i had once a program for the USA students it was ALMOST HALF as the romanien program, o ya and the program changes evry year (almost evry year gets biger, this year is an exception, gues they overduet last year) and no one gets any credits

how about that?

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Ouch thrall, our school system doesn't change, but it will change the stuff we need to learn from time to time.

Lol, silly americans...

I'll try and elaborate our school system.

Middle School plus ?Junior? School, is sorta mixed into basisschool (age 4-5 till 11-12) In the last year you take a test and that will give you a general clue to which school you go, but of course, the teacher knows best. We have VMBO(4 years), which is divided into technical and practical. So there you study how to become a carpenter or how to arrange flowers. If you take the technical side, you can go ahead to the MBO part (it's like quasi college, you take a couple of years to basically get 1 year worth of college) and become a mechanic or secretary or something like that. (60% of populace goes to VMBO)

We also have HAVO(5 years), which is considered average. You can continue to HBO (upon graduating your 4 year course, you get a bachelor, and you can choose to continue for your master) and become an accountant or stuff... you know average. (30% of populace)

Then we have VWO(6 years), divided into 2 institutes. First is Atheneum (9% of populace), which is basic VWO, and it allows you to go to WO (3 years for bachelor, almost everybody continues to master). The second is Gymnasium (1% of populace who do it in 6 years), which is like teh awsumm, besides a basic VWO course, you also get latin and greek and everything concerning that (mandatory) and you get to go to WO. The difference is we are awesome, yeah :( We're like elitists, but there is no proletariat, so it's fine :)

W000h we rox :)

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@Thrall: Yeah, I know from seeing non IB and AP students and from middle school that American schools are like an escalator system... But IB is pretty hard, like 7x or more the workload of the students that don't go to IB in the school I attend. Ehh :<.

@Bunny: That sounds cool, but not every kid knows what he/she want, right? I guess the teacher gets to decide >_<;

But being part of the elite would be very pleasant, hmm? I want to be part of the elite. . . The only way for me is to try attend a special university like MIT or Yale or something.

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You usually go to the school your brain can handle and the beauty of this system is that someone with a lower education could always go ahead and try to get a master, albeit it would take longer.

You could also just try and be special. The tuition fees in the us are ridiculously high, you could try and take an international bachelore in a foreign country, 'coughhinthint :Pcough'.

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Oh wow...Akasha's right, this is a long hello... :P

Not that I mind. xD

All this talk of education systems is confusing me. ><"

Although what Bunny just described doesn't sound too different from what my teacher said the French system is like.

@Lulu: You can easily be an elite in the US if you're within the top 10% of your graduating class. It's not even that hard since most students are slackers. All you basically have to do is be competent. Or an anti-social hermit like me who locks herself into her house for months on end with no social connections to the outside world (aside from the Internet), and studies her butt off for upcoming exams. *takes a deep breath* xP

And you're right that I'm not 18 physically. I'm only 16, turning 17 in June. But I digress. Age and physical appearances has never really been one of my main concerns in life, so believe what you want. =P

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You can easily be an elite in the US if you're within the top 10% of your graduating class. It's not even that hard since most students are slackers. All you basically have to do is be competent. Or an anti-social hermit like me who locks herself into her house for months on end with no social connections to the outside world (aside from the Internet), and studies her butt off for upcoming exams. *takes a deep breath* xP

And you're right that I'm not 18 physically. I'm only 16, turning 17 in June. But I digress. Age and physical appearances has never really been one of my main concerns in life, so believe what you want. =P

Humm.. you know, I just hear about all of those nice little 10-year-old boy geniuses attending colleges here in America and I get the impression that I've failed miserably in my life. And you know, where are those ten-year-old girls? I'm so not elite.. I have to study and I spend so much time on homework to achieve all of my grades. It depresses me when I hear all my lovely classmates chirping about how they procrastinate and spend less than an hour on homework I spend two or more hours on and easily get an A. Muhh.

I've always been greatly conscious of age and appearances. Ever since I turned 11, I feel old and unspecial, although I shouldn't because age isn't much of an indicator of anything. I always try to look as if I don't care about my appearance by wearing things like sweats and sweaters, which in itself defeats the purpose. (: Ahh well. Vanity is but one of my flaws.

Alright, I should get back to that essay which I have to start and turn in by tomorrow..

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Oh wow...Akasha's right, this is a long hello... :P

@Lulu: You can easily be an elite in the US if you're within the top 10% of your graduating class. It's not even that hard since most students are slackers. All you basically have to do is be competent. Or an anti-social hermit like me who locks herself into her house for months on end with no social connections to the outside world (aside from the Internet), and studies her butt off for upcoming exams. *takes a deep breath* xP

Heh~, the top 10% isn't that hard, I agree, esp. when you're attending a school that's like mine... But the prestigious schools like Stanford and Yale only accept the top ~2%, is what I'm thinking, lol. (':

My grades are okay, I don't know about the tests cause I haven't taken them yet, but I lack extracurricular activities.

The best Ivy League schools = almost perfect or perfect GPA + good test scores + lots of extracurricular stuff.

Don't have any one of the addends makes you more likely to be rejected~. Well, they say they'll be accepting more next year, but that's how I've heard this year was. In the end, though, being part of the elite as I define elite is just something that seems cool, but something I won't try for too hard.

Oh, and my GPA is already ruined 'cause I got a B in Tennis. Whoo!

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I'm top 1% bwahaha, top 2-3% if I don't pass my exams.

Lol, that's what I love about our system, because there is an illusion. You think you are procrastinating and being lazy, and are therefore satisfied (mmmh procrastination, it's like alcohol + icecream... oh wait you silly americans are not allowed to have lethal amounts of alcohol untill you are 21, 5 years later than us :P)

And you only do the right amount of work so you pass and go to the next year, while all the while, you're being a nerd... our government has lied to us the whole time! Noooo! Burn down the schools!!!

Yeah... My exams start tomorrow... :D (I miss my alcoholic icecream with procrastination flavor)

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I'm top 1% bwahaha, top 2-3% if I don't pass my exams.

Lol, that's what I love about our system, because there is an illusion. You think you are procrastinating and being lazy, and are therefore satisfied (mmmh procrastination, it's like alcohol + icecream... oh wait you silly americans are not allowed to have lethal amounts of alcohol untill you are 21, 5 years later than us :P)

And you only do the right amount of work so you pass and go to the next year, while all the while, you're being a nerd... our government has lied to us the whole time! Noooo! Burn down the schools!!!

Yeah... My exams start tomorrow... :( (I miss my alcoholic icecream with procrastination flavor)

I'm sorry about the tests, MB. :( The tests I had to take this year were only standardized stuff, so getting a good score wouldn't matter (except for the school), plus they didn't require studying to get good grades anyway. Basically, my testing weeks meant to me only bubbling and having no homework, which of course, is a very positive thing. I was quite sad when it all ended and all the homework was piled onto us again....

As for me, I do not enjoy procrastinating. It makes me fret and worry that I won't have time. Quite simply, though, my unfortunate lack of willpower means I must commit procrastination. Well, truly though, the only thing I procrastinate with are writing assignments and longterm projects. How can you procrastinate with math and Spanish assignments? Impossible, those are meant to be done once you receive them in class, or during lunch. I suspect you only receive the former type of work in college, though.

From my understanding, though, alcohol smells bitter, and from the few times I ate an olive that was stuck in my mum's alcoholic beverage, tastes bad. :o

Nobody makes cream soda ice floats anymore. You know, the green frothy stuff... What are the people doing these days? Silly Americans and other country-ans that don't serve cream soda ice floats in restaurants... Come to think of it, they don't even sell cream soda, so not only is it impossible for others to make it for you, you can't even make it for yourself! That's nonsense.

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Testing for me was fairly easy. It would have been nicer, though, if someone didn't keep on dragging me to study with her for little reason at all, and also if I didn't have a lot of writing assignments to turn in that week. It seems as if MB is a bit harrowed though, so it must be quite hard for him.

Alchohol smells okay. Good actually, like anything fermented to a degree. But I wouldn't envy anybody drinking it.

@Lulu, there is still cream soda. You know, like vanilla coke. Or there are others that label the flavor as cream, if you insist. I'll make it for you someday. (: And in the green-colored glass, if you would like. So don't tell me to get back to that essay T_T.

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I just wanted to say hello and thank you. This is a nice game you have here. I've been looking for a text based game that has a good storyline and challenging, yet fun combat as well. Magic Duel is it. Keep up the great work!

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Welcome to MagicDuel~. Don't forget that MagicDuel is also still developing and improving, too. I would say, "If you have any questions, ask me," but I actually don't know everything, so I'll say instead, "Don't be afraid to ask any of the more experienced players for help or answers to questions you have. There's also an FAQ, although it's a little outdated." :

Don't be afraid to ask any of the more experienced players for help or answers to questions you have. There's also an FAQ, although it's a little outdated.

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